

Asiainfo-linkage to establish european headquarters in unitedkingdom - China EMC Led Display

2013-02-20 11:37:27 | グルメ
AsiaInfo-Linkage, a provider of telecommunications softwaresolutions and related services in China, has announced plans toestablish its European headquarters in Cambridge, United Kingdom,as part of an ongoing initiative to expand its operations acrossinternational markets. AsiaInfo-Linkage has a leading position in China with a greaterthan 50% share of the telecommunications billing, CRM, and businessintelligence markets. In 2009, the company began expanding its corebusiness in Southeast Asia, and it is now targeting a broadergeographical expansion in the Europe, Middle East and Africamarket. AsiaInfo-Linkage's new regional headquarters in Cambridge will beled by two former executives of Geneva Technology, theCambridge-based billing software company acquired by Convergys 2001. Stephen Newton, formerly chief operating officer of GenevaTechnology and president for the EMEA market at Convergys, will setup AsiaInfo-Linkage's advisory board and act as its chairman.Meanwhile, Andy Tiller, formerly vice president in charge ofproduct marketing at Geneva Technology and Convergys, has joinedAsiaInfo-Linkage as vice president in charge of corporate productmarketing. Indoor Led Display Screen

He will lead an international team to promoteAsiaInfo-Linkage's global solutions. Steve Zhang, president and chief executive officer forAsiaInfo-Linkage, said that the opening of the new Europeanheadquarters is another major step in their international expansionefforts. Their focus over the past few quarters has been to ramp uptheir product standardization and integration initiatives as theyposition themselves to grow globally. They believe they canleverage their technical knowledge and experience in servingChina's three telecom carriers, as well as their experience servingcarriers in Southeast Asia, to provide the EMEA market withworld-class products and services. Zhang also said that they are confident that the accomplishedleadership of their new European headquarters has the capacity togrow their business and enhance their industry position in theregion. China EMC Led Display

The company plans to hire locally-based sales, professionalservices, and customer support staff for the EMEA region through2012. AsiaInfo-Linkage, Inc. is a leading provider of high-qualitysoftware solutions and IT services to the telecommunicationsindustry. Headquartered in Beijing, the company has officesthroughout China and a joint venture in Singapore to supportcustomers across Asia. China Stadium Led Display

The company employs more than 10,000professionals worldwide, of which approximately 8,500 are highlyskilled engineers and research and development professionals.AsiaInfo-Linkage's systems serve more than 890 million customersdaily.

Anti-nato protesters march through chicago to summit - China Laser Liposuction Equipment

2013-02-20 11:26:57 | 日記
Thousands of protesters marched through downtown Chicago on Sundayin one of the city's largest demonstrations in years, airinggrievances about war, climate change and a wide range of otherissues as world leaders assembled for a NATO summit. The protest drew together a broad assortment of participants,including peace activists joining with war veterans and people morefocused on economic inequality. The diversity of opinions alsosowed doubts about whether there were too many messages to beeffective. Some of the most enduring images of the event were likely to befrom the end when a small group of demonstrators clashed with aline of police who tried to keep them from the lakeside conventioncentre where U.S.

President Barack Obama was hosting the gathering. The protesters tried to move east toward the centre, with somehurling sticks and bottles at police. Officers responded byswinging their batons. The two sides were locked in a standoff fornearly two hours, with police blocking the protesters' path and thecrowd refusing to leave.

Some protesters had blood streaming downtheir faces. Authorities were seen making arrests one by one and leadingindividual demonstrators away in handcuffs. Chicago police said Sunday evening that the NATO summit resulted in45 people being arrested. Those numbers seemed certain to rise asnew skirmishes erupted later in the night. Laser Liposuction Equipment

'So many people here' Hundreds of protesters gathered late Sunday night near the ArtInstitute of Chicago as first lady Michelle Obama hosted a dinnerfor spouses of NATO leaders inside. At least 100 Chicago policeofficers in riot gear were also at the scene. 'NATO is used to keep the poor poor and the rich rich' Demonstrator John Schraufnagel Earlier at the protest near the convention center, Esther Westlake,a recent graduate of Northeastern Illinois University, marvelled atthe size of the crowd. She said she had been involved in marchesprotesting the Iraq War in Chicago but never one this big. China Laser Liposuction Equipment

"It's crazy. There's so many people here," she said. "Having NATOin town is kind of exciting." But she wondered whether the political agendas of the protesterswere too unfocused to get diplomats' attention. "It seems like there's so many messages and people aren't reallysure what they want to get accomplished," Westlake said. Microdermabrasion Machines Manufacturer

"Peoplejust need to figure out what their argument is going to be." Protesters march down Michigan Avenue in Chicago during thisweekend's NATO summit. (Seth Perlman/Associated Press) Some participants called for the dissolution of NATO, the63-year-old military alliance that is holding its 25th formalmeeting in Chicago. It is the first time the summit has been heldin a U.S. city other than Washington.

Diplomats at the meeting planned to discuss the war in Afghanistan,European missile defence and other international security matters. "Basically, NATO is used to keep the poor poor and the rich rich,"said John Schraufnagel, who travelled from Minneapolis to Chicagofor the march. Since the end of the Cold War, he said, the alliancehas become "the enforcement arm of the ruling one per cent, of thecapitalist one per cent." The march, while massive, was still smaller than the last majorprotest moment in Chicago, when nearly half a million people filledthe city's downtown in 2006 to protest making it a felony to be anillegal immigrant.