
「歌声列車IN房総半島横断鉄道」の夢を見続けている男・・・ 私の残された時間の使い方など

ビクトリア朝女性作家プロジェクト(VWWP) ITアーカイブ・サイト 使い方・・(機械翻訳3)

2014年06月27日 | 好きな歌

5.  PDF and XML

All monographs can be downloaded in XML format but only monographs with available page image scans can be downloaded as Adobe PDF. Please note that the PDF version file size may be quite large, but this version can be used to select a range of pages for printing. The XML format will provide the original TEI encoding created for these documents.

すべてのモノグラフはXML形式でダウンロードすることができますが、利用可能なページ画像をスキャンしただけのモノグラフは、Adobe PDFファイルとしてダウンロードすることができます。 PDFバージョンのファイルのサイズが非常に大きいかもしれないが、このバージョンは、印刷用ページの範囲を選択するために使用することができることに注意してください。 XML形式では、これらのドキュメントを作成した元のTEIエンコーディングを提供します。

Terms and phrases can be searched within the context of the Text Mode by using the "Search within this document" form. Search terms are highlighted and can be un-highlighted by clicking the "Clear Hits" link under the "Search within this document" form.


My Selections

My Selections offers a way to gather select search results for emailing. After conducting a search, any search result can be added to My Selections using the "[Add to My Selections]" link with that item. A number will appear in parentheses next to "My Selections" in the search feedback section of the search results showing the total number of items currently in My Selections. When viewing the items in My Selections, items are shown alphabetically by title. Title, author, contributor (if available), publication year, source (publication information), genre, and subject (if available) are listed for each item along with a "Remove from My Selections" link. Click that link to remove an item from your My Selections list.


Email your selections by clicking the "E-mail My Selections" link above the list of items. A new window will open requesting an email address. Enter the email address to which you would like this list of items sent, click "Submit," and you will see the following message: "Your citations have been sent." The window should then close automatically. The email you receive will contain each item from your My Selections list with the author, title, and a permanent link you can use to access the full text online.

Items added to My Selections will remain for the length of your session on the site and will be removed when you quit your browser application.



6.  More Information

If you still have questions or are interested in finding out more information about items contained within this site, you can contact the Indiana University Digital Library Program at diglib@indiana.edu.




