

World ipv6 launch day explained: the next (unseen) evolution of theweb - motorcycle fog lights

2012-09-30 12:31:54 | 日記
Today is World IPv6 launch day, when several large Internetservices turn on IPv6 addressing - hopefully on a permanent basis.What is IPv6, and what does it mean for you and your gear? June 6, 2012, is World IPv6 Launch Day , when several leading Internet sites and services are permanently enabling access via the Internet's latest addressing format,Internet Protocol version 6, or IPv6. Comcast, Yahoo, MicrosoftBing, Facebook, Google and many others are all on board, along withgear makers like Cisco and D-Link. If everything works out and,likely, most everything will these services will represent theforefront of the next phase of the Internet. Eventually, everything connected to the Internet will be using new-style IPv6addresses. This doesn't mean Facebook, Google, Yahoo and other siteswill suddenly disappear today if you aren't using IPv6.

Infact, if everything goes well you shouldn't notice any changeat all. But IPv6 is not backwards compatible with the Internet's current addressingscheme, IPv4, and, eventually, you will have to use it, like it or not. What IP addresses do Right now, essentially every machine connected to the globalInternet communicates with other systems using Internet Protocolversion 4, or IPv4. These IPv4 connections happen at a much lowerlevel than, say, connecting to a website or logging in to an onlinegame: IP connections are the building blocks on which all otherInternet connectivity is based.

In a nutshell, when you connect toa website or upload your latest photo, Internet Protocol isresponsible for breaking that data up into pieces, putting anaddress label on every piece, and sending them along towards theirdestination. While the data is en route to or from you, a number ofdifferent systems gateways, proxies, routers, and more lookat the address information on each of those packets, and forwardthe data to the next hop on a chain that will (eventually) lead tothe correct destination. If it everything goes well, all those intervening systems aretransparent. Systems can behave as if there is a direct connectionbetween them, when in fact there could be a large number ofintervening routers and systems. amber fog lights

Those IP address labels are acritical part of how this communications works. Where did the old system come from? The current IPv4 system was created by Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf seen at right and widely known as the "Father of theInternet." The scheme was first presented to the technologycommunity back in 1973. Computers all operate in terms of bits andbytes those infamous ones and zeroes that movie and televisionproducers love to wash across their visuals in order to convey anotion of technical wizardry. Bits can have just two values, andprocessors and memory tend to prefer to deal with bits in chunksthat can be represented as powers of two and that are evenlydivisible by eight (or better still, multiples of eight mostmainstream computer CPUs these days are 64-bit). motorcycle fog lights

So, when Kahn andCerf proposed the first version of Internet protocol, they proposeda 32-bit field for system addresses. At the time the early 1970s 32-bit addresses weretremendously forward-thinking. They were small enough to beprocessed and stored efficiently, but offered enough "addressspace" for unimaginable possibilities. Bits can have twovalues (zero and one) so a 32-bit field can have 2 32 possible combinations theoretically, that meant the IPv4network could handle over four billion (4,294,967,296) systems!That was essentially an infinite number back in the early 70s, whenpersonal computers had a few kilobytes of RAM, time-sharing was theorder of the day, and mainframes and minicomputers had price tagsin the five and six figures and required dedicated support staffsto operate. led fog light bulbs

There weren't even four billion people on Earth! Even setting aside whole swaths of addresses for network managementand testing purposes, 32-bits still left oodles more addresses thananyone knew how to use. And back in the early days, addresses werehanded out willy-nilly: At one point, Apple Computer hadwhat's called a Class-B address space, which was equivalentto 1/256th of the entire Internet. That's more than manycountries have today. (And, yes, Apple wound up giving back themajority of those addresses.) So what is IPv6? When worldwide use of the Internet exploded in the 1990s coinciding with the birth of the Web it became obvious that,eventually, 32-bit addresses weren't going to offer enoughaddress space. Part of the issue is network management.

Every timeyou subdivide a network, only a portion of the addresses areusable; the rest are lost to gateways and routers and broadcastaddresses. Most of the pressure was from businesses, organizations,and ISPs all over the world rushing to get online and allwanting their own address space. The issue finally came to a headin February 2011, when the International Corporation for AssignedNames and Numbers doled out the final unassigned blocks of IPv4 address space . IPv4 addresses are now a limited, increasingly scarce commodity.Just a month later, Microsoft paidd $7.5 million to acquire a large unused block of IPv4 addresses that hadbelonged to bankrupt telecommunications company Nortel.

By 1996, the IPv6 addressing standard had been finalized. (Yes:IPv6 is already 16 years old!) In essence, IPv6 expands the size ofInternet addresses from 32 bits to 128 bits. That might seem like afour-fold increase in the possible size of the Internet 32 4is 128, right? but that's not the way bits work. Everytime you increase the length of a bit field, you square the number of values it can represent. One bit can represent twovalues that's 2 1.

Two bits can represent four values (2 2 ), three bits can represent eight values (2 3 ), and so on. By the time you get to 2 128 , you've reached340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456, or more than340 undecillion. There's a bunch more to IPv6 than larger addresses including support for encryption and quality-of-service metrics,better multicasting support, a new datagram format, improvedrouting support, and technology to automatically reconfigure hostsand IP addresses on a network. But the driving force behindadopting IPv6 now is the larger address space. What do IPv6 addresses look like Folks who've been using the Internet for a while are probablyfamiliar with IP numbers: a series of four numbers separated by dots that uniquely identifya device on the Internet.

One address Digital Trends currently uses is this is called dotted-quad or dotted-decimal format. Each number represents eight bits in the 32-bit field inan IPv4 address. As a result, each number will range from zero to255: if you see a dotted-quad (say, on TV) with a number largerthan 255, it's utterly invalid (and therefore fake). While the technically adept can easily remember significant bareIPv4 addresses like , IPv6 addresses have a lot more numbers, so it'll be muchmore important to be able to identify systems and devices on anIPv6 network by name. But so you know what they look like, IPv6addresses can be represented by a sequence of hexadecimal numbersseparated by colons.

(Hexadecimal is base-16, written using thenumerals zero through 9 and the letters A through F. Why base-16?Remember how computers like things that are powers of two anddivisible by eight. Using hex also allows you to represent largenumerical values in fewer characters: four digits in hex canrepreset up to 65,536 in decimal.) So, an IPv6 address might look like this: 0123:4567:89ab:cdef:0123:4567:89ab:cdef Each sequence of four hexadecimal digits is called a"hextet" that's actually short for"hexadectet." Each hextet represets 16 bits, so an IPaddress can have up to eight hextets. However, if a particularhextet starts with a zero, you can omit that leading zero. If asingle hextet (or single sequence of hextets) are all zeros, you can omit them and use a double colon.

In the figure above, the dotted quad IP address is for Digital Trends, but the IPv6 address is for See the sequence of fields that are all zeros? Following the rulesabove, that can be shortened down from this: 2a00:1288:f006:01fe:0000:0000:0000:1000 all the way down to: 2a00:1288:f006:1fe::1000 How IPv6 and IPv4 coexist World IPv6 Launch Day doesn't mean that the entire Internetis turning off IPv4 addressing today and switching entirely to IPv6addressing that would be disastrous! Although IPv6 can use the32 bits in an IPv4 address to make form an IPv6 address, at afundamental level IPv6 is not backward compatible with IPv4. No IPv4 system or device can function on an IPv6network. For the entire Internet to run IPv6, every system anddevice will have to be upgraded to IPv6. That will take many years to hazard a guess, at least a decade.

But the transition isstarting: the significant of today's World IPv6 Launch Day isthat major services hope to permanently enable IPv6 more and more will be doing the same as time goeson. So, the reality remains that the vast majority of the Internet isstill running IPv4, and will continue to do so for some time tocome. For now, networks operating with IPv6 are effectivelyisolated islands within a sea of IPv4 networks. They can use IPv6on their own networks, but if they want to communicate with IPv4networks or, in most cases, even with other IPv6 networks they're going to have to down-convert to IPv4 or tunnelthrough IPv4 networks to communicate.

Effectively, IPv6 networksare running both the IPv4 and IPv6 protocols side by side. The figure above illustrates some simple relationships between somehypothetical networks. Right now, the majority of networks run IPv4and communicate with each other using IPv4 you can seethere's only one case where networks are communicating with each other exclusivelyvia IPv6 meaning they're both running IPv6 internally and communicating with another network without relying on an IPv4network to transfer data between them. Eventually, this diagram will reverse: The IPv6 networks willbecome larger, the links between them will no longer rely on IPv4,and networks that operate exclusively on IPv4 will becomerelatively isolated islands.

Networks and systems that can only useIPv4 will not be able to reach IPv6-only networks and sites and,since the IPv4 Internet is rapidly running out of address space,that day may not be far off. What you'll need to do eventually Here's the good news: IPv6 technology is already 16 yearsold, and network operators have been able to set up IPv6 networkssince 1999. Further, the majority of modern operating systemsalready have built-in support for IPv6: this includes versions ofWindows going all the way back to Windows XP (sort of), mostversions of Mac OS X, as well as iOS and most Linux distributions. Of course, there are caveats.

For instance, IPv6 on Android devices even ones running Ice Cream Sandwich is currently limited toWi-Fi connections, and Apple's Mac OS X tends to prefer IPv4addressing even when a network advertises IPv6 is available. (Thereasons are complicated, but amount to the fact a number of thingsadvertising IPv6 capability like Windows systems sharing theirnetwork connections don't actually provide it). Now the bad news. Most ISPs don't offer IPv6 connectivity totheir customers even if they're starting to use it ontheir own networks so even if you're savvy enough to setup IPv6 on your own, the odds are good that you'll betunneling down to IPv4 as soon as you try to connect to the broaderInternet. And there's more bad news: Remember how IPv6 is not backwardcompatible with IPv4? That applies to every device in theconnectivity chain between you and any destination on the Internet.For a connection to operate completely on IPv6, not only does yourtablet, phone, or computer have to be running IPv6: every devicebetween you and your destination has to be able to handle IPv6traffic as well.

That includes things like Wi-Fi base stations,cable modems, DSL routers, and 3G/4G network providers. Convertingto IPv6 means all those devices will have to be replaced or upgraded to handle IPv6. So, what will you have to do to start using IPv6? For mostconsumers, there's no point worrying about it until theirISPs start to make IPv6 services available. For some folks,that's already a reality: Comcast says it already has onepercent of its customers running IPv6, but other ISPs haven'tbegun to transition customers to IPv6 at all. Once IPv6 service is available, the next step is making sure theoperating systems on their devices supports IPv6, then updating orreplacing things like their broadband routers and Wi-Fi basestations to support IPv6.

In all probability, users will beupgrading to routers and base stations that support both IPv4 andIPv6 that way, they can continue to use devices like gameconsoles, ereaders, cameras, set-top boxes, Internet-capable TVs,and hand-held gaming systems that rely on IPv4 even if thosewon't be able to connect to IPv6-only sites and services. Should you worry? For now, there's no need to panic. Despite the fact that theIPv4 address space has all been allocated, there are still enoughunused IPv4 addresses out there to fuel Internet growth for a while perhaps a few more years. However, IPv4 addresses are gettingscarcer, and the speed of the IPv6 transition could potentiallymake the price of IPv4 addresses rise substantially

Morrow pitches two-hit shutout, blue jays beat white sox - Auto Digital TV Tuner

2012-09-30 12:21:33 | 日記
CHICAGO -- Brandon Morrow 's previous start was a painful one. He took a line drive off hisleg and had to be helped off the field. A week later, he hopped back on the mound and showed no adverseeffects. Morrow pitched a two-hitter for his third shutout this season, mostin the majors, and the Toronto Blue Jays got home runs from Jose Bautista and Rajai Davis in a 4-0 victory over the Chicago White Sox on Wednesday night.

"It felt fine for a few days. It's just sore to the touch. Itdoesn't hurt to move. There was no hesitation," Morrow saidabout his leg.

Against Baltimore a week earlier, Morrow took a liner off the batof Wilson Betemit in the seventh inning. After X-rays showed no major injury, it wasdetermined it was just a bruised right shin. And the right-handerwasn't worried Wednesday night about another hard-hit ball comingat him through the box. "There's that chance every time you take the mound. VW Car DVD Player

That's notsomething you think of. If it happens, it happens," he said."I've been hit a few times." Morrow (7-3) allowed singles in the second and eighth to A.J. Pierzynski and retired 14 straight at one point. He gave up his only twowalks in the ninth, to Adam Dunn and Alejandro De Aza , and struck out five, including Dayan Viciedo to end it. "It was mainly all fastball, slider. Auto Digital TV Tuner

I threw a few changeupsto the left-handers, trying to keep them honest," Morrow said."When I have fastball command down to both sides of the plate,that's when I've been at my best, and that's what I hadtonight." He faced a White Sox lineup without star Paul Konerko , who sat out a second straight game after having a bone chipflushed out of a joint in his left wrist. Chicago's first basemanhas missed three games in a row overall after having the day off torest last Sunday. Konerko said he hopes to play Thursday night whenthe White Sox try to avoid a three-game sweep. "It's just one of those days when you run into a guy that putsit to you and just overmatches you," Chicago manager Robin Ventura said of Morrow's performance, one that followed a strong effortTuesday night by Ricky Romero in the Blue Jays' 9-5 win. China BMW DVD Players

After the two losses, Chicago's lead in the AL Central has beentrimmed to a half-game over Cleveland. "Guys throw like that, like the last two nights, and it'stougher. It's just the way it goes," Ventura said. "Youjust put it behind you." After Pierzynski's second single in the eighth and with the WhiteSox down 2-0, pinch-runner Brent Lillibridge was easily thrown out trying to steal second with no outs.

"It kills their rally there," Blue Jays catcher J.P. Arencibia said. "I was fortunate to get a good pitch to throw on. Rightout of the hand I knew I had a good throw on the way.

It was a bigout." Chicago starter Jose Quintana (1-1) gave up nine hits and two runs in six innings. He was makinghis first start since being ejected in the fourth inning againstthe Rays a week ago for throwing behind Ben Zobrist . Quintana has pitched well while filling in for John Danks , on the disabled list with a strained shoulder. "He's proved he can pitch up here," Ventura said. The Blue Jays snapped a scoreless tie in the fifth when Davis justbeat a throw to first as the White Sox were trying to turn a doubleplay.

He stole second and scored when Colby Rasmus -- who was 5 for 5 in the series opener-- lined an RBI single toleft before being thrown out trying to stretch it to a double. Leading off the sixth, Bautista hit a 3-2 pitch halfway up theleft-field bleachers for his 15th homer of the season to giveMorrow a two-run cushion. Davis added a two-run shot in the ninth,his fourth of the season, off Hector Santiago . NOTES: Chicago backup catcher Tyler Flowers replaced Konerko at first.

Flowers started two games there lastseason. ... Danks threw a pain-free bullpen session of 30-40pitches and said he'll probably pitch one rehab game next weekbefore coming off the DL and returning to the rotation. ..

BlueJays DH Edwin Encarnacion (right wrist) remained out of the lineup for the secondconsecutive game. He was hit in the wrist by a pitch Sunday. ... Yan Gomes was recalled from Triple-A Las Vegas and put in the lineup atfirst base. It is his second stint with Toronto this season.

He wasrobbed of a hit in the second inning on a diving stab by White Soxthird baseman Orlando Hudson .

Hercules unveils new mixing console for computers - Active PA Speaker - China Soundstage Speaker

2012-09-29 12:32:05 | 旅行
Hercules, the leader in mobile DJ controllers for PC/Mac速, isproud to unveil its new mixing console for computers, the HerculesDJControl Instinct. Available end of June 2012, the DJControlInstinct is designed for anyone with an instinct for mixing, andfor everyone dreaming of getting behind the decks to host greatparties with their own music and setting the dance floor on fire. Instinctive, compact and lightweight, DJControl Instinct has beencreated with all users in mind, and comes equipped with everythingneeded to start having fun right away audio outputs,pressure-detecting jog wheels, and intuitive mixing software. Allusers need to start hosting wild DJ parties is a computer (PC orMac速, with a USB port to connect the controller), a pair ofamplified speakers, headphones, and audio files on computer. Available at a suggested retail price of $129.99, this newcontroller is helping Hercules meet its goal of putting DJingwithin everyone s reach by offering three years after therelease of the DJ Control MP3 e2 a DJ controller which: Provides even better performance, with controls that are moreversatile and more comfortable, Is more complete, thanks to built-in audio outputs, Is even more eye-catching, featuring shiny surfaces, and attractivebacklighting that really stands out.

Its DNA = instinctive mixing Thanks to its central mixer with a brushed metal texture, whichsplits up the controller s surface in relation to the twolacquered deck areas on either side, DJControl Instinct provideshandling that is truly instinctive. The bright orange and redbacklighting used for its controls allows users to very easilyidentify where all of the different elements are, even in low-lightconditions. In addition to being simple to use, the controller isalso powerful: its two pressure-detecting jog wheels let youscratch without any latency, as well as scroll within tracks, andcontrol the Pitch Bend function. DJControl Instinct is portable, weighing in at less than 1 kg, andis just 19 x 26.5 cm in size.

What could be better than impromptuparties at the beach, get-togethers with friends and studentparties this summer? DJControl Instinct is the only controller in its category tofeature built-in audio outputs: two RCA outputs, plus one 3.5 mmstereo mini-jack output. This makes it easy for DJs to play theirmix on amplified PA system speakers, on a hi-fi system or onmultimedia speakers. An independent output in 3.5 mm stereo mini-jack format also letsusers connect their headphones, to preview tracks privately beforeplaying them in their mix. DJUCED : a true powerhouse of functionalities The controller and its bundled DJ software, DJUCED , are aperfect match for one another you ll be able to start mixing injust a few minutes.

To help those getting started with mixing,DJUCED not only instantly displays the beats in music tracks,along with the tracks lengths, but also indicates which songsmatch best for the next track to be played. DJUCED even lets users adjust the pitch, or use the auto-syncfunction, to ensure that transitions between tracks stay on timewith the tempo. Perfectly designed for creativity, DJControlInstinct lets users customize mixes with effects, loops, samplesand Hot Cue points, and even by using the Step Sequencer.DJUCED also lets users save your creations as audio files, sothat you can share your mixes with friends. For more information, visit.

About Guillemot Corporation Guillemot Corporation is a designer and manufacturer of interactiveentertainment hardware and accessories. The Group offers adiversified range of products under the Hercules and Thrustmasterbrand names. Active in this market since 1984, the GuillemotCorporation Group is currently present in 11 countries includingFrance, Germany, the UK, the United States, Canada, Belgium,Holland, Hong Kong, Romania and Italy, and distributes its productsacross more than 50 countries worldwide. The Group's mission is tooffer high-performance, ergonomic products which maximize theenjoyment of digital interactive entertainment end users.
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St. jude classic gives johnson an ideal tuneup for us open - China BOPP Header Bags

2012-09-28 12:21:45 | グルメ
While many players prefer to skip tournament golf the week before amajor championship, Zach Johnson was never going to be anywhereelse but in Memphis for the St. Jude Classic starting on Thursday. Arguably the hottest player on the PGA Tour after winning theColonial Invitational and posting two runner-up spots in his lastfour starts, Johnson is eager to be back in action with next week'sU.S. Open in San Francisco fast approaching.

I like to play, I like to be in the competitive mode going into amajor, the 36-year-old American told reporters on Tuesday. I get the question a lot 'Why are you playing Memphis?' andusually the premise behind that question is, one, it's in front ofthe U.S. Open, and two, it just seems like a lot of guys skip thisevent. I don't know why they skip it.

I think this is one of the mostunderrated tournaments on the PGA Tour. Once you experience it, Ithink it's pretty obvious. Johnson, whose only major victory came at the 2007 Masters, haslong been a fan of the challenging, par-70 layout at the TPCSouthwind. The golf course is really, really good, the eight-time PGA Tourchampion said. Empty Perfume Bottle

It's really hard. You shoot under par hereessentially any day, regardless of the conditions, you're playingpretty good golf. Johnson skipped last week's Memorial tournament after winning theprevious event, the Colonial Invitational in Fort Worth, Texas.Despite taking the week off, he believes he can maintain hisred-hot form. I feel somewhat refreshed, he said. China BOPP Header Bags

I've got a three-weekstint coming up here, but I feel good about it. Even if I wouldn'thave won The Colonial, I still would feel really good about whatI'm doing. My short game and my ball-striking are both coming along verynicely. If I can just get into a good rhythm for the week, I thinkgood things can happen. Also competing this week is Northern Irish world number two RoryMcIlroy, who has missed his last three cuts worldwide and addedthis event to his playing schedule in a bid to sharpen his game forhis title defense at the June 14-17 U.S. China Ring File Folder

Open. American Harrison Frazar defends the St. Jude Classic crown he wonlast year in a sudden-death playoff with Sweden's Robert Karlsson.

Tiny laser show lights up quantum computing - China Dmx Laser Light - Mini Laser Stage Light

2012-09-27 12:27:12 | 旅行
A new laser-beam steering system thataims and focuses bursts of light onto single atoms for use inquantum computers has been demonstrated by collaboratingresearchers from Duke University and the University ofWisconsin-Madison. Described in the journal Applied Physics Letters , published by the American Institute of Physics, the new system issomewhat like the laser-light-show projectors used at rock concertsand planetariums. But it's much smaller, faster, atom-scaleaccurate and aimed at the future of computing, not entertainment. A still captured from a movie that shows laser beams being directedto a 5 x 5 array.

The current paper uses only a 1 x 5 array, butwith real atoms and quantum measurements of the internal rotations.(Image: American Institute of Physics) In theory, quantum computers will be able to solve very complex andimportant problems if their basic elements, called qubits, remainin a special "quantum entangled" state for a long enough time forthe calculations to be carried out before information is lost tonatural fluctuations. One of several promising approaches toquantum computing uses arrays of individual atoms suspended byelectromagnetic forces. Pulses of Dmx Laser Light manipulate theinternal states of the atoms that represent the qubits, to carryout the calculation. However the lasers must also be focused andaimed so accurately that light meant for one atom doesn't affectits neighbors.

The new system did just that. Tiny micromirrors, each only twicethe diameter of a human hair, pointed to each target atom in aslittle as 5 microseconds, which is about 1000 times faster thansophisticated beam-steering mirrors developed for opticalcommunications switching, not to mention the still slower unitsused in light shows. The researchers saw that the laser pulses alsocorrectly manipulated the quantum properties of each target atom