偽史倭人伝 ~ Carnea Historia

march madness の次が April Foolなんて小粋ぢゃないか。


2006年01月28日 02時53分24秒 | ◎海外スポーツ&ニュース見出しdeポン
There is no question we were in good position with home field and having the bye," Manning said. "At this point, it is hard to swallow."





John Elway heard it all 21 years ago: He was a crybaby, a spoiled brat who was taking his ball and going home if he didn't get his way. So he can relate to all the nasty things Giants quarterback Eli Manning is hearing.


Elway was the pioneer. He didn't change the system. He just beat it.


The blueprint to impose his will on the draft was established by Elway in 1983 when Manning was 2 years old. Manning followed it to perfection last week. "I've heard it talked about over the years. I don't know the whole situation of what he went through or his reasoning," Manning said. "I don't know if it compares to my situation."


Elway wanted no part of the Colts -- more specifically tough-guy coach Frank Kush -- and warned them if they drafted him he would play baseball in the Yankees system, where he spent six weeks the summer after his junior year. Colts GM Ernie Accorsi didn't buy it and took him first overall. Elway didn't budge off his threat, and one week later, Colts owner Robert Irsay, behind Accorsi's back, traded Elway to the Broncos.


Manning warned the Chargers, a bad team allergic to the playoffs, he would sit out the season if they drafted him first last Saturday. They did. One hour later, they traded him to Accorsi and the Giants.



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