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Wisdom's Daughterウェキペディア知恵の娘 機械翻訳(1) Yahoo!翻訳

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Wisdom's Daughter

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Wisdom's Daughter:
The Life and Love Story of She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed                                        知恵の娘:

1924 edition (US) publ, Grosset & Dunlap 
Author著者 H. Rider Haggard 
H. やつれたライダー
Country 地方 United Kingdom イギリス
Language 言語 English 英語
Series シリーズ Ayesha Series 
Genre ジャンル Fantasy novel 想像小説
Publisher 出版者 Doubleday Page 

Publication date

Media type メディア・タイプ Print (hardback) 印刷(ハードカバー)
Pages ページ 383 pp.
Preceded by She (novel), Ayesha, She and Allan
Followed by End of Series

Wisdom's Daughter is the final book in the Ayesha series, written by Sir H. Rider Haggard, published in 1923, by Doubleday, Page and Company.



 Overview  内容

At the end of She: A History of Adventure, the title character appeared to be killed; but, promised to return.

の終わりに彼女: AdventureのHistory、タイトル人物は、死ぬように見えました; しかし、帰ると約束しました。

In Ayesha, the second book, the two adventurers, from the first novel, Leo and Holly, are inspired to look for She, in Thibet.


They discover people who have lived in a hidden mountain, since the time of Alexander the Great. They find Ayesha, leading the cult of Hes, though they do not recognise her, at first. After which, they plan to return to The Flame of Life, in Kor, in Africa; but, first they have to wait for the paths to clear, in the spring.

アレキサンダー大王の時間から、彼らは、隠れた山に住んでいた人々を発見します。 最初は、彼女を認めないけれども、彼らは、Hesのカルトを導いて、アーイシャを見つけます。 どれの後;と、彼らは、アフリカで、コールで、生命の炎に答える予定です。 しかし、最初に、春に、彼らは、経路がクリアになるのを待たなければなりません。

Talking to Leo and Holly reminds Ayesha of the past; including the time, she met Allan Quartermain, recounted in She and Allan, the third book, in the series.

レオとホリーと話すことは、アーイシャに過去を思い出させます; 時間を含んで、彼女はアラン・クォーターメインに会いました。そして、シリーズにおいてSheとアラン(3冊目の本)で語られました。

While they are waiting, She takes the time to write out her memories and plans to rule the world, through her alchemy, and return the Ancient Egyptian cult of Isis to prominence and power.


The narrative breaks off abruptly, and returns to the conclusion of the story in Ayesha


Wisdom's Daughter知恵の娘


First Sentence

"TO THE learned man, ugly of form and face but sound at heart, Holly by name, a citizen of a northern land whom at times I think that once I knew as Noot the Holy, that philosopher who was my master in a past which seems far to him and is forgot, but to me is but as yesterday, to this Holly, I say, I, who on earth am named Ayesha, daughter of Yarab the Arab chief, but who have many other titles here and elsewhere, have told certain stories of my past days and the part I played in them."[1]

1 Sentenceめ
「学ばれるTO THEは、形と顔で醜いが、丈夫で本当は、名前はホリーを励まします、北土地の市民私が私がNootとして知っていたら、私への以外Holy(彼に遠いようで、忘れられる過去の主人であったその哲学者)が昨日のように、このホリーにとって、私(私)が言うということであると思う時で誰、いったい誰がアーイシャという名です、Yarabの娘アラブ・チーフ、しかし、誰には多くの他のタイトルがここであって、どこかほかで、私が彼らで遊んだと私の過去の時代と部分の特定の物語に話しましたか。」 [1]


Ayesha (Book Cover), from original 1905 artwork.


Frame Story

As in the other books in the series, there is a frame story, which links the fantasy elements to their publication in the real world.



In this case, after Holly's death, the Executor of his will decides to publish this manuscript, instead of destroying it, as instructed, as the fourth and final book, in the series.


Although, the manuscript has been partially burned, most of it is intact. He doesn’t think it's more than a work of imagination, except that before his death, Holly was holding the Sistrum of Isis, when he was visited by a spirit, of some kind, that the Executor thinks might have been She.

しかし、原稿は部分的に燃やされました、それの最大限は無傷です。 彼はそれが想像力の仕事以上であると思いませんが、彼の死の前に、ホリーは数種類(ExecutorはSheであったかもしれないと思います)のイシス(彼は精神によって訪ねられました)のSistrumを持っていました。

She is so beautiful Holly can only bear to look at her veiled, from the Graphic (1886)

