Earth-mass dark matter microhalos

2010年01月17日 | Weblog


タイトル:Gamma-ray Signal From Earth-mass Dark Matter

Summary:Earth-mass dark matter microhalos are the first structures
formed in the universe, if we consider neutralino as the dark matter
candidate. If these halos have survived to the present time, they would
be the primary places for the dark-matter annihilation, whose signature
might have already been observed as electron and positron excess. Early
studies suggested that a noticeable fraction of microhalos born in early
universe have survived up to present time and they might be observed as
the dominant sources of the annihilation signal. On the other hand,
others claimed that these microhalos cannot survive. Here, we report the
results of ultra-high-resolution simulation (particle mass of ∼ 10-12
solar mass) of the formation and evolution of these microhalos. We found
that microhalos have the central density cusp of the form ρ ∝ r-1.5,
much steeper than the cusp of larger dark halos. The very central
regions of these microhalos survive the encounters with stars down to
the radius of a few kpcs from the galactic center. The nearest
microhalos should be visible as point sources (radius less than 1’),
with proper motion of ∼ 0.2 degree per year. Also, we might be able to
use the millisecond pulsar timing measurements by PPTA to detect microhalos.


M_sun = 1.9889x10^33[g]
M_earth = 5.974x10^27[g]


そもそも「Earth-mass dark matter microhalos are the first structures formed in the universe, if we consider ....」と始まるあたりがすごい素敵なんですが,ここの物理ってどうなっているんですかね?昔のHawking radiation 調べろと言われた頃の記憶が蘇ってきちゃうんですが...(なんか本棚に論文が転がっている気がする.)

「 Gamma-ray Signal From IMBH 」

