

Israeli pm: iran playing "chess game" in nuclear talks - Industrial Ultrasonic Humidifier

2013-02-17 11:33:09 | 日記
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahusaid Friday that Iran is good at playing "chess game" innegotiations about its nuclear program, local media reported,quoting an official statement. "Obviously, nothing would be better than to see this issue resolveddiplomatically. But I have seen no evidence that Iran is seriousabout stopping its nuclear weapons program," Netanyahu said duringa visit to the Czech Republic. "They may try to go from meeting to meeting with empty promises.They may agree to something in principle but not implement it. Theymight even agree to implement something that does not materiallyderail their nuclear weapons program," he added, according to anofficial statement. Industrial Ultrasonic Humidifier

The P5+1 group -- the United States, Britain, France, China andRussia plus Germany, is set to meet Iranian officials on May 23 inBaghdad, Iraq, for a new round of talks over the Islamic Republic's disputed nuclear program. The Israeli leader then reiterated three demands concerning thenuclear issue, "Freeze all enrichment inside Iran, remove allenriched material outside of Iran, and dismantle (uraniumenrichment facility located in) Qom." "When this goal is achieved, I will be the first to applaud. Untilthen, count me among the skeptics," he said. Israel, along with many other Western countries, has accused Iranof secretly seeking the capability of making nuclear bombs, whileTehran insists its nuclear program is only for peaceful purposes,such as power generation and medical research. Industrial Ultrasonic Humidifier

Related: Israeli opposition chief comes out against DM over Iran attackwarnings JERUSALEM, May 17 (Xinhua) -- The recently-inaugurated head ofIsrael's Knesset (parliament) opposition is worried over DefenseMinister Ehud Barak's talk of attacking Iran, The Jerusalem Postreported on Thursday. In a recent interview, Labor party leader Shelly Yacimovich cameout against considering a military strike on Iran's nuclearfacilities -- widely believed by the West to be harboring aclandestine weaponization program -- until all other diplomaticavenues, including increasingly tight oil and banking sanctions,were exhausted. Full story Iran warns West not to make "miscalculations" in nuclear talks TEHRAN, May 17 (Xinhua) -- Iran's chief nuclear negotiator SaeedJalili said Thursday that the West should not make anymiscalculations in the upcoming nuclear talks in Baghdad. Iran will attend the next round of nuclear talks with dignity andwill defend its nuclear rights, Jalili said when addressing aconference in Tehran dubbed "Economy of Resistance." Full story Special Report: Iran Nuclear Crisis. Centrifugal Humidifier