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史的イエスの言葉の信憑性を探る本・・・五つの福音書 ウィキペディア 機械翻訳 (5)

2014年09月25日 | 好きな歌


The Jesus Seminar has come under criticism regarding its method, assumptions and conclusions from a wide array of scholars and laymen.[26][27] Scholars who have expressed concerns with the work of the Jesus Seminar include Richard Hays,[28] Ben Witherington,[29] Greg Boyd,[30] N.T. Wright,[31] William Lane Craig,[32] Luke Timothy Johnson,[33] Craig A. Evans,[34] Craig Blomberg,[26] Darrell Bock,[26] and Edwin Yamauchi.[26] The specific criticisms leveled against the Jesus Seminar are:

イエスセミナー学者や素人の広い配列から、その方法、仮定と結論についての批判を受けてきた。[26] [27]イエスセミナーの仕事と懸念を表明している学者リチャード·ヘイズ、[28]ベンウィザーリントンを含む[29]グレッグ·ボイド、[30] NTライト、[31]ウィリアムレーンクレイグ、[32]ルークティモシー·ジョンソン、[33]クレイグA.エヴァンス、[34]クレイグブロムベルグ、[26]ダレル·ボック、[26]とエドウィン山内。[26]具体的な批判は横ばいイエスセミナーに反対している:

Divorcing Jesus from his cultural context and followers 

The Seminar places much value on the criterion of dissimilarity. For the Seminar, a saying will only be held as authentic if it does not match the beliefs of Judaism or those held by the early Christians.[citation needed] Critics such as Gregory Boyd have noted that the effect of this is that the Jesus of the Seminar shows no continuity with his Jewish context nor his disciples.[35] J. Ed Komoszewski and co-authors state that the Jesus Seminar's "Criteria for In/Authenticity" create "an eccentric Jesus who learned nothing from his own culture and made no impact on his followers".[36] The same criticism has been made by Craig Evans.[34]


セミナーは非類似度の判定基準に多くの価値を置く。それはユダヤ教の信仰や初期のキリスト教徒が保有するものと一致しない場合セミナーでは、ことわざは唯一の本格として開催されます。などグレゴリー·ボイドなどの批評家が指摘している[要出典]この効果はのイエスであることセミナーには、彼のユダヤ人の文脈との連続性も彼の弟子たちを示していない。[35] J.エドKomoszewskiと共著者がイエスセミナーの "イン/真正の基準は、「自分自身の文化から何も学ばなかっし、作った"偏心イエスを作成すると述べている彼の信奉者には何の影響」。[36]同じ批判は、クレイグ·エヴァンスによって行われていない。[34]

Use of a flawed voting system 

The voting system has been criticized by, among others, N. T. Wright, who says '... I cannot understand how, if a majority ... thought a saying authentic or probably authentic, the "weighted average" turned out to be "probably inauthentic". A voting system that produces a result like this ought to be scrapped.'[7]


Ignoring evidence for eschatological teachings of Jesus 

Dale Allison of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, in his 1999 book Jesus of Nazareth: Millenarian Prophet, cited what he felt were problems with the work of (particularly) John Dominic Crossan and Marcus Borg, arguing that their conclusions were at least in part predetermined by their theological positions. He also pointed out the limitations of their presumptions and methodology. Allison argued that despite the conclusions of the seminar, Jesus was a prophetic figure focused to a large extent on apocalyptic thinking.[27] Some scholars have reasserted Albert Schweitzer's eschatological view of Jesus.[37]



Creating a Jesus based on the presuppositions of the members 

Luke Timothy Johnson[38] of the Candler School of Theology at Emory University, in his 1996 book The Real Jesus, voiced concerns with the seminar's work. He criticized the techniques of the Seminar, believing them to be far more limited for historical reconstruction than seminar members believe. Their conclusions were "already determined ahead of time," Johnson says, which "is not responsible, or even critical scholarship. It is a self-indulgent charade." William Lane Craig argues that the principal presuppositions of scientific naturalism, the primacy of the apocryphal gospels, and the necessity of a politically correct Jesus are unjustified and issue in a distorted portrait of the historical Jesus.[39]



Bias against canonical sources and for non-canonical sources

Craig Blomberg notes that if the Jesus Seminar’s findings are to be believed then “it requires the assumption that someone, about a generation removed from the events in question, radically transformed the authentic information about Jesus that was circulating at that time, superimposed a body of material four times as large, fabricated almost entirely out of whole cloth, while the church suffered sufficient collective amnesia to accept the transformation as legitimate.” Craig Evans argues that the Jesus Seminar applies a form of hypercriticism to the canonical gospels that unreasonably assumes that "Jesus' contemporaries (that is, the first generation of his movement) were either incapable of remembering or uninterested in recalling accurately what Jesus said and did, and in passing it on" while, in contrast, privileging extra-canonical texts with an uncritical acceptance that sometimes rises to the level of special pleading.[34]





Composition of the Seminar and qualifications of the members

Luke Timothy Johnson[38] argued that while some members of the seminar are reputable scholars (Borg, Crossan, Funk, others), others are relatively unknown or undistinguished in the field of biblical studies.[40] One member, Paul Verhoeven, holds no Ph.D. but a M.Sc. in mathematics and physics,[41] not biblical studies, and is best known as a film director. Johnson also critiqued the seminar for its attempts to gain the attention of the media for the 2000 ABC News program "The Search for Jesus" hosted by news anchor Peter Jennings.

Seminar critic William Lane Craig has argued that the self-selected members of the group do not represent the consensus of New Testament scholars. He writes:

Of the 74 [scholars] listed in their publication The Five Gospels, only 14 would be leading figures in the field of New Testament studies. More than half are basically unknowns, who have published only two or three articles. Eighteen of the fellows have published nothing at all in New Testament studies. Most have relatively undistinguished academic positions, for example, teaching at a community college.[42]






Others have made the same point and have further indicated that thirty-six of those scholars, almost half, have a degree from or currently teach at one of three schools, Harvard, Claremont, or Vanderbilt: all considered to favor "liberal" interpretations of the New Testament.[43]

According to Greg Boyd, a prominent evangelical pastor and theologian:

The Jesus Seminar represents an extremely small number of radical-fringe scholars who are on the far, far left wing of New Testament thinking. It does not represent mainstream scholarship.[44]

Garry Wills, a vocal proponent of liberal Catholicism, nonetheless strongly critiques the Seminar:

This is the new fundamentalism. It believes in the literal sense of the Bible—it just reduces to what it can take as literal quotation from Jesus. Though some have called the Jesus Seminarists radical, they are actually very conservative. They tame the real, radical, Jesus, cutting him down to their own size...the sayings that meet with the Seminar's approval were preserved by the Christian communities whose contribution is discounted. Jesus as a person does not exist outside of the gospels, and the only reason he exists there is because of their authors' faith in the Resurrection. Trying to find a construct, "the historical Jesus," is not like finding diamonds in a dunghill, but like finding New York City at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.[45]






これは、新しい原理主義である。それは聖書ちょうどそれがイエスからリテラル引用符を取ることができるかに帰着するの文字通りの意味で考えています。いくつかは、イエスSeminaristsラジカルと呼ばれているが、それらは実際には非常に保守的である。彼らは、自分のサイズに彼を伐採、ラジカル本当、イエスを飼いならす...セミナーの承認と会うことわざは、その貢献を割り引かれているキリスト教のコミュニティが保存されていた。イエスは人は福音の外に存在しないように、彼は存在する唯一の理由は復活での著者の信仰があります。 歴史的なイエスは、「堕落した状態でダイヤモンドを見つけることのようではなく、太平洋の底にニューヨークを見つけることのように、構築物を発見しようとしています。[45]



