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Mr. Tokunaga's activity ... "Singing voice tea drinking" in karaoke tea drinking Arthur

2014年02月26日 | 好きな歌

Mr. Tokunaga's activity ... "Singing voice tea drinking" in karaoke tea drinking Arthur in front of Tsuga Station

2014-02-26 |A favorite song

Mr. Tokunaga's [ today's ] activity

Since I received e-mail, I introduce as it is.

Today is a day of the "singing voice tea drinking" in karaoke tea drinking Arthur in front of Tsuga Station.
Mr. Yamazaki of "the meeting which enjoys the Ichihara singing voice" registered as a club member from last time.It sang happily today also.

Please look at the animation of a simultaneous song.

Music sung simultaneously .. "The racoon dogs drumming on their bellies of 証城寺" and a "land snail" were sung simultaneously.http://youtu.be/ITK9ep1-vrw

There are four photographs in this album and it can use by OneDrive to 2014/05/27.
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