

Tibco adds hadoop support to spotfire in-memory analytics - China LED Panel Lights

2014-01-26 11:18:12 | 日記
Tibco has brought its Spotfire in-memory analytics software intothe burgeoning ecosystem around Hadoop, an open-source frameworkfor processing large sets of information, the company announcedlast week. Spotfire 4.5 will become generally available this month andfeatures a data service connector to Hadoop, which is known for itsability to handle unstructured data such as weblogs, sensorinformation, and text. The connector will allow users to combineand analyze information from Hadoop clusters along with structureddata from business applications such as an SAP or Oracle ERP(enterprise resource planning) system. [ Explore the current trends and solutions in BI with InfoWorld's interactive Business Intelligence iGuide . | Keep up with the latest approaches to managing informationoverload and staying compliant in InfoWorld's Enterprise Data Explosion newsletter. COB LED Downlight

] The release also features new, SQL-based integrations withHewlett-Packard's Vertica analytic database as well as SAP's SybaseIQ database. Both of those products employ columnar storage, anarchitecture that provides improved performance for datawarehousing and BI (business intelligence) applications. In addition, Tibco is touting its close partnership with enterprisesearch vendor Attivio. Thanks to a tie-in with Attivio's ActiveIntelligence Engine platform, Spotfire can now present "datavisualization, enhanced analytics of unstructured content andintuitive search and discovery, all in the same dashboard," Tibcosaid. Other aspects of the 4.5 update concern predictive analytics. China LED Panel Lights

Therelease includes a library of "pre-packaged predictive methods" aswell as access to analytic models from SAS Institute and Mathworks'Matlab. Spotfire 4.5 also features an iPad deployment kit and improvementsfor systems monitoring and management. Overall, the announcement drew a measured reaction from ForresterResearch vice president and principal analyst Boris Evelson. "Spotfire by itself could already do data exploration and discovery-- looking at data without prebuilt models," he said via email."Now with Hadoop connectors they can do it on much bigger data setsand with Attivio they can also mash it up with unstructured data." The software also had some predictive analysis capabilitiesstemming from Tibco's 2008 acquisition of Insightful, Evelsonadded. However, the integrations with SAS Institute and Matlab areimportant "because it'll let clients leverage their existinginvestments and experience with these languages and not have torewrite the routines in order to integrate with Spotfire," he said. Commercial LED Flood Light

However, other aspects of the release, such as the managementtooling and iPad support, are less than earth-shattering, Evelsonsaid. Mobility has become a "basic requirement of any BI platform" andenterprise-grade features for management and scalability are simplynot optional as products such as Spotfire become more mature andtheir vendors seek to win larger deals, according to Evelson. Chris Kanaracus covers enterprise software and general technologybreaking news for The IDG News Service . Chris's email address is .

Guidelines for management of lupus nephritis issued by the americancollege of rheumatology

2014-01-12 11:17:27 | 旅行
The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) has issued newly createdguidelines for the screening, treatment, and management of lupus nephritis - a severe manifestation of systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE) where the disease attacks the kidneys. Previously, onlygeneral guidelines for SLE existed for clinicians. The guidelines,available in Arthritis Care & Research , are specific to lupus nephritis and include methods foridentifying renal disease, newer therapies, and treatment ofpregnant SLE patients with kidney involvement. The ACR estimates that up to 322,000 adult Americans are diagnosedwith SLE, a chronic autoimmune disease that causes inflammation, fatigue , joint pain, and organ damage. Ce5 E Cigarette

Lupus nephritis is one of the mostserious complications of SLE where inflammation of the kidney couldlead to renal failure. Medical evidence suggests that 35% of adultsin the U.S. have evidence of nephritis at the time of SLEdiagnosis, and up to 60% develop kidney involvement during thefirst 10 years with the disease. Furthermore, previous studies report that patient survival isreduced to 88% at 10 years when lupus nephritis is present, andthat survival rate is even lower for African Americans. "Lupusnephritis can be life-threatening, and proper management of thedisease is vital to prevent permanent organ damage and preservequality of life for patients," explains one of the lead guidelinecontributors, Dr. China E Cigs Juice

Bevra Hahn, Professor of Medicine at theUniversity of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). "Given the seriousthreat of kidney involvement in SLE and the availability of newertherapies, it was necessary to create specific guidelines formanaging the care of patients with lupus nephritis." To establish the 2012 lupus nephritis guidelines, investigatorsreviewed medical literature from 1966 through 2010 for all evidencepertaining to "lupus kidney disease." Three panels of researcherswere involved with reviewing the data and producing therecommendations that include: Advising renal biopsy (in previously untreated patients with activenephritis) Adjunctive treatment (background therapy with hydroxychloroquine,ACE inhibitors, control of blood pressure to goal of 130/80 orlower for almost all SLE patients with nephritis) Induction of improvement in patients with ISN Class III/IV lupus glomerulonephritis with Class IV or IV/V plus cellular crescents with Class V "pure membranous" lupus nephritis Maintaining improvement in patients responsive to induction therapy(with azathioprine or mycophenolate mofetil) Changing therapies in patients not adequately responsive toinduction therapy Identifying vascular disease in SLE patients with renalabnormalities Treating nephritis in pregnant patients Despite the availability of new therapeutics, studies have shown anincrease in the incidence of end-stage renal disease from lupusover the past twenty years, with specific increases in youngpatients, African Americans, and in the southern U.S. "We lookforward to seeing a reduction in these trends with implementationof these guidelines as part of high-quality, comprehensive care forSLE patients," said Dr. Hahn. The authors acknowledge that the guidelines are limited by theabsence of agreed terms for remission, flare and response, andlimited data to inform recommendations for steroid dosing andtapering of immunosuppressive therapies. China Dry Herb Vaporizers

Dr. Hahn concludes,"Ongoing evaluation and expansion of the guidelines is necessary tofurther improve outcomes for patients with SLE and nephritis." Additional References Citations.

News analysis: sarkozy's second term in doubt, depends on far right - LED Candle Light Bulbs

2014-01-01 11:16:59 | 日記
After Socialist candidate FrancoisHollande won the presidential election's first round, incumbentPresident Nicolas Sarkozy, still "confident" to win the race to theElysee Palace, wooed the far right by reiterating pledges ofimmigration cut and border security. On Sunday's first round, Hollande lead the 10-candidates list with28.63 percent of votes, outpacing Sarkozy whose score stood at27.18 percent, the first president to be forced into second placein the first round of a re-election bid. The unexpected high vote for the far right leader Marine Le Penmade the first round's surprise. About 17.9 percent of an estimated44.3 million French casted their ballots for an anti-immigrationpolicy and abandonment of the euro currency. Recessed LED Downlight

In response to record surge of the far right, battling Sarkozy saidhe heard "the suffering vote" of the far rightists. "The people have expressed a crisis vote which bears witness totheir worries, their suffering and their anxiety in face of thisnew world that is forming," the incumbent president said on Sundayafter results were released. "In this world which changes so fast, people's concern aboutpreserving their way of life is the central issue of thiselection," he added. Analysts said Sarkozy would need to convince at least threequarters of Le Pen's supporters and two thirds of those of thecentrist candidate Francois Bayrou to guarantee a victory on May 6. LED Candle Light Bulbs

"The real surprise is Marine Le Pen's score ... The big uncertaintyis the transfer of Marine Le Pen votes in the second round. For themoment, what we're seeing is a relatively limited transfer in favorof Nicolas Sarkozy," Carine Marce, political analyst at Ins-Sofrestold TF1 TV. "If the transfers remain at the levels we've seen until now in thepolls, it's practically mission impossible for Sarkozy," she added. Opinion polls on Sunday showed that between 48 and 60 percent of LePen voters planned to back Sarkozy while Bayrou's supporters splitalmost evenly between the two finalists, with one third undecided. LED Wall Wash Light

"The game is getting very difficult for Nicolas Sarkozy. There's agenuine demand for social justice, precisely because times are hardand voters see sacrifices will have to be made," Jerome Saint-Marieof CSA pollster said on i TELE channel news. A skilled campaigner and experienced orator, Sarkozy challengedHollande to hold three public debates with him before the secondround of the vote. "I propose that three debates be organized. The French have theright to truth and clarity," Sarkozy told supporters.

Having being blamed for dragging Europe's second largest powerhouseto recession and record high joblessness rate, Sarkozy, 57, calledon French people to join him to build "strong France," pledging toreturn to full employment, promote economic growth, reform Schengentreaty and trim immigration flows. The presidential frontrunners Sarkozy and Hollande are set toresume their duel on April 27 with a series of campaign rallies. Aface-to-face television debate is scheduled for May 2.