

Comet Elenin Spinning in the Galactic Rumor Mill

2011-09-27 10:42:47 | DECOR LIGHT

Other extreme claims about the nature of Elinin say that it is really a Brown Dwarf. But a Brown Dwarf would take far longer than what Elenin needs to change its direction by 90 degrees while passing by our Sun, which is two months and a few days. Just like a bicycle can take a narrower U-turn than a train because of its smaller size and slower speed.

A Brown Dwarf is a failed star who's mass falls between the largest gaseous giant planets and the smallest stars. Despite the fact that they don't illuminate themselves like stars or share other characteristics with active stars, they could have companions in binary systems, poly-systems or even satellite planets just like normal stars.

So how could a celestial body of such a size, mass and light reflection properties be at that relatively close distance from us while we can barely detect it except so faintly? If Elenin was indeed a Brown Dwarf, it would have been easily detected by even Infra-red telescopes while it was still as far as away as Neptune, the outermost planet in our solar system.

This not to mention that a Brown Dwarf would have affected the orbit of the outer planets of the solar system such as Saturn before reaching the inner regions of the four terrestrial planets something that didn't occur

One thing that might be misleading people when hearing about Elenin is the use of astronomical units to explain its distance as it approaches Earth. Some of the warning messages say, "The comet is passing VERY close to Earth at a distance of 0.the electricity needed LED diving torch to light them ranks at the high end of the spectrum of bulbs coming into the market.23 AU.We wanted to bring the LED bike light online shopping experience closer to customers visiting our new USA sales director for LED USA." Lay readers who are not familiar with astronomy might feel that the fraction indicates a small distance, while 0."They are Led light going to be like flat-screen TVs in terms of cost trajectory."23 AU really translates to 35 million km.

Another misguiding claim says that Elenin will occult the Sun leaving our Earth in full darkness for three days. For the comet to occult the Sun,MagicShine Weather Testing DSTT LED Bike Light - Must Watch Ending it has to move in as close to the Earth as 400 km (about the same distance the International Space Station orbits our planet), which is a far cry from 35 million km.

"As far as Comet Elenin goes, the only chance of impending doom is for the comet itself: it is disintegrating and quickly fading away," said Nancy Atkinson of "Australian amateur astronomer Michael Mattiazzo has been monitoring this comet's trip toward perihelion, which occurred on September 10, 2011, and he says Comet Elenin has likely has not survived." Mattiazzo has observed that the comet is already facing solar flares and is melting and fading away.

It is worth mentioning that our Sun, like any other star, has a periodic cycle called "Solar Magnetic Activity Cycle" which is repeated every 11 years, whereby higher rates of solar radiations occur. Solar phenomena such as Solar Flares, Solar Winds, Coronal Holes, Coronal Loops, Coronal Mass Ejection, Prominences, Helmet Streamer, Sunspots, Supergranulation, Granule, Faculae, Plage,9 Dec 2010 – What would the perfect fluorescent lights be? Spicules and Moreton Waves are also seen during that period. The year 2011 marks the 3rd most active year in the ongoing Solar Cycle, with the cycle peaking in 2013.