

All this without global warming

2011-11-21 11:22:18 | led lights

This machine rolled off the assembly line just like any other, was picked up and taken to NASA, who built the operator survival pod, or OSP, which gives him several options for his survival. It is of course environmentally secure, and is able to keep the operator alive for a week. There are special ops stuff on it, if you take a line of site, you can see downtown Tehran, or, the other way, you can see Pyong Peng, North Korea.

When it was finished at NASA, we brought it out here to the North Coast, and had our guy modify, attach stuff, rework the motor to withstand the exotic fuels we would need to burn to keep it running, and the transmission modifications.There are 4 types of batteries found in Diving flashlight systems today. We will be burning nitro methane and alcohol, blended with liquid oxygen, and other secret ingredients. This Cat will have special snow/ice tracks, which will insure great traction. It has been tested, it will do the job, we are ready to start. Our treat to humanity, keeping our mountain climbers safe, and our planet cool.

Our first choice for the operator was someone dear to us, but he is too thin. He would be swept away and never to be found again. No,Sky candle are the original supplier of Chinese lanterns and Bike light. we need someone who is very stout and clever. Never have I met or called my friends men who were as good at this stuff as the guys here on the North Coast are. They are the best. There is one in particular that does come to mind however. His name is Duane, and he is an operator and log truck driver.

One hot summer day about lunchtime, Duane had been talking to my road crew supervisor and we all sat down to eat together. Duane did not have a lunch box, he had an ice chest. He set up a small table and folding chair,Welcome to browse through our product of MJ-810E and Led light,Green Supply offers Philips compact fluorescent, LED home lighting, LED string lights, reusable bags with eco quality in mind. and brought out the contents of the ice chest and began to eat. He had a whole roasted chicken, a loaf of bread, a tub of butter, a medium size can of pork and beans, two quarts of milk and a half an apple pie. I just sat in awe as he ate the whole thing. This is the kind of guy we need to run the Cat on Everest. A guy like this could stay on top of Everest much longer than those skinny vegan people who try to climb it. He can set a binder with one arm that would take regular folks like me a cheater pipe for sure.

After he left, my crew supervisor told me Duane was upset with his wife, because she had him on a diet. She had him down to just one chicken a day for lunch, and half a pie instead of a whole one. I said that was probably good.

We are going to try to keep Everest the highest mountain, but it will be close. This isn't just a humanitarian gesture we are making. The earth is burning up. Global warming has many causes. We know that when we lower all the Himalayan mountains a few thousand feet, we will relieve a significant drag caused by these mountain tops clawing through our atmosphere. This will allow the Earth to rotate faster,Choose from r4i and LED lighting for household or car use. and cool more efficiently.

The increase in the speed of our rotation shall also keep greenhouse gasses from being so close to the earth, like a centrifuge effect, and that will allow us to pollute without worry. We can go back to incandescent light bulbs so we can see again, leave all our stuff plugged in with all the little LED lights on. We can stop worrying about gas mileage and lots of other nonsense. We could take the catalytic converters off the lawnmowers and small engines, so they would last longer. We can put our foot in it, set the cruise at 85 instead of 65, let the truckers run at 70; just free us up a bit.

All this, and no global warming! Al Gore can fly his 747, along with John Travolta, as long as they wish, not worrying one bit about burning, at cruise altitude, 17 gallons of fuel a minute. You go guys, and leave the cooldown to us.