

Scientists urge action on world’s biggest problems - China Iphone 4 Soft Case

2013-02-04 11:36:45 | 旅行
Scientists from 15 countries are calling for a better politicalresponse to the provision of water and energy to meet the challenge of feeding a world of 9 billion peoplewithin 30 years. The joint statement by some of the world's leading scienceacademies was issued on Thursday ahead of the G8 summit in theUnited States. It is part of the annual lobbying effort aimed atfocusing the attention of world leaders on issues the scientificcommunity regards as crucial. For the first time, the scientists argue that looming shortages inwater and energy supplies should be treated as a single issue. "Major stresses on availability of energy and water arealready being felt in many countries and regions and more areforeseeable," the joint statement said. Iphone 4 Soft Case

Fossil fuel, nuclear and hydropower are still providing the bulk ofthe world's energy and they all rely heavily on the supply ofwater for cooling, running steam turbines or direct powergeneration. Conversely, large amounts of energy are used inpumping, purifying and desalinating water around the globe. "Without considering water and energy together,inefficiencies will occur, increasing shortages of both," thestatement warns. Politicians should pursue policies that integratethe two and emphasize the need for conservation, efficiency andcooperation across national borders. Disasters certain to happen The world also needs to increase its resilience against disasterslike those which result from tsunamis, earthquakes and levees thatfail in the face of rising sea levels. China Iphone 4 Soft Case

"Disasters are absolutely certain to happen," MichaelClegg of the US National Academy of Sciences told Reuters, addinggrowth in the global population, from 7 billion now, was focused oncoastal areas that are more vulnerable, making it "moreimportant that we design for resilience." The scientists said global annual losses from natural disastersexceeded $200 billion in 2005, 2008 and 2011 but loss of life wasgenerally much lower in developed countries. Governments should focus efforts on improving public healthsystems, strengthening building standards and better informationtechnology that enables faster warnings and response. Signatories of the statement are from the leading science academiesin the United States, Russia, China, Britain, Brazil, Canada,France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Moroccoand South Africa. They also call for better measurement of planet-warming greenhousegas emissions and more solid data country by country on naturalresources like forests, which absorb some of the most damagingcarbon emissions. "More accurate and standardized methods for estimating humanand natural sources and sinks of greenhouse gases are needed as aprerequisite for an international climate treaty and to determinethe effectiveness of national emission-reduction programs,"they said. Cell Phone Leather Pouches

Clegg said that despite the widespread acceptance of the need toreduce greenhouse gases, there is still a lot of uncertainty about,and a lack of standardization in, the methods for measuring thoseemissions. "There is a great need to develop more accurateapproaches," he said, adding that it was a fundamentalbuilding block for the world's response to climate change but"getting a correct measurement

Saudi arabia plans $109 billion boost for solar power - Lipo Laser Slimming Machine Manufacturer

2013-02-04 11:26:33 | 旅行
Saudi Arabia is seeking investors for a $109 billion plan to createa solar industry that generates a third of the nation s electricity by 2032,according to officials at the agency developing the plan. The world s largest crude oil exporter aims to have 41,000megawatts of solar capacity within two decades, said Maher al-Odan, a consultant at the King Abdullah City for Atomic andRenewable Energy. Khalid al-Suliman, vice president for theorganization known as Ka-care, said on May 8 in Riyadh thatnuclear, wind and geothermal would contribute 21,000 megawatts. We are not only looking for building solar plants, al- Odansaid in an interview in Riyadh yesterday.

We want to run asustainable solar energy sector that will become a driver for thedomestic energy for years to come. The comments highlight the scale of Saudi Arabia s ambitions toboost renewable energy use as a way to pare back on oil consumptionused for domestic desalinization and power plants, potentiallysaving 523,000 barrels of oil equivalent a day over the next 20years. For the solar panel manufacturers such as FirstSolar and SunPower, the Saudi Arabian market would open ahuge new market as European countries reduce subsidies to keep alid on installations. Panel sales may dip this year for the firsttime in more than a decade from 27,700 megawatts installed lastyear, according to a survey of analysts by Bloomberg on March 9.

Less profitable These markets are likely to be a lot less profitable thanexisting markets, Vishal Shah, an analyst at Deutsche Bank AGin New York, wrote in a note to clients yesterday, noting theSaudis may require bid winners to supply from factories built inthe nation. It looks like both First Solar and SunPower wouldneed to set up local manufacturing. First Solar dropped 4.9 percent yesterday, taking its slide thisyear to 55 percent. SunPower slid 0.7 percent, for a 16 percentdecline this year. Ka-care is the government agency set up in April 2010 to overseethe nation s renewable energy strategy. Cavitation Body Slimming

Its plans are likelyto be approved later this year, al-Suliman said, according to acopy of the presentation he gave on May 8. The government is targeting 25,000 megawatts from solar thermalplants, which use mirrors to focus the sun s rays on heatingfluids that turns a power turbine. Another 16,000 megawatts wouldcome from photovoltaic panels, according to the Deutsche Bank note. Citing government officials, Deutsche Bank said the capacity wouldbe added in competitive bidding starting with 1,100 megawatts of PVand 900 megawatts of solar thermal in the first quarter of 2013. Asecond round of bidding is due in the second half of 2014. Lipo Laser Slimming Machine Manufacturer

Tendering process That tendering process would differ from the European system, wheredevelopers are granted above market rates for solar power theyproduce. Germany, Spain, Italy and the UK have slashedrates under those feed-in tariffs to control a surge ininstallations. Saudi Arabia currently has about 3 megawatts of solarinstallations, trailing Egypt, Morocco,Tunisia, Algeriaand the United Arab Emirates, according to Bloomberg New EnergyFinance. The Saudi Arabian government has a powerful incentive todiversify its energy mix to reduce dependence on oil, said LoganGoldie-Scot, an analyst at New Energy Finance in London. Thestate could generate an internal rate of return of approximately 12percent if it built a PV plant and sold the displaced oil on theinternational markets. Crystal Microdermabrasion Machines Manufacturer

The analyst is assuming initial capital costs for the solarprojects of about $2.17 per watt of capacity installed. Wind and nuclear Persian Gulf oil producers are seeking to reduce their reliance onfossil fuels for power generation to maximize exports of valuablecrude and allocate natural gas to petrochemicals production.Ka-care estimates Saudi Arabia s peak electricity demand willreach 121,000 megawatt in the next 20 years, with half of thatpower generated using hydrocarbon fuel. Other forms of renewable energy such as nuclear, wind, geothermal,will only generate 21,000 megawatts of the peak-load required by2032, al-Suliman said in his presentation. The capital cost of installing the 41,000 megawatts should bearound $82 billion, al-Odan said.

The rest of the $109- billioninvestment will go to train the Saudis to run the solar plants aswell as for maintenance and operation, he said. Once the strategy, which includes new regulations and financialincentives for private investors, is approved we will startimplementation directly, al-Odan said. Saudi Arabia may burn 850 million barrels of oil a year, or 30percent of its crude output, to generate electricity by 2030 ifdoesn t become efficient in energy consumption, Electricity &Co-Generation Regulatory Authority Governor Abdullah Al-Shehri saidin a presentation in Riyadh May 8.