

Wind-driven mars tumbleweed rover to roll through rocky terrain? - Pet Carrier Bags

2013-02-25 11:47:33 | 日記
"There is quite a bit of interest within NASA to pursue thetumbleweed rover design, but one of the questions regarding theconcept is how it might perform on the rocky surface of Mars,"says Dr. Andre Mazzoleni, an associate professor of mechanical andaerospace engineering (MAE) at NC State and co-author of a paperdescribing the research. "We set out to address thatquestion." Mazzoleni and Dr. Alexander Hartl, an adjunct professor of MAE atNC State, developed a computer model to determine how varying thediameter and mass of a tumbleweed rover would affect its speed andability to avoid getting stuck in Martian rock fields. RPET Shopping Bags

Rock fieldsare common on the surface of Mars, which averages one rock persquare meter. "We found that, in general, the larger the diameter, and thelower the overall weight, the better the rover performs,"Mazzoleni says. In addition, the study found that a tumbleweedrover would need to have a diameter of at least six meters in orderto achieve an acceptable level of performance -- meaning the rovercould move through rock fields without getting stuck. Using the model, the researchers also found that tumbleweed roversare more likely to bounce than roll across the surface, due to thespacing of the rocks and the size of the rovers. Pet Carrier Bags

"Computer simulations are crucial for designing Mars roversbecause the only place where you find Martian conditions is onMars," says Mazzoleni. "Earth-based testing alone cannotestablish whether a particular design will work on Mars." Marshas approximately three-eighths of Earth's gravity. And theatmospheric density on the surface of Mars is only duplicatedaround 100,000 feet above Earth's surface. Tumbleweed rovers are attractive because they can cover much largerdistances, and handle rougher terrain, than the rovers that havealready been sent to Mars -- such as Spirit and Opportunity."This model is a tool NASA can use to assess the viability ofdifferent designs before devoting the time and expense necessary tobuild prototypes," Mazzoleni says. While tumbleweed rovers would lack the precise controls of thewheeled rovers, they would also not rely on a power supply formobility -- they would be literally blown across the Martianlandscape by the wind. China Foldable Shopping Bags

Mobile plays an integral part in buying or leasing a car, accordingto mojiva mobile audience guide

2013-02-25 11:37:28 | 旅行
Mobile Plays an Integral Part in Buying or Leasing a Car, Accordingto Mojiva Mobile Audience Guide Three-Month Study Unveils Great Opportunity to Target AutomobileShoppers Using Mobile Ads; More than 50 Percent Would LeverageTheir Mobile Phones for Decision Making NEW YORK -- May 23, 2012 : ojiva ( Mojiva ), the mobile ad network that specializes in making obile displayadvertising trategies come to life at scale, today released itsquarterly Mojiva Mobile Audience Guide (MAG). The latest version ofthe guide provides data that reveals the role mobile devices playwhen consumers are in the market to purchase or lease a newautomobile. According to the latest MAG research, 50 percent of respondentsexpressed interest in using their mobile phone to research buyingor leasing a vehicle. When in the market to buy or lease a newvehicle, nearly half (47 percent) of consumers said that they wouldfind mobile advertisements containing deals or offers most valuableto them. The Mojiva MAG shows that there is a great opportunity to targetvehicle shoppers on their mobile devices as consumers will usetheir devices to research information about buying or leasing avehicle. Card Reader Door Locks

Additional findings include: Proclivity to purchase or lease: More than one third (36 percent) of consumers plan to purchase acar in the next 12 months, while an additional 5 percent plan tolease one in the same timeframe More engaging ads: 21 percent of consumers are open to mobile ads that providefeatures and benefits of the vehicle and/or the ability to sign upfor deals, offers and future communications most valuable More interaction: More than half (57 percent) of consumers would browse a website orplay a game as a result of seeing a mobile ad More information: 38 percentof consumers would request more information as a resultof seeing a mobile ad on their phone "The results of this study should speak volumes to auto brands andthe agencies that represent them," said Amy Vale , Vice President of Global Research and Strategic Communicationsfor Mojiva. "Not only do a third of consumers surveyed plan topurchase a vehicle within the next 12 months, but more than half ofthem would use their mobile devices as part of their researchprocess. This provides brands with a tremendous opportunity toreach their target consumers with ads during the buying processthat are likely to influence their decisions." About Mojiva's Mobile Audience Guide (MAG) Auto Study withInsightExpress This Mojiva Mobile Audience Guide (MAG) Auto study was conductedwith InsightExpress, a leading digital marketing research firm thatpolled more than 200 random users on the Mojiva network. The dataencompasses users in the United States in the Mojiva network. The three-month study, conducted betweenJanuary and March 2012 can be downloaded at MOJIVA mobile research. Magnetic Door Contact Switch

About Mojiva Mojiva is the mobile ad network that reaches more than 1.1 billiondevices globally and represents 8,000 mobile publishers and apps.Through deep and open integration with all major rich mediaproviders and ad servers, Mojiva provides ad agencies with everyimaginable mobile media execution across mobile web sites, apps anddevices. Founded in May 2008 and based in New York City , Mojiva is an independent mobile ad network operating under parentcompany Mojiva Inc., a privately held company backed by PelionVenture Partners, Bertelsmann Digital Media Investments andShamrock Capital. Follow Mojiva on Twitter, like us on Facebook orlearn more at Mojiva . China Passive Infrared Motion Detector