
Bullshit, crap, whatever you want to call it.

Not bad, eh?

2006-08-16 | Weblog
I reviewed an article submitted to an American scientific journal the other day. It was about physiological functions of a fish species; I cannot tell the details since the content of the article was confidential.

When I returned my comments, I recommended the editor that she check my English since I was not a native speaker of English.

She sent me an e-mail of gratitude, saying that she didn't change a thing since my English was flawless. I don't care if it was a flattery. Yeah, kicks ass!

It is my dream to be a professor at a university in a foreign country, preferably an English speaking country. Life is so short; I gotta try hard and acquire adequate English skills.



2 コメント

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Good for you! (まっくす)
2006-08-22 11:13:41
I\'ve already known that your English skills are great!

because this bolg which you type on is easy to understand

even though my poor English skills.

It\'s quite important how to understand easily for people who read.

I want to be like you!!
thanx (satoshi)
2006-08-23 15:50:24
I have learnt how to write clear and easy to understand English all through my academic degrees and my job as a scientist. I know, however, that my English is not at all good enough to teach at a University.

Thank you for your compliment though.
