

More live tv coming to public access; burlington telecom to add newchannel - IPL Beauty Equipment

2013-12-31 11:16:57 | 旅行
Channel 17 has signed a new contract with Comcast Cable, and isstepping up its live coverage. Lauren-Glenn Davitian, executive director of the public accesschannel which serves Chittenden County, made the announcement in areport to the Burlington City Council Monday night. People want on-demand government, they expect it, Davitian toldcouncil members. Davitian pointed to the live broadcast of the Democratic mayoralcaucuses last fall, as well as live coverage of the mayoral debatescheduled for 5 p.m. Thursday at City Hall, as examples of theon-demand access her media company is offering for ChittendenCounty citizens.

Candidates Wanda Hines, Miro Weinberger and Kurt Wright will talkabout their plans and take questions from a panel that includesWCAX reporter Kristin Carlson, VPR s Kirk Carapezza, and AndyBromage from Seven Days. Questions will also come from a live blogand audience members at Contois Auditorium. The debate is co-hostedby Channel 17 and Seven Days, with support from Leunig s Bistro &Cafe. CCTV launched three of the first public access cable channels inVermont in 1984, and Channel 17 officially became Town Meetingtelevision in 1990.

CCTV serves Burlington, South Burlington,Essex, Essex Junction, Williston, Winooski, Colchester and St.George. The other two Chittenden County cable access stations areChannel 15, which offers a platform for shows created by arearesidents, and Channel 16, which televises educational programming. Davitian also announced a new addition to the local cable scene.Burlington Telecom, which works closely with Channel 17, expects toadd Free Speech TV (Channel 122) to its basic cable lineup on March1. FSTV airs "Democracy Now" three times daily and hascoverage of cutting-edge current affairs like the Occupy movementand independently produced and investigative documentaries. Cellulite Cavitation

A dailytalk show hosted by Thom Hartmann features Brunch with Bernie, a Friday noon discussion and call-in segment with the U.S. senator.The program currently reaches 37 million U.S. homes via DISHnetwork, DIRECTV and Roku. To insure carriage on the basic tier received by all BTsubscribers, FSTV and its local supporters have agreed to raise$10,000 to cover start-up costs by the end of this month. A Friendsof Free Speech TV group has been organized to help, so farattracting a $5,000 challenge fund and around $2,000 in individualcontributions. IPL Beauty Equipment

Supporters include Davitian, former Seven Dayscolumnist Shay Totten, RETN's Scott Campitelli, and former BTTechnical Advisory Council member Jan Schultz. The channel s mission is to inspire viewers to become civicallyengaged to build a more just, equitable and sustainable society, according to Greg Epler-Wood, a former member of the CommunityAdvisory Council who is also part of the Friends group. Epler-Woodfrequently updates the council about telecom issues during fiber-side chats, accompanied by the image of a crackling woodfire on his computer. Following Davitian s presentation, several councilors offeredcompliments about CCTV's work. But a few also raisedquestions. China Co2 Fractional Laser

For example, Ward 7 Republican Paul Decelles wonderedhow local residents can help to offset some of the costs ofcovering public meetings, while Ward 3 Progressive EmmaMulvaney-Stanak wanted to know more about the availability andquality of volunteer training. Davitian replied that anyone could write a check right now. Butshe acknowledged that, with support from local governments, Channel17 has not found it necessary to develop an official fundraisingcampaign. As for volunteer training and the varying quality oflocal coverage, she said, Sometimes we train them over andover. Vince Dober, the other Ward 7 councilor and also a Republican,asked about rules concerning profanity.

The incidents in questionare most likely to have occurred on Channel 15, Davitian said, andshe offered her perspective on the expletive question. Access is about a forum, she said. On the other hand, We haveto teach that with free speech comes responsibility. But if theydon t get it, we don t cut them off. Ward 1 Democrat Ed Adrian suggested that the political leanings oraffiliations of some staff could potentially undermine theappearance of balance that is a hallmark of public access.

Thisquestion of parity and equity is our main objective, Davitianreplied. When you walk in, your opinion is as valid as anyoneelse s. Mayoral candidate Kurt Wright had no doubts about that. You domake us all feel welcome, he said. I have a great experienceevery time.

His campaign manager David Hartnett, a Ward 4 Democrat whorepresents the City of Burlington on the Channel 17 board oftrustees, agreed. He called the organization a great partner tohave.".

Thyssenkrupp nirosta receives permit to operate marbach landfill - China VW Water Pumps

2013-12-30 11:16:47 | グルメ
ThyssenKrupp Nirosta has received permission from Hagenenvironmental agency to continue to operate and increase thecapacity of the Marbach landfill in Bochum Hamme. The approvalnotice allows ThyssenKrupp Nirosta to dump slag from itsneighboring Bochum stainless steel mill. Dr Ulrich Albrecht Fr端h COO of ThyssenKrupp Nirosta said that"ThyssenKrupp Nirosta will use its technical and environmentalplanning possibilities to ensure the project is implemented inmaximum harmony with the area." Slag occurs as a byproduct of stainless steel production. Most ofit is used in an environmentally friendly manner in theconstruction industry, e.g. Toyota Water Pumps

for noise barriers. Around a fifth ofit is taken to landfill. The ThyssenKrupp Nirosta mill in Bochumneeded to find a new dumping site after the previously usedlandfill in Bochum Wattenscheid reached its capacity limit. Duringthe now completed planning approval procedure ThyssenKrupp Nirostaapplied for permission to continue operation of the Marbachlandfill, which had been used as a dumping site in the past. The Marbach landfill in Bochum Hamme is the best possible site inthe view of ThyssenKrupp Nirosta. China VW Water Pumps

The roughly five hectare derelictsite is not suitable for residential or commercial development. Thecontinued use of the landfill will mean that additional dumpingsites elsewhere will not be needed. In addition, the use oflandfills further away would have involved greater environmentalimpact from truck traffic. The planning approval is tied toextensive measures to protect local residents and the naturalenvironment. China Clutch Release Bearing

They are aimed at minimizing and monitoring air, noiseand water pollution and restoring the Marbach stream and thegeneral site. Dr Albrecht Fr端h said that "We attach great importance tominimizing the impact of landfill operation on the localpopulation." To achieve this aim ThyssenKrupp Nirosta has made extensivecommitments to the environmental agency and the city of Bochum.They relate for example to the lowering of the overall height ofthe landfill to 30 meters and to the average number of trips. Aspart of the planning approval procedure the followingdeterminations were made which will be taken into account byThyssenKrupp Nirosta during implementation: Access road not drained via the public drain system Sealing material must meet requirements of the Federal MaterialsTesting Agency Allocation criteria for wastes and fulfillment thereof Requirements for protection and monitoring of groundwater and forcollecting and draining seepage Monitoring of settlement Dust and noise measurements to verify forecasts Detailed reporting Extensive nature conservation measures, including to preserve theblue winged grasshopper and the natterjack toad Dr Albrecht Fr端h said that "We take the fears and worries ofthe residents concerning the reopening of the landfill veryseriously. We are interested in any activity that contributes torealizing the project in agreement with the citizens of thedistrict." ThyssenKrupp Nirosta also supports the establishment of an advisorycommittee that would meet regularly to discuss the concerns ofresidents and involve them in the project.

A similar arrangementexists in the neighborhood dialogue that has worked well for manyyears in Krefeld. ThyssenKrupp Nirosta wants the advisory committeeto promote understanding for the need for this project. Dr Albrecht Fr端h said that "The viability of an industrialregion like this depends on the ability to realize such a projecttaking into account all environmental aspects." Source - ThyssenKrupp Nirosta.

Poor prognosis in breast cancer linked to pi3k/mtor pathwayproteins - China Single Color Led Display

2013-12-29 11:16:46 | 旅行
Four proteins involved in translation, the final step of generalprotein production, are associated with poor prognosis inhormone-receptor-positive breast cancer when they are dysregulated, researchers reported at the AACRAnnual Meeting 2012. All of the aberrantly activated translational proteins areregulated by the PI3K/mTOR molecular signaling pathway, which hasbeen implicated in development and progression of several cancers . More recently, mTOR activation has been tied to resistance tostandard endocrine therapy in estrogen-receptor positive breastcancer, said Funda Meric-Bernstam, M.D., professor in MD Anderson'sDepartment of Surgical Oncology, who presented the research atAACR. "These data underline the importance of the PI3K/mTOR pathway inhormone receptor-positive breast cancer and suggest potential newprognostic factors and therapeutic targets," said Meric-Bernstam,who also is medical director of MD Anderson's Sheikh Khalifa BinZayed Al Nahyan Institute for Personalized Cancer Therapy. Two drugs that inhibit mTOR, everolimus and temsirolimus, areapproved for treatment of certain cancers and there are dozens ofother agents in clinical trials, she said. Flexible Led Display Screen

Cancer cells rely on increased protein synthesis Genes express messenger RNA, which is in turn processed through acell's ribosomes to produce a specific protein, a step calledtranslation. "Cancer cells need a lot of protein synthesis to grow and survive,"Meric-Bernstam said. She and colleagues systematically analyzedseveral major translation-regulating proteins in tumors from 190patients with stage 1 to stage 3 hormone receptor-positive breastcancer. Median follow-up was 96 months. China Single Color Led Display

They found four aberrations that were predictors of overallsurvival. They remained significant even after multivariableanalysis accounting for other factors such as age and node-positivestatus that also affect survival. They are: Increased phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6 (pS6) and oftranslation initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1 (p4E-BP1). Increased expression of eukaryotic elongation factor 2 kinase(eEF2K). Decreased expression of programmed cell death protein 4 (pdcd4). Outdoor Led Billboard Manufacturer

Their findings, if validated by additional studies, could lead tomarkers that help select patients who may have a high risk ofrelapse if treated with traditional endocrine therapy alone andidentify those who might benefit from an additional targetedtherapy, Meric-Bernstam noted. Results from a major phase III clinical trial presented at the 2011CTRC-AACR San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium showed that the mTORinhibitor everolimus increased progression-free survival whencombined with the hormonal therapy exemestane to treat resistanthormone receptor-positive breast cancer. "As we understand how to select patients better we'll be able tomore efficiently use these targeted therapies to improve outcomesfor breast cancer patients," Meric-Bernstam said. Additional References Citations.

Psychoactive medication use among children in foster care - Carbonated Drink Filling Machine

2013-12-28 11:16:47 | グルメ
A few months after the federal Government Accountability Office(GAO) issued a report on the use of psychoactive drugs by childrenin foster care in five states, a national study from PolicyLab atThe Children's Hospital of Philadelphia describes prescriptionpatterns over time in 48 states. The updated findings show thepercentage of children in foster care taking antipsychotics - aclass of psychoactive drugs associated with serious side effectsfor children - continued to climb in the last decade. At the sametime, a slight decline was seen in the use of other psychoactivemedications, including the percentage of children receiving 3 ormore classes of these medications at once (polypharmacy). As public scrutiny has increased about the use of psychoactivemedication by children over the past decade, children in fostercare continue to be prescribed these drugs at exceptionally highrates compared with the general population of U.S. children.According to the PolicyLab study, 1 in 10 school-aged children(aged 6-11) and 1 in 6 adolescents (aged 12-18) in foster care weretaking antipsychotics by 2007. Carbonated Drink Filling Machine

The research team looked at the 686,000 foster-care childrenenrolled in Medicaid annually in 48 states from 2002-2007, and saw that both overallpsychoactive use and polypharmacy - the practice of prescribingmultiple classes of psychoactive drugs at once - increased from2002 to 2004, and then began to decline from 2005 to 2007.Prescriptions for antipsychotics, on the other hand, increased eachyear from 2002 to 2007. "While it is encouraging to see fewer kids being prescribedmultiple classes of drugs, and - to some degree - a slowing rate ofgrowth in the use of antipsychotics by 2007, these medications arestill being prescribed much too frequently to children in thefoster care system," said David Rubin,MD, MSCE, one of the study'sauthors and Director of PolicyLab. Previous studies have established that children in foster careexperience trauma and behavioral problems at higher rates thanother children, and therefore use mental health services - including psychoactive medications - more frequently.Recent research demonstrating serious side effects of thesemedications in children has focused attention on their use andprompted policy evaluation at both the federal and state level,particularly among high-risk populations like children in fostercare. "We're not saying these medications should never be used forchildren, but the high rate at which they're used by children infoster care indicates that other interventions and supports, suchas trauma-based counseling, may not be in place for them. In otherwords, health care providers may not have other, non-medication,tools to offer families dealing with mental health concerns," saidRubin. Carbonated Drink Filling Machine

"Responding to high and growing levels of antipsychotic usewill not simply require efforts to restrict their use, but callsfor larger investments in mental health programs that help thesechildren cope with trauma psychologically." Prescription rates for both antipsychotic use and polypharmacyvaried widely from state to state. Over the six-year period,antipsychotic use increased in all but three states. Conversely, 18states showed an increase in polypharmacy, while 19 states showeddecline and 11 no change. In 2007, states reported prescriptions ofantipsychotics ranging from 2.8 percent to 21.7 percent of thefoster care population, and from 0.5 percent to 13.6 percent forchildren receiving multiple classes of psychoactive drugs. Theauthors note, however, that it's not possible to use this study tocompare states against one another. China Juice Filling Machine

"In illustrating both the national and state-specific trends in theuse of psychoactive medications over time, we hope to provide aresource to officials at both the federal and state levels to helpidentify progress and prioritize intervention areas," notedMeredith Matone, MHS, a research scientist at PolicyLab whoco-authored the study currently published online in the journalChildren and Youth Services Review. Bryan Samuels, Commissioner of the Administration on Children,Youth and Families (ACYF), said "the study's findings contribute toongoing Federal efforts to improve the oversight and monitoring ofpsychoactive medications by providing a new snapshot in time on howthese drugs were used in almost every state in the nation." ACYF,part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, worksacross federal agencies and with the States to use the latest dataand research to design and deliver the best health care servicesfor vulnerable children. In August, ACYF will bring child welfare, mental health, andMedicaid leaders from all 50 States, DC, and Puerto Rico togetherto address the appropriate use of psychoactive medications in statefoster care programs. Additional References Citations.

China concludes investigation stage of rio tinto bribery case - Body Slimming Machine

2013-12-26 11:16:40 | グルメ
News, page 7, Issue 452, Jan 11, 2010 Original article: [ Chinese ] Chinese police have concluded their investigations into fouremployees of Anglo-Australian mining giant Rio Tinto who arecurrently being held on suspicion of illegally obtaining businesssecrets and taking bribes. According to an announcement made by the Shanghai Municipal PublicSecurity Bureau and reported by the Xinhua News Agency, the casehas now been handed over to the Shanghai People's Procuratorate forevaluation and the prosecutor has a maximum of 45 days in which todecide if there is sufficient evidence to warrant taking the caseto trial. The four employees are Australian citizen Stern Hu (Hu Shitai), whobefore being detained by Shanghai's security bureau worked as anexecutive at Rio Tinto's Shanghai Office, and three local employeesLiu Caikui, Ge Minqiang and Wang Yong. The statement was made yesterday, just as the case entered acritical period, exactly five months after the employees wereofficially arrested and a deadline of sorts for investigators. According to Chinese law, the investigation phase of a case shouldbe wrapped up within two months of an official arrest, but inspecial circumstances the investigation period can be extended anadditional three months.

Furthermore, if the case involves a crimefor which a possible sentence of over ten-years imprisonment is atstake, the investigation can be extended an additional two months,so that the suspected party maybe held for a total of seven monthsbefore being charged. In effect, if the investigation of the Rio Tinto case was notwrapped up yesterday, it would have indicated that at least one ofthe suspects was being held on a charge that involved a possiblesentence of over ten years. A source close to local prosecutor revealed that the arrest of theabove-mentioned four employees was approved by the First Branch ofShanghai People's Procuratorate and the investigation was carriedout by Economic Crime Investigation Department of Shanghai'sMunicipal Public Security Bureau. Defense Team The EO learned that at present, defense lawyers for the four RioTinto employees have yet to see the case files, but they havecontacted their clients several times.

Duan Qihua ( Q.H. Charles Duan ), founder of Duan & Duan Law Firm, will represent Stern Hu,the EO learned. Duan is good at dealing with foreign-related legal cases. Inaddition, Duan is a member of the Shanghai Arbitration Commissionand became the first Foreign Law Consultant for the State ofWashington Bar Association when he took up the position in 1991. Tao Wuping (right), director of Shenda Partners law firm , will represent Liu Caikui. Diamond Microdermabrasion Machine

Tao is also a member of the ShanghaiArbitration Commission and a standing member of Shanghai BarAssociation. Zhai Jian , director of Shanghai Zhaijian Law Firm, will defend for GeMinqiang. Zhai is chosen as one of China's top ten criminal defenselawyers and now acts as director of the Criminal Law ResearchCommittee under Shanghai Bar Association. Zhai acted as a defenselawyer in the high profile case of Beijing resident Yang Jia, whowas executed in November 2008 after being found guilty of murderingsix police officers during an attack on a Shanghai police station. Zhai's colleague Zhang Peihong and Yang Bailin , director of Shanghai Huazun Law Firm , have been hired to represent Wang Yong. Body Slimming Machine

The EO learned that Yangspecializes in economic crime cases and that in 2004 he helpedestablish a professional commercial investigation company called Shanghai Huazhen Commercial Investigation Company . In addition, Yang now acts as counsel for over 20 large companiesincluding the Shanghai branch of COFCO Import and Export Company. Tao Wuping said "As the investigation has concluded, the case willnow be handed over to local procuratorate for evaluation to decidewhether it should be brought to trial." "This review should be wrapped up within 45 days and in myviewpoint, local prosecutors will probably bring the case to court"he added. According to the law, the maximum sentence for the crime ofobtaining business secrets is no more than seven yearsimprisonment. No Needle Mesotherapy Equipment

In addition, if non-state public servants take bribesworth over 100,000 yuan, they could face over 5 years in prison. Cai Zhijie also contributed to the report.