
「歌声列車IN房総半島横断鉄道」の夢を見続けている男・・・ 私の残された時間の使い方など

SHE AND ALLAN 第6章 THE SEA-COW HUNT (重複入力)の機械翻訳(11-20)

2014年06月09日 | 好きな歌

11.  So it came about that I was really glad when Captain Robertson suggested that we should go down to a certain swamp formed, I gathered, by some small tributary of the Zambesi to take part in a kind of hippopotamus battue. It seemed that at this season of the year these great animals always frequented the place in numbers, also that by barring a neck of deep water through which they gained it, they, or a proportion of them, could be cut off and killed.


12.  This had been done once or twice in the past, though not of late, perhaps because Captain Robertson had lacked the energy to organise such a hunt. Now he wished to do so again, taking advantage of my presence, both because of the value of the hides of the sea-cows which were cut up to be sent to the coast and sold as sjamboks or whips, and because of the sport of the thing. Also I think he desired to show me that he was not altogether sunk in sloth and drink.


13.  I fell in with the idea readily enough, since in all my hunting life I had never seen anything of the sort, especially as I was told that the expedition would not take more than a week and I reckoned that the sick men and Hans would not be fit to travel sooner. So great preparations were made. The riverside natives, whose share of the spoil was to be the carcases of the slain sea-cows, were summoned by hundreds and sent off to their appointed stations to beat the swamps at a signal given by the firing of a great pile of reeds. Also many other things were done upon which I need not enter.


14.  Then came the time for us to depart to the appointed spot over twenty miles away, most of which distance it seemed we could trek in the waggon. Captain Robertson, who for the time had cut off his gin, was as active about the affair as though he were once more in command of a mail-steamer. Nothing escaped his attention; indeed, in the care which he gave to details he reminded me of the captain of a great ship that is leaving port, and from it I learned how able a man he must once have been.

"Does your daughter accompany us?" I asked on the night before we started.

"Oh! no," he answered, "she would only be in the way. She will be quite safe here, especially as Thomaso, who is no hunter, remains in charge of the place with some of the older natives to look after the women and children."


「あなたの娘は、私たちに同行していますか? "我々が開始する前に、私は夜に尋ねた。

「オー!いや、」と彼は答えた、「彼女は唯一の方法であろう。彼女は特にないハンターはないThomasoとして、ここでは非常に安全であるように、面倒を見て古い原住民のいくつかと場所を担当して残っている女性と子供。 "

15.  Later I saw Inez herself, who said that she would have liked to come, although she hated to see great beasts killed, but that her father was against it because he thought she might catch fever. So she supposed that she had better remain where she was.


16.  I agreed, though in my heart I was doubtful, and said that I would leave Hans, whose foot was not as yet quite well, and with whom she had made friends as she had done with Umslopogaas, to look after her. Also there would be with him the two great Zulus who were now recovering from their attack of stomach sickness, so that she would have nothing to fear. She answered with her slow smile that she feared nothing, still, she would have liked to come with us. Then we parted, as it proved for a long time.


17.  It was quite a ceremony. Umslopogaas, "in the name of the Axe" solemnly gave over Inez to the charge of his two followers, bidding them guard her with so much earnestness that I began to suspect he feared something which he did not choose to mention. My mind went back indeed to the prophecy of the witch- doctor Goroko, of which it was possible that he might be thinking, but as while he spoke he kept his fierce eyes fixed upon the fat and pompous quarter-breed, Thomaso, I concluded that here was the object of his doubts.

17。それは非常に儀式だった。 Umslopogaas、「アックスの名の下に「厳粛に彼らは、私は彼が言及することを選択しなかった何かを恐れていた疑いがあるようになったので、あまり真剣に彼女を守る入札、彼の2信者の電荷にイネスの上に与えた。私の心は、それは彼が考えている可能性があることが可能であったそのうちの、魔女の医師Gorokoの予言に実際に戻って行きましたが、彼は彼が彼の激しい目は脂肪ともったいぶった四分の一品種、Thomaso上に固定したまま話をしながら、私は結論付けたここにそれが彼の疑問の目的であった。

18.  It might have occurred to him that this Thomaso would take the opportunity of her father's absence to annoy Inez. If so I was sure that he was mistaken for various reasons, of which I need only quote one, namely, that even if such an idea had ever entered his head, Thomaso was far too great a coward to translate it into action. Still, suspecting something, I also gave Hans instructions to keep a sharp eye on Inez and generally to watch the place, and if he saw anything suspicious, to communicate with us at once.

"Yes, Baas," said Hans, "I will look after 'Sad-Eyes'"—for so with their usual quickness of observation our Zulus had named Inez—"as though she were my grandmother, though what there is to fear for her, I do not know. But, Baas, I would much rather come and look after you, as your reverend father, the Predikant, told me to do always, which is my duty, not girl- herding, Baas. Also my foot is now quite well and—I want to shoot sea- cows, and—" Here he paused.

"And what, Hans?"

"And Goroko said that there was going to be much fighting and if there should be fighting and you should come to harm because I was not there to protect you, what would your reverend father think of me then?"


「はい、バースは、「ハンスは言った、 - のための「私は「SAD-アイズ 'の後になります "私たちのズールー族は、イネス·」という名前のいた観測の彼らの通常の素早さを持つように、彼女は私の祖母であるかのように、のために恐れるそこにあるものでも彼女は、私は知りません。しかし、あなたの牧師の父、Predikantは、私の義務はなく、女の子牧畜、バースである、いつものように私に言ったように、バース、私はむしろ、来て、あなたの後になります。また、私の足を今非常によくして、私は海の牛を撮影したいと、「ここで彼が一時停止している。

「そして、何、ハンス? "

「そしてGorokoはずっと戦いがあるように起こっていたし、そこに戦ってされるべきかと、私はあなたを保護するためにそこにいなかったので、あなたの牧師の父はその後、私をどう思うだろう、害に来るべきだと言った? "

19.  All of which meant two things: that Hans never liked being separated from me if he could help it, and that he much preferred a shooting trip to stopping alone in this strange place with nothing to do except eat and sleep. So I concluded, though indeed I did not get quite to the bottom of the business. In reality Hans was putting up a most gallant struggle against temptation.


20.  As I found out afterwards, Captain Robertson had been giving him strong drink on the sly, moved thereto by sympathy with a fellow toper. Also he had shown him where, if he wanted it, he could get more, and Hans always wanted gin very badly indeed. To leave it within his reach was like leaving a handful of diamonds lying about in the room of a thief. This he knew, but was ashamed to tell me the truth, and thence came much trouble.

"You will stop here, Hans, look after the young lady and nurse your foot," I said sternly, whereon he collapsed with a sigh and asked for some tobacco.




SHE AND ALLAN 第6章 THE SEA-COW HUNT (重複入力)の機械翻訳(21-30)に進む


