

Beat the traffic named to prestigious red herring top 100 americaslist - Body Slimming Machine

2013-10-31 12:44:15 | グルメ
SANTA CLARA, Calif. , May 29, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Beat the Traffic , a leading provider of real-timetraffic information for broadcast media and mobile devices, hasbeen named to Red Herring 's prestigious Top 100 Americas list, a mark of distinction foridentifying promising new companies and entrepreneurs. Beat theTraffic was selected among hundreds of innovative North Americancompanies during a special awards ceremony at the Red HerringAmericas Forum held earlier this week in Santa Monica, California . (Logo: ) Nominees for Top 100 Americas list are evaluated by Red Herring editors based on both quantitative and qualitative criteria,including financial performance, technology innovation, managementquality, strategy and market penetration.

Companies awarded thehonor in previous years have included Facebook, Google,, Twitter, Yahoo, Skype and YouTube. "The Red Herring Top 100 is true badge of honor in our industry. Ifit was exciting being selected as a Top 100 Americas finalist, it'sten times as thrilling to actually make the list," said Andre Gueziec , CEO of Triangle Software LLC d.b.a. Beat the Traffic.

"Thecredit belongs to our remarkable team here at Beat the Traffic forcreating what I truly believe to be the most innovative, compellingtraffic solutions on the market today, as well as to our incrediblydevoted fans, who continually motivate us to raise the bar." With real-time traffic data and live camera views throughout North America , Beat the Traffic provides detail-reach, on-air traffic reportsfor television broadcasters as well as real-time traffic data tomotorists via iPhone, Droid and Blackberry mobile devices. Earlierthis year, Beat the Traffic reached 2 million downloads for itsflagship mobile traffic app, which allows drivers everywhere totravel more safely while saving time and money at the pump. "Choosing the companies with the strongest potential was by nomeans a small feat," said Alex Vieux , publisher and CEO of Red Herring . "After rigorous contemplation and discussion, we narrowed ourlist down from hundreds of candidates from across North America to the Top 100 Winners. We believe Beat the Traffic embodies thevision, drive and innovation that define a successfulentrepreneurial venture. Slimming Beauty Equipment

Beat the Traffic should be proud of itsaccomplishment, as the competition was very strong." About Beat the Traffic Based in Santa Clara, CA , Triangle Software LLC d/b/a Beat the Traffic is thefastest-growing provider of vehicle traffic reporting solutions.Acclaimed for its visually-striking graphics, simple setup anduser-friendly interface, Beat the Traffic received the TelevisionBroadcast magazine's NAB Top Innovation Award. Triangle Software isa National Science Foundation funded early innovator in trafficprediction and presentation science. Visit or . The Beat the Traffic technology is protected by U.S. Body Slimming Machine

Patents Nos.6,989,765, 7,161,497, 7,221,287, 7,375,649, 7,508,321, 7,557,730,7,610,145, 7,702,452, 7,880,642 and 8,103,443. Visit our channel and follow us on Twitter at or Facebook at . About Red Herring Red Herring 's Top 100 Americas list has become a mark of distinction foridentifying promising new companies and entrepreneurs. Red Herring editors were among the first to recognize that companies such asFacebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, Skype,, YouTube,and eBay would change the way we live and work. Companies wereevaluated on such criteria as financial performance, technologyinnovation, management quality, strategy, and market penetration.This assessment of potential was complemented by a review of thetrack record and standing of startups relative to their sectorpeers, allowing Red Herring to see past the "buzz" and make this list a valuable instrument ofdiscovery and advocacy for the most promising new business modelsin Americas. RF Slimming Machine Manufacturer

Press Contact: Teresa Chaidez 408-777-6541 Tchaidez (at) SOURCE Beat the Traffic Copyright 2010 PR Newswire. All Rights Reserved.

Tea candle powered generator charges dead smartphones and lightshomes in off-grid villages

2013-10-31 12:39:11 | グルメ
TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. , May 29, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Tellurex Corporation is currently pledge funds and distributors to help launch itsnew, light and portable electrical generator. About the size of a small soup can, this power on demand thermoelectric system converts the heat of a single tea candleinto an electrical current capable of providing bright indoor oroutdoor light using its plug-in lamp attachment. It can also chargethe batteries used in cell and smartphones through its batterycharger attachment.

This generator was designed to provide powerduring electrical blackouts in homes after violent weather eventsand in any off-grid location from a camp site to a home or schoolroom in the developing world. (Photo: ) (Photo: ) The compact, patent pending Tellurex tPOD1- ("tPOD" is an acronymtrademarked by Tellurex that stands for thermoelectric Power On Demand ) can and will provide up to four hours of continuous bright lightfrom one five cent tea candle. With power generated by a candle, the tPOD1 system canalso recharge a companion battery pack that, in turn, will provideadequate power for limited smartphone calls, emergency textmessaging and GPS rescue signal use. The company sees the tPOD1 as a safe way to deliver much neededlight to millions of homes and buildings located in the extensiveoff-grid regions of the world. Homes located in most developingcountries that have little or no access to an electrical powerutility may now have immediate on demand useful and economicallight.

Light produced from the tPOD1 allows households to reduce oreliminate hazardous fires fueled with kerosene and fire-brands thatare common and produce toxic fumes. At certain Kickstarter pledgelevels, Tellurex commits to deliver a tPOD1 to developing countriesthrough Rotary International. Tellurex management believes that North America will be a major market for the tPOD1 because it addresses bothdisaster preparedness and recreational backcountry activities. Onthe disaster front, the United States is now battered by 1,000 tornados per year, more than any othercountry. Blackouts have increased 124% over the past two decades.Emergency medical situations and rescue operations are part of thatscenario. Double Sided PCB

Effective first aid and food preparation while in isolation andawaiting rescue both require a good source of light. The benefitsof GPS capabilities now part of many cell and smart phones requirepower. Battery powered devices will exhaust their power, often withno readily available means of recharging. The Tellurex tPOD1, whichcan address those needs with a candle, may become as important asflashlights, smoke detectors and fire extinguishers in domestichomes or workplaces. FR4 Circuit Board

"Whatever your opinion, cell phones are the most common way ofinitiating rescue, and most search and rescue teams endorse theiruse -.." writes Seattle Backpacker Magazine. The challenge is to keep your phone battery charged in thebackcountry or to have a way to revive a dead cell phone during aprolonged blackout. A bag of just six tea candles at five cents apiece can provide the power needed to partially recharge thegenerator's companion battery pack and enable a smart phone topower GPS or satellite tracking signals that guide emergency rescueoperations. Each time the battery pack is exhausted, it can berecharged, and the locator signal can be transmitted anew withtexting capabilities on standby. Tellurex is seeking funds to launch this innovative productworldwide through a crowd-funding platform facilitated Heavy Copper PCB

Those interested in pledging should visit theTellurex web site for a link to the offer. The light, portable Tellurex electric generator system is ruggedand has no moving parts. Its fuel source is readily availablearound the world and does not degrade during long-term storage.When lit and positioned below the generator, the tea candle isprotected from wind, and the integrated generator and lamp may bemoved and interchanged while it's operating. Weighing in at lessthan twelve ounces, the device fits easily into backpacks or autoglove boxes. Tellurex Corporation is a Traverse City, Michigan -based, pioneering company in thermoelectric applications.

Thecompany develops its own products and also collaborates with othersto advance thermoelectric technology into medical testingequipment, wireless sensors and a variety of applications in bothpower generation and thermal management. With good support through pledges, the new TellurextPOD1 will change the odds for disaster victims, supportbackcountry recreation in a new and convenient way, and improve theliving standards, health and productivity of millions of theworld's citizens living in off-grid villages. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT , Peter Schmitz , , 231-947-0110, or visit /products/tPOD1.php SOURCE Tellurex Corporation Copyright 2010 PR Newswire. All Rights Reserved.

Structure of human protein critical for silencing genes solved - RPET Bag Manufacturer

2013-10-29 12:49:13 | 旅行
"Detailed knowledge of the structure of human Argonaute-2 andthe way it interacts with its RNA guides will greatly improve ourunderstanding of its biological mechanism of action," saysCSHL Professor and HHMI Investigator Leemor Joshua-Tor, Ph.D., thestudy's leader. "Such precise structural information of thehuman Argonaute bound to an important RNA guide could potentiallyaid both basic research to understand the function of genes andalso advance the development of RNAi as a therapeutic strategy inclinical settings." Upon the activation of a gene within a cell, the gene's DNA iscopied into a messenger RNA (mRNA) "transcript." Theinstructions encoded within this transcript are then used as ablueprint by the cell's protein synthesis machinery to generate aworking protein. The gene is "silenced" or prevented fromgiving rise to the protein, however, when an Argonaute-2 proteinthat is bound to a small piece of "guide" RNA -- either ashort-interfering RNA or a microRNA -- intercepts the mRNAmolecule. The guide RNA, whose nucleotide sequence matches that ofthe target mRNA, acts as a homing device that helps the Argonaute-2protein zero in on the mRNA target. A few years ago, Joshua-Tor collaborated with CSHL Professor andHHMI Investigator Gregory Hannon, Ph.D., who is also a co-author inthis study, to show that Argonaute proteins, which are made up ofdifferent domains or parts, act like a pair of molecular scissorsthat slice up target mRNAs, thus preventing proteins from beingmade and enforcing the silencing of their genes. Pet Carrier Bags

The discovery ofthe Argonautes' "slicer" activity stemmed in part fromsolving the crystal structure of an Argonaute protein from Pyrococcus furiosus, an archebacterium that thrives in extremely high temperatures. "But we still know nothing about the biological functions ormechanisms of action of archebacterial Argonautes," saysJoshua-Tor. "We therefore next focused on solving thestructures of Argonautes from higher organisms such as mammals, inwhich Argonaute functions and target recognition are welldocumented." Joshua-Tor's team and other research groups subsequently determinedthe atomic structures of individual parts of Argonaute proteinsfrom higher organisms. While these studies revealed severalimportant details -- for example, the interaction between two partsof the Argonaute protein, called the PAZ and Mid domains, with thetwo ends of guide RNAs -- Joshua-Tor's goal was to solve thestructure of the entire human Argonaute protein in complex with asingle human guide RNA. RPET Bag Manufacturer

Overcoming a complicated series of technical challenges, her teamhas achieved this goal by analyzing the structure of a full-lengthhuman Argonaute-2 protein bound to a small RNA called miR-20a,which is known to play a role in cancer development. AlthoughArgonautes from higher organisms diverged from their archebacterialcousins more than three billion years ago, the team's analysisshows remarkable similarity between the two structures, especiallyin the regions that are important for target recognition andslicing activity. "Our structure shows that the guide RNA, which is anchored atboth ends by the PAZ and Mid domains, kinks and twists its waythrough the structure of the entire protein, making several pointsof contact within each domain and with the linker loops that jointhem," explains Joshua-Tor. "The guide RNA thus acts likea backbone that rigidly locks together the otherwise flexibleArgonaute protein and gives it stability." The researchers speculate that the path threaded through theArgonaute by the guide RNAs could have evolved to maximize mutualstability, in turn making the protein-RNA complexes long-lived.This long life is critical for many biological processes that aremediated by Argonautes. "This is also the kind of informationthat might help us to design better synthetic guide RNAs fortherapeutic use," explains Joshua-Tor. Laminated Shopping Bags Manufacturer

"It will also beuseful to researchers who are trying to find more precise ways ofblocking Argonaute activity.".

Disease that stunts infants' growth traced to same gene that makeskids grow too fast

2013-10-29 12:44:06 | グルメ
Published in the May 27 edition of Nature Genetics , the UCLA findings could lead to new ways of blocking the rapidcell division that allows tumors to grow unchecked. The discoveryalso offers a new tool for diagnosing children with IMAGe syndrome,which until now has been difficult to accurately identify. The discovery holds special significance for principal investigatorDr. Eric Vilain, a professor of human genetics, pediatrics andurology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. Nearly 20 years ago, as a medical resident in his native France,Vilain cared for two boys, ages 3 and 6, who were dramaticallyshort for their ages.

Though unrelated, both children shared amysterious malady marked by minimal fetal development, stunted bonegrowth, sluggish adrenal glands, and undersized organs andgenitals. "I never found a reason to explain these patients' unusual setof symptoms," explained Vilain, who is also director of theUCLA Institute for Society and Genetics. "I've been searchingfor the cause of their disease since 1993." When Vilain joined UCLA as a genetics fellow, the two casescontinued to intrigue him. His mentor, then UCLA geneticist Dr.Edward McCabe, recalled a similar case from his previous post atBaylor College of Medicine. The two of them obtained blood samplesfrom the three cases and analyzed the patients' DNA for mutationsin suspect genes, but uncovered nothing.

Vilain and McCabe approached the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism , and in 1999 published the first description of the syndrome,which they dubbed IMAGe, an acronym of sorts for the condition'ssymptoms: intrauterine growth restriction, metaphyseal dysplasia,adrenal hypoplasia and genital anomalies. Over the next decade, about 20 cases were reported around theworld. But the cause of IMAGe syndrome remained a mystery. Help arrived unexpectedly last year when Vilain received an emailfrom Argentinian physician Dr. Ignacio Bergada, who had unearthedthe 1999 journal article. Tabletop Connection Box

He told Vilain about a large family hewas treating in which eight members suffered the same symptomsdescribed in the study. All of the family members agreed to sendtheir DNA samples to UCLA for study. Vilain realized that he had stumbled across the scientificequivalent of winning the lottery. He assembled a team of UCLAresearchers to partner with Bergada and London endocrinologist Dr.John Achermann. Hotel Socket Manufacturer

"At last we had enough samples to help us zero in on the generesponsible for the syndrome," Vilain said. "Sequencingtechnology had also advanced in sophistication over the past twodecades, allowing us to quickly analyze the entire family's DNAsamples." Vilain's team performed a linkage study, which identifiesdisease-related genetic markers passed down from one generation toanother. The results steered Vilain to a huge swath of Chromosome11. The UCLA Center for Clinical Genomics performed next-generationsequencing, a powerful new technique that enabled the scientists toscour the enormous area in just two weeks and tease out a slenderstretch that held the culprit mutation. China Conference Table Connection Box

The team also uncovered thesame mutation in the original three cases described by Vilain in1999. A word of explanation: Located on 23 pairs of chromosomes, humangenes hold the codes for making cellular proteins, the buildingblocks for our bodies. Most of the human diseases resulting frommutations in a single gene can be blamed on changes in aprotein-coding sequence. By scanning the entire exome, orprotein-coding factory of the genome, clinical geneticists caninterpret every gene variant to track down the mutations thatproduce a patient's disease and rapidly reach a clear-cutdiagnosis.

"We discovered a mutation in a tiny sliver of the chromosomethat appeared in every family member affected by IMAGesyndrome," said Vilain. "This was a big step forward. Nowwe can use gene sequencing as a tool to screen for the disease anddiagnose children early enough for them to benefit from medicalintervention. "We were a little surprised, because the mutation was locatedon a famous gene recognized for causing Beckwith-Wiedemannsyndrome," he added.

"The two diseases are polaropposites of each other." Children born with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome -- named for the twodoctors who discovered it -- grow very large with big adrenalglands, elongated bones and oversized internal organs. Becausetheir cells grow so fast, children with the disorder typically dieof cancer at a young age. The disease affects one in 15,000 births. "Finding opposite functions in the same gene is a rarebiological phenomenon" emphasized Vilain.

"When themutation appeared in the slim section we identified, the infantdeveloped IMAGe syndrome. If the mutation fell anywhere else in thegene, the child was born with Beckwith-Wiedemann. That's reallyquite remarkable." IMAGe syndrome patients also tend to die young due to poor adrenalactivity, which physicians treat with hormone-replacement therapy. The findings proved that Vilain and his colleagues had identifiedthe correct mutation, bringing his 20-year odyssey to a successfulend.

"Our findings leave no doubt that this set of symptoms is atrue syndrome and not just a figment of my imagination," saidVilain. "What makes this special for me is finally being able tounravel what caused the life-threatening disease in the twopatients I saw nearly 20 years ago," he added. "As aclinical scientist, the reward for successful research isuncovering new clues that allow us to help patients feel better byimproving their medical care." The IMAGe mutation's ability to miniaturize organisms and haltgrowth could offer intriguing clinical benefits, he noted. "Our next effort will focus on manipulating the mutation'sstrong influence on growth to shrink tumors in the adrenal glandsand other internal organs," explained Vilain.

Vilain's coauthors included first author Valerie Arboleda, HaneLee, Alice Fleming, Abhik Banerjee, Emmanuele Delot, ImilceRodriguez-Fernandez, Esteban Dell'Angelica, Stanley Nelson andJulian Martinez-Agosto, all of UCLA; Bruno Ferraz-de-Souza ofUniversity of San Paulo in Brazil; Bergada of Hospital de NinosRicardo Gutierrez, Argentina; and Achermann of University CollegeLondon Institute of Child Health. The study was funded by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation,Wellcome Trust and National Institute of Child Health and HumanDevelopment (grants RO1HD068 and 1F31HD068136).

Insight: u.s. hedge funds find ways to trade euro misery - China Electric Hoists Winches

2013-10-29 12:39:00 | 旅行
But it's unlikely the current European monetary crisis and worriesabout Greece's potential exit from the euro zone will give rise toan investing legend like Soros, who made $1 billion in 1992 bybetting on a decline in the price of the pound. Instead, there are a multitude of strategies to play Europe'stroubles, and many different participants, according to U.S. hedgefund managers. "There is not room for one player to have such impact," said JohnBrynjolfsson, whose California-based Armored Wolf hedge fund hasbeen betting against the euro for quite some time. "Financialmarkets are so much bigger today." A spokesman for Soros, who last year converted his Soros FundManagement to a family office and stopped managing money foroutside investors, could not be reached for comment.

Brynjolfsson and several other U.S. money managers who are tryingto profit from Europe's misery say they expect the current crisisto produce a lot of winners. So far this year, the euro is down 3.3 percent against the U.S.dollar. U.S.

money managers say it's hard to swing for the fences the waySoros did because institutional investors are far more squeamishabout having too much money riding on any single trade. There isalso heightened sensitivity from pensions and endowments to takingan investment strategy that might spark political outrage fromEuropean leaders. Another thing working against the rise of a new Soros is thattrading the euro zone, or even the fallout from a Greek exit, is amuch more complicated than betting against a single currency. Money managers are playing the euro zone crisis by tradingcurrencies, wagering on the direction of bank stocks or usingderivatives like credit default swaps to bet on potential corporateand bank failures. Greenlight Capital's David Einhorn recently saidhe is bullish on gold and gold miners, in part because of concernabout the fallout from a euro zone meltdown. Gantry Crane

Some managers are even going both short and long on differentEuropean sovereign debt, depending on their views of the financialstability of different countries. Adam Fisher, manager of the $320 million Commonwealth OpportunityCapital hedge fund, noted that Soros faced a "single country, not17 different countries, one decision maker, not 17." Fisher's fund, which has more than 80 percent of its money investedin Europe, is taking a somewhat contrarian position by owning theEuropean sovereign debt of Germany, the Netherlands, Italy andSpain. Hedge fund managers point out that given the up-and-down nature ofthe euro zone crisis, most hedge funds have been in and out oftrades or forced to adjust positions depending on the changingpolitical winds. Earlier this year, for instance, it looked like concern aboutGreece exiting the euro had passed. But with the recent results ofthe Greek election at odds with the austerity measures demanded byits currency partners, the risk of a Greek departure from the eurozone has risen dramatically. China Electric Hoists Winches

Recently, Fisher said his Los Angeles-based fund had reduced thesize of some of its more bullish sovereign debt trades because hebelieves there will be "violent" market swings this summer. "It is going to be incredibly difficult to manage risk through thatenvironment," said Fisher, whose fund was up 8.8 percent throughApril. "I don't think hedging will do anything. The way you hedge,is you sell. China Form Traveller

You don't subtract risk by adding risk." Brynjolfsson, a former top portfolio manager for bond mutual fundfirm Pacific Investment Management Co, is betting on Greece exitingthe euro. He said it will be hard for European leaders to take thenecessary steps to appease the Greek government without infuriatingpoliticians in other euro zone countries. "As the wheels began falling off the bus, we adjusted to have ashort bias and that has worked out," said Brynjolfsson, whose $750million hedge fund is up 2 percent this year, largely on its shortbet against the euro. Axel Merk, president and chief executive officer of MerkInvestments, an investment advisory firm that specializes incurrencies, said the growing problems with Greece and the euro zoneled him recently to dump all the euros in his $517 million MerkHard Currency Fund, which is up 2.29 percent for the year.

Merk now favors the Singapore dollar, which has climbed 1.34percent since January. Ray Dalio's $120 billion Bridgewater Associates gained 23 percentin 2011 in part because of profits made from a series of Europeanbets, said a person familiar with the Westport, Conn.-based fundwho declined to discuss specifics of the strategy. In a recentinterview with Barron's, Dalio said European banks "are nowover-leveraged and can't expand their balance sheets" and Europeannations "don't have enough buyers of their debt." Dalio may be the U.S. money manager who comes closest to rivalingthe Soros of two decades ago.

His hedge fund is the industry'slargest and he widely regarded as one of the most successfulmanagers. Among the ways funds are playing the European turmoil, some arebetting against the fortunes of Spanish and Italian banks insteadof simply focusing on sovereign debt. John Paulson, among others, bets against European sovereign debt asway to hedge the overall portfolio of his Paulson & Co hedgefund firm. Daniel Loeb's Third Point fund put on a long position in Portuguesesovereign bonds in the first quarter because the New York-basedmanager believed the nation is in better shape than others in theeuro zone.

"Portugal's debt profile is more consistent with Italy's thanGreece's, its banks are substantially healthier than Spain's, andits government has enacted more aggressive labor reforms and ismore stable than regimes in both countries," Loeb wrote in a May 16investors' letter seen by Reuters. If nothing else, the European crisis is forcing managers to keepcoming up with new strategies to trade. One might say it's almostbecome an incubator for hedge fund managers to stretch theirinvestment acumen. Merk said he might look again at Europe if the political andfinancial situation gets more clarity.

But he would likely do it abit differently. "If there is clarity in the process again, then we will certainlylook at Europe again," he said. "But not through Greek debt, butthrough German bills." (Reporting By Svea Herbst-Bayliss and Katya Wachtel; edited byMatthew Goldstein, Jennifer Ablan, Martin Howell).