
Bullshit, crap, whatever you want to call it.

Are you a UBC graduate?

2006-05-19 | Weblog
This is a message for a particular person, not a regular blog article.

When I was driving my car on the way to my office this Tuesday, I saw a Mazda roadstar (=Miata) with a UBC sticker near the tail lights, heading Yokosuka from Zushi. I am a UBC graduate and am interested in making contact with you. To me this is an incredible coincidence to see a UBC sticker here in Japan, especially on my commute route.

The Miata was white with a slashed and patched rear windshield. Although I couldn't see very clearly, driving behind it, the driver seemed like a caucasian man in 30s.

Please leave a message if you read this.


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gee (satoshi)
2006-05-22 19:37:42
This is an irrelevant and irreverent trackback, totally annoying.
