

There Goes Green The Neighborhood

2012-09-21 14:10:47 | led lights

Instead of blocking out the sun with plumes of black smoke, we will be harnessing the energy of the sun via a roof-top solar panel array. Now that is progress as Lakewood continues to be a leader in regional sustainability initiatives. The project approach was guided by the desire for the improvements to maximize energy conservation and utilize renewable energy sources, like the sun.

By optimizing the energy performance and efficiencies of an 80-plus-year-old structure, it will act as regional demonstration that old buildings are green. The majority of the building upgrades are Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) eligible, which is a national rating system for the design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings, homes and neighborhoods.

Yes, this old building has a lot of history behind it. Preservation of this building is noteworthy because it will continue to educate people about a significant part of our past and it will help create a tangible image in our community that is representative of our core values—as its true achievement is as a symbol of environmental progress.

Reduce, reuse and,Laser engraving, and laser marker, is the practice of using lasers to engrave or mark an object. in this case, renovate, are principles clearly desired by the residents of Lakewood. The life expectancy of this building has been greatly extended. Demolition and reconstruction of the Recycling Center facility would have been cost-prohibitive at this time for the City of Lakewood. Improving the building’s energy performance, thereby sustaining and prolonging its lifespan, has both improved its appeal for residents and preserved the City’s capital expenditure capacity for other vital projects and improvements. Please visit and make use of your Lakewood Recycling Center and Drop-off Facility, located at 12920 Berea Road.

The facility is for the benefit of Lakewood residents, property owners and businesses only. Personal identification showing Lakewood residence or ownership of property, vehicle registration, and building permits when applicable, are required.

The facility accepts the following materials: All recyclable material that is also collected curbside that includes the following: Aluminum and bi-metal cans, aluminum foil, glass jars and bottles, plastics with the recycle symbol and numbers 1-7; milk jugs, juice boxes, milk and juice cartons, frozen food boxes, food & margarine tubs, shampoo, detergent, and squeezable bottles; clear carry-out packaging, bubble-wrap, DVD & compact disc boxes, newspaper, glossy inserts, magazines, catalogs, phone books, paperback / hardbound books, junk mail, office, school, computer paper, envelopes, greeting cards, boxboard, anti-freeze, appliances /metals,Corrugated Metals has included this curving machine tutorial to help our visitors understand the roll forming process. batteries, clean & useable clothing, construction debris, motor oil, garbage and yard waste.

Note: anti-freeze, batteries, construction debris, motor oil not accepted from businesses. In addition, the facility offers year-round drop-off of old computers, fluorescent tubes (no longer than 4-feet in length) and CFL bulbs, household hazardous waste, and tires (off the rim), from Lakewood households only. Hazardous wastes that would not typically be found or used in a household are not accepted.