

Aqua america to transition fleet to compressed natural gas - High Temperature Dehumidifier

2013-07-31 12:37:53 | グルメ
BRYN MAWR, PA--May 30, 2012: Aqua America, Inc. Chairman and CEONicholas DeBenedictis announced today that the company is going totransition portions of its larger vehicle fleet to compressednatural gas (CNG). The comment was made today before thePennsylvania Public Utility Commission's Alternative Fuel Vehiclesforum held at Drexel University in Philadelphia. "I also see this as an opportunity to create demand for thisclean burning fuel, which is currently priced right because of thecurrent surplus" "As both a former DEP and Economic Development Secretary for theCommonwealth, I believe that the natural gas industry inPennsylvania will become the biggest economic driver in the statesince days of coal and steel. Pennsylvania has always been anenergy-rich state with natural gas being its latest form," saidAqua America Chairman and CEO Nicholas DeBenedictis. Household Dehumidifier

"CNG makessense economically because of it is less expensive than fossilfuels and environmentally because it is a clean-burning fuel andthereby reduces carbon emissions." Aqua Pennsylvania, Inc., the company's largest subsidiary, has beenpiloting CNG vehicles for more than a year and has already plannedfor a slow-fill station at its Springfield Operations Center inDelaware County. Slow-fill stations fuel vehicles over a longertime period, which the company can accommodate because manyvehicles are housed at the facility overnight and have longerperiods of inactivity during which they can be refueled. "I also see this as an opportunity to create demand for this cleanburning fuel, which is currently priced right because of thecurrent surplus," said DeBenedictis. "The relatively small,required up-front investment has a quick payback, which accrues tobenefit ratepayers through reduced expenses. High Temperature Dehumidifier

With anticipated costof about $2 per gallon, it can be nearly half the cost of fossilfuel with gasoline currently priced at about $3.65 per gallon anddiesel fuel being about $4 per gallon. Further, the operating costsare 30-to-50 percent less expensive." Aqua Pennsylvania plans to begin the transition with its 20 dumptrucks and 60 vans initially, as there are not many passengervehicle opportunities available currently. However, as it begins toturn over its vehicles, those that have original equipmentmanufacturer (OEM) CNG alternatives, will be transitioned to CNGvehicles. Aqua America is one of the largest U.S.-based, publicly-tradedwater utilities and serves almost 3 million residents inPennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina, Illinois, Texas, New Jersey,Indiana, Florida, Virginia, and Georgia. Wall Mounted Dehumidifier Manufacturer

Aqua America is listed onthe New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol WTR.

How to use automator's services and folder action workflows - China Candle Filter Purification

2013-07-30 12:43:06 | 旅行
Download Macworld Video #189 Format: MPEG-4/H.264 Resolution: 480 x 272 (iPhone & iPod compatible) Size: 8.9 MB Length: 6 minutes, 34 seconds Show Notes I offer a new Automator workflow each and every month. You cancheck out all our Automator work on our Automator topics page . And if you re looking for additional information outside of thisMacworld, check out the Mac OS X Automation website . To subscribe to the Macworld Video stream via iTunes, click here . You can also see a complete archive of all our videos on Macworld s YouTube channel.

Subscribe to that channels and you will be notified whenever wepost a new video. Or just point your favorite podcast-savvy RSS reader to: the video feed . Show transcript In a recent video I demonstrated a couple of simple Automatorworkflows one for creating a workflow application and another forcreating a workflow triggered by an iCal event. This time I d liketo show you a couple of other workflow types that I think you llfind helpful. I ll start with a workflow that allows you to easilycreate a new To Do items, which you can invoke via a service.Launch Automator and from the workflow template that appears,select Service and click Choose.

At the top of the workflow you determine the context in which theservice will appear with text or files, for example. In this casewe want the service to work with no particular item selected sowe ll choose No Input. And I want it to work anywhere so I llleave Any Application selected in this pop-up menu. Now choose theCalendar library and from it drag the New To Do Item into theworkflow area. Candle Filter Purification

I ll choose my Home calendar from the second Add Topop-up menu. Click on the Options button and enable the Show ThisAction When the Workflow Runs option. Save your workflow and giveit a name such as New To Do. To see what the workflow does, justclick on the Run button. China Candle Filter Purification

This New To Do Item appears. I can thenadd a title for my To-Do as well as set its priority and due date.As you can see, it s designated for my Home calendar, which Iconfigured in the action. Now we ll see what makes this workflow as a service so special.I ll move to the Finder and from it s menu select Services.Behold and Lo, there s my New To Do workflow. I select it, andthere s the New To Do window. China Centrifuge Oil Water Separator

That s good, but let s make it better. From that same Servicescommand choose Services preferences. This opens the KeyboardShortcuts tab of the Keyboard preference and selects the Servicesitem. Scroll down to the bottom of the list to locate your New ToDo service. Click to the right of it and press a keycombination I ll use Control-Option-Command-T.

Now, I return to the Finder and check the Servicescommand there s my New To Do command along with its keycombination. I press those keys and, sure enough, Automatoranswers. The best thing about this is that this key command shouldwork regardless of which application I m working with. And then there are folder actions. The idea here is that you assigna workflow to a particular folder.

When you drop an item into thatfolder, the workflow kicks in. We ll make a simple folder actionthat converts images to black and white and places the convertedcopy in another folder. So, back to Automator where we ll make a new workflow. This timechoose Folder Action.

In order to make this folder action useful, Ineed a folder, so I ll create one on the desktop called Originals.I ll then create a second folder called Copies. At the top of the workflow, I need to select a target folder. I lldo that by dragging my Originals folder to the top pop-up menu.Now, I select the Photos library and drag the Apple QuartsComposition Filter to Image Files into the workflow. Automator is smart enough to know that I risk altering my originalimages and wants to protect me, so it offers to add an action thatmakes copies of the altered files and preserves the originals. Goodidea, so I ll let that happen.

You see that a new Copy FinderItems action is added to the workflow. Into this action I ll dragmy Copies folder. Now I ll save the workflow and called it Make B&W. So, let s test it.

I ll open the Copies folder so you can seewhat s happened and then drag a couple of images from the Desktopto Originals folder. Sure enough, the images are copied and, as youcan see via QuickLook, the copies are in black and white. And that s the gist of folder actions a simple way to manipulateitems that you drop in a handy folder. I m sure you can find good ways to put workflows like this to gooduse. Thanks for watching.

Powerful italy quake leaves at least 15 dead (+video) - High Pressure Hydraulic Pumps

2013-07-28 12:53:01 | 旅行
The quake was felt from Piedmont in northwestern Italy to Venice in the northeast and as far north as Austria . It was followed by many aftershocks, some registering more than5.0 in magnitude. While Tuesday's quake was about 100 times less intense than the 6.0temblor on May 20, its death toll was more than twice the earlierquake's toll of seven. In both, the dead included workers killed bycollapsing factories and warehouses.

Civil Protection agency officials said at least 15 people werekilled, about 100 were injured and there was no precise number ofthe missing. Emergency crews were trying to sift through thetwisted steel and broken stone, looking for victims. In the town of Mirandola, near the epicenter, the church of SanFrancis crumbled, leaving only its facade standing. The maincathedral also collapsed.

The 9 a.m. temblor terrified many of the thousands of residents whohave been living in tents or cars since the May 20 quake and addedthousands more homeless into the area. "I was shaving and I ran out very fast, half dressed," aresident of Sant'Agostino, one of the towns devastated in the quakeearlier this month, told AP Television News on Tuesday. Sant'Agostino's town hall, so damaged in the May 20 quake that itlooked as if it had been bombed, virtually collapsed when thelatest deadly temblor struck. Tandem Piston Pump

In a hastily called news conference, Premier Mario Monti pledged the government will do "all that it must and all thatis possible in the briefest period to guarantee the resumption ofnormal life in this area that is so special, so important and soproductive for Italy." The region around Bologna is among the country's most productive.Italy is desperately in need of its industries, for the country isin the midst of another recession and struggling to tame itsmassive debt as the European debt crisis worsens. Many victims of the new quake, like the one nine days ago, were atwork in huge warehouses that collapsed, including one dead inside amachinery factory in Mirandola. The mayor of San Felice sul Panaro told Sky News 24 that there werefatalities in his town, where Italian media said a tower hadcollapsed. Tall buildings and schools were evacuated as far away as Milan as a precaution before people were allowed to re-enter. High Pressure Hydraulic Pumps

Trainlines connecting Bologna with other northern cities were haltedwhile authorities checked for any damage. When the quake hit, Monti was meeting with emergency officials in Rome to discuss the impact of the earlier quake, which struck in themiddle of the night and left at least 7,000 homeless. The May 20 quake was described by Italian emergency officials asthe worst to hit the region since the 1300s. In addition to thedeaths, it knocked down a clock tower and other centuries-oldbuildings and caused millions in losses to a region known formaking Parmesan cheese. Its epicenter was about 35 kilometers (22miles) north of Bologna. Variable Axial Piston Pump

Residents had just been taking tentative steps toward resumingnormal life when the second quake struck. In the town ofSant'Agostino, a daycare center had just reopened. In the town of Concordia, the mayor had scheduled a town meetingTuesday evening to discuss the aftermath of the first quake.Instead, mayor Carlo Marchini confirmed the death of one personstruck by falling debris in the town's historic center. Italy's friendly soccer match against Luxembourg , a warm-up match for the Euro 2012 championships, was canceled.

The game was due to be played Tuesdayin Parma, just 40 miles (60 kilometers) west of the quake.

Qatar investigates mall fire as young victims mourned - Fruta Planta Reduce Weight

2013-07-28 12:42:53 | 旅行
The tragedy also is likely to push authorities across the Gulf tofurther examine fire safety rules in a region where the drive tobuild fast and big has brought concerns about the level ofemergency planning. Rescue crews in Qatar's capital Doha had to hack through the roof of the mammoth Villaggio mall toreach the child care facility, where the victims included2-year-old New Zealand triplets and three Spanish siblings. Two firefighters also werekilled. "What happened is similar to murder because of the lack ofsafety measures in such complexes," said wrote Salehal-Kuwari, editor of the Al Raya newspaper in Doha.

An editorial in the newspaper Al Arab urged officials around theGulf to consider creating special firefighting and civil defenseunits for the energy-rich region's huge malls. The Villaggioincludes an ice skating rink, theme park, movie theater and indoor Venice -style gondola rides. "Safety requirements must be stressed," said theeditorial. "They also need regular review." Qatar's Interior Ministry said the mall's sprinkler systemmalfunctioned, and rescue efforts were hampered by a lack of floorplans.

Other Gulf nations also have confronted concerns aboutwhether public safety planning can keep pace with the rapidconstruction. In November, firefighters in Sharjah , north of Dubai , struggled to battle a blaze in a 25-story tower without equipmentto reach the flames. The United Arab Emirates is considering bans on flammable panels in high-rise buildingsafter more recent back-to-back tower fires. An Al Arab journalist, Marzouki Faisal, reported that the route tothe Villaggio daycare center wound through a "maze" ofnarrow halls and stairways. He and others questioned the rules thatallow childcare sites inside commercial buildings. Slimming Beauty Capsule

"What happened is murder as a result of negligence andidleness," he wrote. The full list of those killed has not been issued by Qatarofficials, but most of the nationalities are known from statementsby various countries and families. The young victims include a3-year-old French child, four Spanish children, an 18-month-old South African toddler and the New Zealand triplets, Lillie, Jackson and WillsherWeekes. "It's absolutely devastating," the triplets' grandmother,Jo Turner, told Fairfax Media in New Zealand. Fruta Planta Reduce Weight

Spain 's El Pais newspaper said the Spanish children killed included threesiblings, aged 2 to 7, and a 7-year-old girl from another family.Another newspaper, El Mundo, said the Spanish mothers dropped offtheir children while they shopped. Tennis star Rafael Nadal was among those expressing their condolences via Twitter to the "families and friends" of the victims. The worldNo. 2 has appeared in a number of tournaments in the Gulf state. At least three of the nursery teachers, women from the Philippines , died of smoke inhalation, Philippine Foreign Affairs spokesman Raul Hernandez said in Manila. Weight Loss Slimming Tea

A South African woman who worked at the center also died, said aSouth African government statement. The Villaggio opened in 2006 and is one of Qatar's most popularshopping and amusement destinations in fast-growing Qatar, whichwill host football's 2022 World Cup . More than three-quarters of Qatar's population of 1.8 millionresidents are foreigners attracted to the tiny nation for jobsranging from laborers to government advisers. Sheik Abdullah bin Nasser Al Thani, the minister of state forinterior affairs, said authorities have carried out repeated searchoperations in the mall and confirmed that no one is still trappedinside, according to comments posted on the ministry's website.

Qatar's Interior Ministry said Tuesday that civil defense crewscontained two "limited" fires at a school and theQatarAeronautics College. It said there were no casualties in eitherfire. Funeral services for victims of the Villaggio fire were expectedlater Tuesday, it added.

Russian security firm spots cyber supervirus that tops stuxnet - Cell Phone LCD Screens Manufacturer

2013-07-28 12:32:38 | グルメ
"Over recent years the danger of military operations inCyberspace has been one of the most serious issues of informationsafety," Yevgeny Kaspersky, the firm's director, is quoted assaying in the statement. "Stuxnet and Duqu were parts of onecircuit of cyber attacks; their application raised concerns of apotential unleashing of global cyber war. Harmful Flame, mostlikely, is next stage of that war. It is important to understand,that this cyberweapon can be easily turned against any state." The firm said it found the virus accidentally, after it was hiredby the United Nations ' International Telecommunications Agency to trace the source ofunexplained glitches and deletions of sensitive information in theagency's Middle East operations. Nokia LCD Screens

A spokesman for Kaspersky toldjournalists yesterday that the virus' creator "remainsunknown," but it is probably a government, not only because ofits huge size and complexity, but also because it does not appearto be designed to steal bank account information or perform thesorts of tasks usually set by private criminal hackers. Stuxnet, which reportedly wreaked havoc on Iran's nuclear program , was designed to disrupt and destroy sensitive industrial systems.The new virus, which Kaspersky admits it does not yet fullyunderstand, appears to evade detection, bury itself deep, andcontinue siphoning off vital data for years. Iran's official Maher Labs, a division of Iran's telecommunicationsministry, said on its website today that "tools to recognize and clean this malware have beendeveloped and, as of today, they will be available for those[Iranian] organizations and companies who want it." Among the key characteristics of the virus, Maher said, are"distribution via removable medias and local networks, networksniffing, detecting network resources and collecting lists ofvulnerable passwords, scanning the disk of infected system lookingfor specific extensions and contents, creating series of user sscreen captures when some specific processes or windows are active,transferring saved data to control servers, and bypassing tens ofknown antiviruses, anti malware and other security software." The virus can infect computers running any Windows-based operatingsystem, it said. "We can clean this virus now, but we are still analyzing anddiscovering what it's capable of," says Vitaly Kamluk, chiefmalware expert at Kaspersky. "It took years to detect andunderstand Duqu and Stuxnet. Cell Phone LCD Screens Manufacturer

These were highly profesional toolsthat evaded us for a long time. Flame is the newest, but there's nodoubt that worse things may be out there. You can count onit.". Cell Phone Accesories