

Consumers trust food biotechnology, food safety, survey finds - China Led High Bay Lighting

2013-09-30 12:47:03 | グルメ
Ted, I would agree that raising one's own food helps us be incontrol of our own food, as does buying from trusted farmers, butunfortunately, that's not sustainable for most people. That's theroute I've had to take, due to reactions to a few substancescommonly used in farmer produce, so I can say this from first-handexperience. But 1) growing enough produce to feed your family takesland and time, both of which many of us don't have unless we've gotmoney to buy enough land and we're farming full time. That's notlaziness, that's a lack of resources. Led Tunnel Light

2) There are not enoughfarmers growing without GM produce to support more than a smallpopulation. The reason we've got a huge agro-business is becausewe've lost most of our smaller farmers until we don't HAVE enoughsmall farmers to support us. Hal, there's no food bourne illnesses that I've heard of, it'sother problems that are cropping up with GM foods. Or rather, thereare issues that are appearing in studies on animals. China Led High Bay Lighting

To date, Ibelieve there has only been one study on humans, and that only tolook for evidence of GM pesticide DNA in women and their fetuses(it showed up in both). In the USA, GM foods were allowed into thefood supply without any testing done on them. Curiously, the manwho made that FDA policy then became the vice president of one ofthe largest GM companies, Monsanto. He worked for them before hegot his job at the FDA, as well. One of the reasons scientists are concerned is that some animalstudies on GM foods show negative effects on the body. China Led Industrial Lighting Fixtures

With theseissues showing up in animals, many scientists believe we shouldn'tbe using these ourselves until we know how they do - or don't -affect humans. Perhaps in the end they will be shown to have no effect, but usingthem without that knowledge seems foolish. And it's something thatwill affect an entire generation AND our environment. Makes methink of some of the biological disasters which Europeans broughtwith them when they introduced new species to habitats and ended updestroying entire populations. A GM food seems like a small thing,because it looks like the original, but it may have a big effect.

News analysis - the many twists and turns of february 27, 2002 - Polyester Reusable Bags

2013-09-29 12:47:04 | 日記
Late in the night on February 27, 2002, top bureaucrats and policeofficials of the Gujarat government gathered for a meeting calledby Narendra Modi at his Gandhinagar home. In a horrible carnage atGodhra that morning, a mob had burnt alive 59 kar sevaks travellingaboard the Sabarmati Express. What was discussed at the meeting and who attended it? The answerswould depend on which document you want to believe: the 2012closure report of the Special Investigation Team that probed ZakiaJafri's complaint against Chief Minister Modi and 61 others; the2010 preliminary report of the SIT in the same case; or the 2004depositions made by some of the dramatis personae before the G.T Nanavati-K.G. Shah Commission. According to the SIT's closure report, besides Mr.

Modi, eightofficers attended the meeting. Among them were Anil Mukim,Secretary to the Chief Minister, and Prakash Shah, AdditionalSecretary (Law and Order). The SIT's preliminary report recordedthe presence of seven officers, including Mr. Mukim, but curiouslynoted that Mr.

Mukim himself said he had not attended the meeting.The preliminary report did not at all name Mr. Shah as aparticipant. Yet he not only crops up in the closure report butmakes several assertions about what transpired at the meeting. (TheSIT says his deposition was recorded in 2009-2010). Pet Carrier Bags

The closure report is also emphatic about who was not present atthe meeting: IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt. Indeed, seven of the eightparticipating officers, barring the acting Chief Secretary, SwarnaKanta Verma, who said she had never met him, are"categorical" in the closure report that Mr. Bhatt,then with the State Intelligence, had not attended the meeting. Mr.Modi, who chaired the meeting, would also tell the SIT

Christianmingle(r).com honors dallas single mom on mother's day - China Gas Deep Fryer

2013-09-28 12:36:48 | 日記
05/11/12 -- To celebrate Mother's Day, ChristianMingle , the largest and fastest growing online community for Christian singles , is giving a hard-working, single Dallas mom an exclusivepampering package, which includes a massage, home cleaning service,and subscription to ChristianMingle to help mom find the man of herdreams. Local mom, Robin Braun, was declared the winner aftersubmitting an essay detailing why she deserves a special day ofrelaxation. "Moms sacrifice so much for their children, and single moms have aneven tougher job. We wanted to honor the hard work of single momsby treating one local Dallas mom to a worry-free day of pampering,"said Ashley Reccord, Christian community manager for Spark Networks 速, owner and operator of ChristianMingle. "We are proud tohonor East Dallas resident Robin Braun, an inspiring woman, who does an incredible job juggling the demands of life,while raising four children." Braun, a mother of four talented and ambitious girls, worked herway through graduate school, and currently owns her own business.Between attending all of her daughters' activities, completing hermaster's degree and working several contract jobs at a time, Brauncertainly deserves a special day of pampering, courtesy ofChristianMingle. Gas Deep Fryer

"God has really blessed my girls," said Braun in her email toChristianMingle. "With school and several jobs, I spend a lot oftime running around to my children's various school and socialevents, and it would be nice to have some help with my children. "It is the desire of my heart, and I believe , promise of God to be remarried to a Godly, surrendered man whoputs Christ first in his heart and life," Braun continued. ChristianMingle's deepest desire is to see its members grow intheir faith while finding God's match for them. China Gas Deep Fryer

With over 6 million members,ChristianMingle is the largest and fastest growing online communityfor Christian singles. More than 2 million members joined in 2011alone, bringing the total number or registered members to just over6 million. For more information on ChristianMingle, visit . Add to Digg Bookmark with Add to Newsvine FOR INFORMATION, CONTACT: Arielle Schechtman Director, Public and Community Relations Spark Networks 323.658.3000 Email Contact Copyright @ Marketwire. China Commercial Food Warmer

Tenants in norfolk building say bills, repairs ignored - Clutch Release Bearing Manufacturer

2013-09-27 12:52:04 | 日記
By Tim McGlone The Virginian-Pilot May 11, 2012 NORFOLK Taxpayers and investors lost tens of millions of dollars when Bankof the Commonwealth collapsed, a failure that federal authoritieshave blamed in part on local real estate developers GeorgeHranowskyj and Eric Menden. But also lost in all this are the tenants who live in buildingsthat had been under the control of the two. They were landlords todozens of apartment buildings, houses and commercial officesthroughout the region. "We're scared.

We don't know what the next step is," saidStaci Murawski, a tenant at the four-story Baylor apartmentbuilding in Ghent. "We're just sitting around like sittingducks." Things were bad enough already at the Baylor and other apartmentbuildings owned by Hranowskyj and/or Menden. At the Baylor, waterdamage is extensive. Electrical problems persist.

Tenants sayrepairs were hardly ever done and trash pickup was sporadic. Then last Friday, they began getting notices that their natural gaswould be shut off for lack of payment. Hranowskyj, who is in jailfacing 14 federal charges, was supposed to be paying bills for thegas that tenants use for cooking, the electricity for common areasand the trash pickup, tenants said. Calls to the city were of no use. Lawyers were enlisted to help.The gas company finally told them they were safe for the timebeing. AUDI Water Pump

Then, on Wednesday, tenants received a letter from Southern Bank,which took over Bank of the Commonwealth's accounts when theNorfolk-based bank failed in September. The letter has created moreconfusion. It says Southern does not own the building, but that itwill hire an agent to collect rent. "We still have no one acting as landlord and therefore no oneresponsible for repairs of damage," Murawski said. "I think we are concerned because it does not seem anyone isin place to address these concerns," she said. Clutch Release Bearing Manufacturer

"We haveserious questions, and although it seems the money issue isresolved, tenant concerns are not and there is no indication as towhen they will be addressed." Murawski, a costume designer and dressmaker, has lived in asecond-floor apartment with her two children since August 2010.When she moved in, she said, Hranowskyj promised to repair damagedwalls and other problems. She said all he did was paint over themess. Today, her daughter's bedroom walls are covered in mold and peelingpaint. When it rains hard, she places buckets throughout thethree-bedroom apartment. China Mercedes Benz Lamp

"It would be just a waterfall running down the wall," shesaid. The building, at the corner of Colley Avenue and Princess AnneRoad, is crumbling on the outside too. Large chunks of masonry havefallen apart around one doorway, windows are smashed out, screensare ripped, and trash is piled in the alley. In Helon Evans' apartment, sheets of plastic that cover the ceilingdo nothing to stop water leaks. The only closet is unusable becauseof the leaks.

The bathroom ceiling over the tub looks like it isabout to collapse. She said she's lived there six years and has never had a workingoven or stove. A previous tenant had used the oven as a trash bin. Another tenant, Joshua Solomon, a glass artist, was happy to havefound the apartment he moved into about a year ago.

It was freshlypainted and clean. Pretty soon the paint started to peel and the water came in. Thekitchen is the worst. Cellophane tape covering the window seams isuseless.

"Those people tell you they're going to do stuff, and theywon't," he said. Still, Solomon said he thinks he's got a good deal there. "In all fairness, for Ghent, this is a nice apartment." Tenants in other buildings owned by Hranowskyj and Menden expressedsimilar concerns about a lack of attention to repairs and unpaidbills. Hranowskyj faces felony charges alleging he bilked the state andfederal historic tax credit programs out of $11 million.

Hispartner, Eric Menden, pleaded guilty to related charges as well ashis role in an alleged fraud involving $41 million in loans he andHranowskyj received from the Bank of the Commonwealth. Prosecutors allege Hranowskyj and Menden lined their pockets withthose loan proceeds instead of putting the money into theirbuildings. To complicate matters, the government obtained from a federal judgea restraining order prohibiting anyone from selling or transferringmuch of Hranowskyj's real estate. But, for reasons that remainunclear, the Baylor building was not one of them.

That means Southern Bank, as the holder of the mortgage on thebuilding, can take over rent collection. The letter sent to thetenants does not explain what will happen next. It does say: "We will do everything possible to quickly bringto an end what has no doubt (been) a very confusing period foryou." John Heeden, a spokesman for Mount Olive, N.C.-based Southern, saidhe could not comment on the matter. With no answers in sight, Murawski has turned to social media forhelp.

She started a Facebook page called Tenants of Norfolk PropertyDevelopment, the main real estate company run by Hranowskyj andMenden. "We don't want to be penalized when we didn't screw up,"Murawski said. Tim McGlone, 757-446-2343,