

Blame the consumer, new zealand style: is high rate of campy due topoor home practices?

2013-02-28 11:27:13 | 旅行
Posted: May 24th, 2012 - 2:46pm by Doug Powell New Zealand has a much higher rate of reported campylobacteriosisthan the rest of the developed world and it"s becauseconsumers are dumb, not because of high loads of campylobacterentering kitchens. Or that"s what a new paper says; I"ve parsed the abstract , below. "The two main risk factors identified internationally forcampylobacteriosis are, consumption of undercooked chicken andcross-contamination during food preparation." With you so far. "One possible reason is that New Zealanders have poorer homehygiene practices during food preparation than the citizens ofother developed countries." Why just the home? Isn"t food prepared in a myriad of placeslike, restaurants, and isn"t the basics of many food safetyrisk reduction efforts to actually reduce risk: to lower loads ofCampylobacter moving from the farm right through to the foodservice and home kitchen? "The objective of this study was to investigatecross-contamination during chicken preparation at home as apossible hypothesis to explain the high reported rate ofcampylobacteriosis." That sounds like a great observational study, coupled withmicrobiological modeling. Detoxification Patches

Except the researcher did this: "An extensive search of databases of publications concernedwith consumer food handling practices or self-reported practices,consumers' knowledge or perception about food safety and consumers'observed practices, was conducted." Scream. Relying on other studies of self-reported research isflawed and the conclusions erroneous. "Personal communication with science groups in New Zealandand the world were also carried out. It was found that in NewZealand there is a lack of data regarding consumer knowledge andstudies on handling practices. China Detoxification Patches

The few studies conducted in NewZealand were not comprehensive." So the data about New Zealand home handlers, already flawed, isworse than usual, yet the researchers write