

Palestinians clash with israeli troops on "nakba day" - China Horizontal Pressure Leaf Filter

2013-02-11 11:36:49 | グルメ
Several dozen Palestinians inBethlehem hurled stones at Jewish worshipers at one of Judaism'sholiest sites during "Nakba (catastrophe) Day" protests Tuesdaymorning, as demonstrators clashed with Israeli troops elsewhere inthe West Bank. The Palestinian National Authority (PNA) police intervened to stopthe rock attacks at Rachel's Tomb complex, although they allowedsome 200 Palestinians to hold a demonstration at the site, localArmy radio reported. There were no reports of injuries to either side in the clash, inwhich security personnel at the site hurried worshipers to safetyfrom the shower of stones. The heavily-guarded tomb, widely accepted as the birthplace site ofthe biblical martiarch Rachel by both Jews and Muslims, wasenclosed by tall cement security walls after numerous shootingattacks against Jewish worshipers during the second intifada. Candle Filter Purification

Palestinians mark "Nakba Day" with rallies and demonstrations inthe West Bank Tuesday to commemorate their suffering that resultedfrom Israel's establishment 64 years ago. Elsewhere in the West Bank, dozens of Palestinians clashed withtroops at the Qalandiya checkpoint near Ramallah. The Palestinianshurled stones at the soldiers, who fired tear gas and other non-lethal crowd-control measures in an attempt to disperse theprotest. In Ramallah, the PNA called on residents to assemble at YasserArafat Square for a major rally, and announced that it wascanceling work and studies in order to allow as many people aspossible to attend, according to the Times of Israel. In the Gush Etzion settlement bloc south of Jerusalem, troopsdeployed at the community of Carmei Tzur also came under barragesof stones thrown by Palestinians from the village of Beit Omar,which borders the settlement, Israel Radio reported. China Horizontal Pressure Leaf Filter

Violence involving Palestinians from Beit Omar has become a regularoccurrence in the last three years. Similar stone-throwing incidents were also reported elsewhere inthe vicinity, but there were no reports of injuries to either side. The Israeli army and police have also beefed up forces along theborders with Syria and Lebanon to counter possible protest marches. Concerned over events spilling out of control, Israel DefenseForces Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz reportedly said: "We arehoping for the better and getting ready for the worst." Gantz made the remarks prior to Monday night's signing of anEgyptian-brokered deal between Israel and some 1,600 Palestinianprisoners to end a month-long hunger strike over the detentionconditions and a demand to end the so-called administrativedetention. China Centrifuge Oil Water Separator

PNA President Mahmoud Abbas congratulated the strikers, calling themove the first step towards ensuring their eventual release. Related: Israeli army, police brace for "Nakba Day" protests JERUSALEM, May 14 (Xinhua) -- The Israeli army and other securityservices have beefed up forces and riot gear along its northernborder and in the West Bank, as Palestinians and supporters prepareto mark "Nakba (catastrophe) Day," Tuesday. Clashes between Palestinians and Israeli troops and civilians onthe date, which mourn Israel's creation in May, 1948, have becomemore and more common in recent years. Full story Photos: Palestinians mark al-Nakba Day in Ramallah Special Report: Palestine-Israel Conflicts.