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Wisdom's Daughter ウィキペディア 機械翻訳(2) google翻訳

2013年11月25日 | 好きな歌





As Holly points out, the story is told from She's perspective, and since She claims to have lived for over two thousand years, since Ancient Egypt, there is no way to compare her story with any other sources, or witnesses.

As Holly points out(ホリーが指摘するように), perspective(見地、とらえかた、展望、視野), to compare(比較する方法がない) sources(資料、出所、典拠)


She Who Must Be Obeyed says that she was Arabian, by birth; and, given the name Ayesha.

She Who Must Be Obeyed(服従しなければならないお方) she was Arabian(アラビア人だった), by birth(生まれは)


Although, in the introduction, Sir H. Rider Haggard, links the name Ayesha to Mohammed's wives, and Arabic or Arabic names, (Arabic: عائشة, Āʾisha), stating that it should be pronounced "Ash/ -ha";[2] A·ye·sha/ äˈ(y)ēSHə/, is perhaps more common.

Although, in the introduction, Sir H. Rider Haggard, links (リンクする、関連させる)the name Ayesha to Mohammed's wives, and Arabic or Arabic names, (Arabic: عائشة, Āʾisha), stating that it should be pronounced "Ash/ -ha";[2] A·ye·sha/ äˈ(y)ēSHə/, is perhaps more common.

が、導入で、サーH.ライダーハガード、モハメッドの妻への名前Ayeshaさんリンク、アラビア語やアラビア語の名前、(アラビア語:عائشة、Àʾイシャー)は、[2] A·がた·SHA/±(yは、それは"灰/-HA"と発音されるべきであることを示す)ēSHə/、おそらくもっと一般的です。

She claims that her natural beauty and wisdom was so great, it caused wars between the princes, who wanted to marry her. She says that while this was at first a great source of pride among her Father’s people, they soon began to resent her, and spread vicious rumours that she was cursed.


Ayesha leads her Father’s people into victory, and revels in the battle; but, the women envy her, and the men lust after her. So, she decides to go into hiding, with her tutor, an Egyptian priest; rather than be turned over to the approaching armies of Pharaoh.

Ayesha leads her Father’s people into victory, and revels in the battle; but, the women envy her, and the men lust after her. So, she decides to go into hiding, with her tutor, an Egyptian priest; rather than be turned over to the approaching armies of Pharaoh.


She tells about travelling through the ancient world, encountering all the major artists, who want her to model for them; as well as philosophers, and religions of the time, from Ancient Greece and fledgling Ancient Rome to Palestine and Jerusalem.

She tells about travelling through the ancient world, encountering all the major artists, who want her to model for them; as well as philosophers, and religions of the time, from Ancient Greece and fledgling Ancient Rome to Palestine and Jerusalem.


A statue of a priestess of Isis, Roman, 2nd century, BCE
A statue of a priestess of Isis, Roman, 2nd century, BCE

Finally, they return to Egypt, where once again, her beauty and wisdom become a source of contention. She swears an oath of celibacy, to serve Isis the Goddess of the Spirit of Nature, and turn away from Aphrodite the Goddess of Love.

Finally, they return to Egypt, where once again, her beauty and wisdom become a source of contention. She swears an oath of celibacy, to serve Isis the Goddess of the Spirit of Nature, and turn away from Aphrodite the Goddess of Love.


But, soon a Greek soldier of fortune, Kallikrates, formerly employed by the Pharaoh comes to her, for sanctuary. He takes an oath to serve Isis; but, the Pharaoh's daughter pursues him; and, seeing the way Ayesha looks at him, she determines to destroy her, as a rival.

But, soon a Greek soldier of fortune, Kallikrates, formerly employed by the Pharaoh comes to her, for sanctuary. He takes an oath to serve Isis; but, the Pharaoh's daughter pursues him; and, seeing the way Ayesha looks at him, she determines to destroy her, as a rival.


The Princess mocks Ayesha's prophecies as mere parlor tricks. She goads her Father into giving Ayesha away, as a sex slave, to one of his allies.

The Princess mocks Ayesha's prophecies as mere parlor tricks. She goads her Father into giving Ayesha away, as a sex slave, to one of his allies.


Repeatedly, Ayesha is in danger; but, even in the midst of fire and battle, Isis and her followers save her from ruin and rape. Ayesha's fame grows so great, that she is called "Isis Come To Earth" and “Wisdom's Daughter”.

Repeatedly, Ayesha is in danger; but, even in the midst of fire and battle, Isis and her followers save her from ruin and rape. Ayesha's fame grows so great, that she is called "Isis Come To Earth" and “Wisdom's Daughter”.

繰り返し、Ayeshaさんは危険にさらされている、しかし、たとえ火との戦いの真っ只中に、イシスと彼女の信者は破滅とレイプから彼女を救う。 Ayeshaさんの名声は、彼女が"イシスが地球に来て"と "知恵の娘"と呼ばれているので、大きな成長。

Finally, the King of Kings, of the Persian Empire, comes to see her. He laughs that anyone would be afraid of what must be an old hag, as Isis's Priestess. He spits on Isis's statues, and burns the old gods. However, again her beauty, which the King glimpses beneath her veil; betrays her; and, he determines to rape her, with the rest of the country.

Finally, the King of Kings, of the Persian Empire, comes to see her. He laughs that anyone would be afraid of what must be an old hag, as Isis's Priestess. He spits on Isis's statues, and burns the old gods. However, again her beauty, which the King glimpses beneath her veil; betrays her; and, he determines to rape her, with the rest of the country.



A temple wall painting of the Goddess Isis, circa 1360 BCE
A temple wall painting of the Goddess Isis, circa 1360 BCE
女神イシスの寺院壁画、年頃1360 BCE

Isis saves her; and, they escape, to reunite with her old Captain, Kallikrates, and the Princess.

Isis saves her; and, they escape, to reunite with her old Captain, Kallikrates, and the Princess.


Ayesha is inspired that Isis wants to rebuild her cult and usher in a new Golden Age, in the world, through herself. She is led to the hidden kingdom of Kor, in Africa, to begin.

Ayesha is inspired that Isis wants to rebuild her cult and usher in a new Golden Age, in the world, through herself. She is led to the hidden kingdom of Kor, in Africa, to begin.


Once there, Ayesha meets her former tutor, who has been guarding The Flame of Eternal Life, which will make a person young and powerful, for as long as the world endures. He passes this one last mystery onto Ayesha, warning her of its temptation to her vanity.

Once there, Ayesha meets her former tutor, who has been guarding The Flame of Eternal Life, which will make a person young and powerful, for as long as the world endures. He passes this one last mystery onto Ayesha, warning her of its temptation to her vanity.


The Princess mocks Ayesha's fading youth; and feeling ashamed, in front of Kallikrates, Ayesha determines to break her oaths, and make herself and him both immortal, to rule the world, like Gods, by stepping into The Flame. This way she feels she will be as "Isis Come To Earth", indeed. But, "Wisdom's Daughter" is Fortune's Fool, and falls by Love's Folly.

The Princess mocks Ayesha's fading youth; and feeling ashamed, in front of Kallikrates, Ayesha determines to break her oaths, and make herself and him both immortal, to rule the world, like Gods, by stepping into The Flame. This way she feels she will be as "Isis Come To Earth", indeed. But, "Wisdom's Daughter" is Fortune's Fool, and falls by Love's Folly.


Kallikrates is afraid when he sees Ayesha, in her preternatural beauty, after she has bathed in The Flame; and, dies. The others either flee in terror or are killed, overwhelmed by her beauty. Aphrodite laughs at her, and Isis.

Kallikrates is afraid when he sees Ayesha, in her preternatural beauty, after she has bathed in The Flame; and, dies. The others either flee in terror or are killed, overwhelmed by her beauty. Aphrodite laughs at her, and Isis.


Now, Ayesha cannot die, or her will be opposed. She is as terrible, beautiful, and deadly as lightning.

Now, Ayesha cannot die, or her will be opposed. She is as terrible, beautiful, and deadly as lightning.


After Kallikrates' death, the Princess flees, urging Leo's ancestors to revenge themselves on She, through the artefacts, she passes down, which Holly and Leo find, in the first book, She: A History of Adventure.

After Kallikrates' death, the Princess flees, urging Leo's ancestors to revenge themselves on She, through the artefacts, she passes down, which Holly and Leo find, in the first book, She: A History of Adventure.


Sir H. Rider Haggard's recreation of the Sherd of Amenartas, now in the collection of the Norwich Castle Museum, in which the Egyptian Princess urges Leo's ancestors to revenge themselves on She.
Sir H. Rider Haggard's recreation of the Sherd of Amenartas, now in the collection of the Norwich Castle Museum, in which the Egyptian Princess urges Leo's ancestors to revenge themselves on She.

Ayesha is doomed to wait, in Kor, for his return, through the centuries, becoming weary of the world. She has learned everything the world and Nature has to offer; but, still she must wait, for love and redemption.

Ayesha is doomed to wait, in Kor, for his return, through the centuries, becoming weary of the world. She has learned everything the world and Nature has to offer; but, still she must wait, for love and redemption.




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