

App roundup: mobile car apps to get your motor running - China Car Diagnostic Cable

2013-08-31 12:45:08 | グルメ
RepairPal : RepairPal provides estimates for common repair jobs and helps youfind the best shops in your town to do the work. For example, whenthe Check Engine light lit up in my 2000 Honda Odyssey, RepairPaladvised me that the light indicates a fault in the emissions systemand that it would likely cost between $97 and $123 to diagnose. Theapp recently added a feature called Top Shop that lists localrepair shops that are highly rated by consumers and that promise tomatch RepairPal s price quote; some also offer warranties fortheir work. RepairPal also offers roadside assistance forbreakdowns, maintenance advice and checklists, and repair historylogs for multiple vehicles. (Free, for iOS and Android) Car Minder Plus : Doctors and car mechanics agree a little preventativemaintenance can go a long way.

This app stores a maintenance andrepair log listing details like oil changes, tire rotations, andtune-ups to help you keep track of what needs to be done when. Youcan also monitor your fuel efficiency for fluctuations, which couldhelp identify potential problems early. All data is backed up toyour computer, and you can email customized reports as needed. ($3,for iOS ) Carbonga : Carbonga is one of an assortment of mobile apps that takeautomotive diagnostics to the next level.

Install the app, connectyour phone to your car s on-board diagnostic port using a specialOBD-to-iPhone cable (sold separately, $99), and get a report onyour car s safety systems. The app interprets your car sdiagnostic codes and gives you the scoop on the status of its airbags, antilock brakes, transmission, and more. It ll also tell youwhy your Check Engine light is on. You might not be able to fixthe problems yourself, but at least you ll get a frame ofreference for how much the repairs will set you back.

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Koramangala's product manufacturers positive about future - Solar Led Street Light

2013-08-29 12:34:53 | 旅行
"If people are aware about the benefits of solar products, theindustry will see 100 per cent growth with dealers making hugeprofits, people saving on electricity bills, lesser load on theelectricity board and the country will go greener," enumerated GJagdish, franchiser of Koramangala-based Gilma Gallery . He has been in this industry for the past 9 years. Go Green Industry Opting for sane methods of energy consumption, using cleaner energyand reducing carbon footprint has given birth to an industry. Harsha Kuntur, Eco & Renewables Evangelist at Eco Soch, a startupspecialising in Solar PV (Photo Voltaic) systems, solar water pumpsand solar street lights, said that a lot of people are buying LEDas it saves a lot of electricity but they are not looking towardssolar products, which save much more than LEDs. "Only solar water heaters are quite popular at present, but thereare many other things that we can use in our daily lifestyle likeSolar Home Lighting System, Solar Emergency Lighting system, SolarRefrigerators, Solar Pumps, which needs a lot of publicity amongstthe urban population," he said.

Karnataka Initiative The Karnataka government has made solar water heater system installations mandatory for all new households that are built onan area of 600 square feet or more. So if a new household does notget one installed then that household is denied electricityconnection. This forces some of these households to go fortemporary connections that charge double the standard tariff. Industry players, however, want the Karnataka government to getmore serious in this regard.

Kuntur suggests that the governmentshould learn from the western nations and start supporting'net-metering' where house owners are paid for every unit of solar power generated from their rooftop. He added that this will force peopleto go solar due to economic incentives. "In the recent Global Investors Meet (GIM), there were some announcements that Karnataka will set upsolar cities like Mysore, where net-metering will be allowed. Ifit's implemented impartially at the policy level, then that willset the trend to go solar," informed Kuntur.

Solar Money Gilma Gallery's G Jagdish said that his company is seeing a 5 to 6per cent year-on-year increase in sales of solar water heaters. Healso feels that if people start understanding the fact that buyingsolar products is an investment and not an expense then thebusiness can gain better traction. "A solar water heater costs between Rs20-25, 000 where a geysercosts Rs4,000-8,000. But people don't see the future benefits, theyare not aware that solar products are investments not expenses.

Ifyou buy a solar water heater then you will save for life. On anaverage, one can save at least Rs400 monthly on their electricitybill," reasoned Jagdish.
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Carmd health system makes a rewarding gift for north - Car Diagnostic Cable Manufacturer

2013-08-28 12:54:56 | グルメ
As thegift giving season approaches, shoppers face the perennialchallenge of finding meaningful gifts for their loved ones. TheCarMD Vehicle Health System(TM) is an ideal gift to help carowners save money on maintenance and repairs year round. The CarMDhandheld device is ideal for uncovering hidden car problems,inspecting used cars and diagnosing check engine light issueswithout needing to pop the hood or get dirty. New this holidayseason, CarMD features tri-lingual (English, French, Spanish)packaging for Canadian and U.S.

Spanish speaking customers. CarMD is available for purchase athttps:///Shop/Products throughout the 2012 holidayseason. With the average age of vehicles on the road reaching an all-timehigh, CarMD features the complete solution for drivers to monitortheir new or aging car's health, including an easy-to-use handhelddevice, Mac/PC software, USB cable, batteries and handy caddy. Italso includes lifetime software and firmware updates and freeaccess to CarMD's award winning database to generate personalizedVehicle Health Reports, which will help reduce car repair bills.These reports also reveal if your vehicle has any safety issues orrecalls. The CarMD device enables gift recipients across North America toquickly determine if their car has any problems that may jeopardizesafety on the road, reduce gas mileage, or lead to expensiverepairs.

CarMD taps the same technology used by professionalmechanics, but no automotive experience is needed to use CarMD. Thepower behind the CarMD system comes from seamless online access tothe largest repair database of its kind. Updated daily by thecompany's network of thousands of ASE-certified technicians, thisvital information ensures that CarMD customers always get thelatest information for their particular vehicle and repairsituation. "Both a fun, easy-to-use gadget and practical gift, the CarMDsystem empowers hundreds of thousands of vehicle owners to savemoney on car repairs each year," says Art Jacobsen, vice president,CarMD. "When repairs are needed, our robust database lets consumersknow what's wrong and what it will take to fix it - down to partsand labor in their postal code - so our customers never overpay forrepairs.

There are not many gifts that pay for themselves withinthe first year like CarMD." The mission of Irvine, Calif.-based Corporation is toempower consumers and the vehicle market by providing the tools andinformation needed to make better-educated decisions about theirvehicles' health and maintenance. An ISO 9001:2008-certifiedcompany, CarMD's premiere product is the CarMD Vehicle HealthSystem(TM). The company has built the largest, most up-to-datedatabase of diagnostic trouble codes; expert fixes and repaircosts, which it uses to compile the annual CarMD Vehicle HealthIndex(TM). CarMD also offers a variety of accessories and resourcesfor anyone who owns a 1996 or newer car, truck, SUV, van or hybrid. For information about the company, its products and consumer tips,visit.
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French open 2012: roland garros in a mess over men's final delay - Piston Pump Parts

2013-08-28 12:44:48 | 日記
As warm sunshine bathed Paris on Monday morning, the idiocy of thepostponed men's final of the French Open the night before was brought into focus. The sight of tournament director M Gilbert Ysern floundering aftera final that should have started earlier and could have beenhistoric had ended (but was not completed) in dark, wet confusionwas not unlike watching a duck drown. He flapped, glugged and sankunder the inadequacy of his own argument. At least he did not have to return to explain that Monday'sinterrupted match between Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic , due to resume at 1pm, has to go into a second extra day.

Nadalsaw to that by winning the fourth set and a seventh Roland Garrossingles title. M Ysern, an urbane, middle-aged man in a nice suit, denied TVdictated the 3pm starting time (which would make tennis unique in modern sport), then said, "You cannot change overnightand tell all broadcasters in the world, 'Sorry, but you have tochange everything because we are going to change tomorrow'sschedule.' It doesn't work like that. Out of respect to all thebroadcasters we cannot ... change it at the last minute." That, of course, would be putting fans ahead of the God Television.Yet to imagine TV companies cannot rearrange schedules ispreposterous. It happens all the time.

This was a timetable to suitAmerican TV, which showed the match on Sunday morning to anaudience not that bothered about the French Open, or tennis forthat matter. Since the fading of the Williams sisters, theAmericans rarely have a player at the business end of a tournamentyet, because of their financial clout, Court Philipple Chatrier onSunday was the scene of another tennis farce. A match that could have started at 1pm, when the conditions werefine, finished at 6.51pm after an enforced half-hour break. Then,as the players struggled in the final hour under steady drizzle ona surface that was growing slowly more treacherous, the matchreferee, Stefan Fransson, belatedly intervened. Tandem Hydraulic Pump

Nadal was furious, as he'd given up his advantage of an hourearlier, when conditions were no different, he said. Djokovic,roaring back into the match, was similarly frustrated, if for adifferent reason. A showpiece event thus was devalued as officialsdithered, then twisted and turned to justify their inaction. Vladimir Bojovic, who travelled from Belgrade to support Djokovic,did not see it like M Ysern. Piston Pump Parts

"This is very bad organisation," he told Reuters. "They should havestarted the match earlier because they knew the forecast. This isjust dreadful for tourists as we came for this day and now we have[to] pay even more money to change our flight tickets and spend anextra night in the hotel. This tournament needs to get with the21st century, as Wimbledon has a roof and this place still doesnot." Hearing Wimbledon mentioned in the same sentence as "the 21stcentury" reminds us that even the heart of the establishment can bemoved to change. But not Paris. Tandem Piston Pump Manufacturer

Not New York. At Flushing Meadows,the US Open will produce a home-grown champion before they put on aroof, or change the idiotic schedule. The Americans are also prisoners of TV's insistence on loading theschedule at the end for a dramatic final weekend, regardless of theprotests of the players, the public or, heaven forfend, the rest ofthe media. The issue came into the open again last year when Nadal,Djokovic, Andy Murray and Andy Roddick already riled by theirheavy year-round workload complained as they dragged their tiredbodies towards the finish line.

M Ysern says there is a roof "on the way" for Roland Garros. Hurray! "We will have to keep our fingers crossed for the next five yearsand hope we are going to avoid the rain on the final days." Oh... Even more disturbing was M Ysern's refusal to acknowledge thegrowing trend of long matches, especially finals, in majortournaments, and to make the necessary contingency plans. Theparticipants here, Nadal and Djokovic, spent nearly six hours overthe Australian Open title in Melbourne five months ago, the longestfinal in the history of the game.

They had a similar marathon a fewmonths earlier at the US Open. Fitness, slow surfaces, heavy balls, bigger sweet spots on rackets,strategy, attitude, training culture: all of these have beenfactors in extending rallies and the length of matches since tennistried to spike the quick-rally power game of the 90s. Thesedevelopments, discussed almost daily in the era of baselineslugfeasts, somehow have passed M Ysern by. If he looked abroad, hemight have noticed the last four US Opens have gone into Mondaybecause of rain. Neither is he a student of tennis history, it seems.

As long ago as1973, the French Open's final went into Tuesday because of rain. Ithas been a factor in the outdoor sport forever. It took thedrenched 2001 final between Pat Rafter and Goran Ivanisevic toconvince Wimbledon they needed a roof. Melbourne also has a roof.Paris, as ever, remains aloof, roofless and a laughing stock.