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☆パリ散歩(モンパルナスタワー) Stroll in Paris (Montparnasse Tower)

2010-12-10 | パリ散歩 Stroll in Paris

2009年6月3日の昼過ぎ、パリの空は概ね晴れていたので、モンパルナスタワー(La Tour Montparnasse)に登って見ました。

Speaking of the positions to allow the magnificent bird's eye view of the city of Paris, we can point out the places like the Eiffel Tower, the Montparnasse Tower and the Basilica of Sacre-Coeur. As the sky of Paris was almost clear on June 3rd, "009, I took this opportunity to climb the Montparnasse Tower. 

この高層ビルは、TGV発着駅のひとつであるモンパルナス駅のすぐ近くに聳えています。私は、ホテルの近くにある地下鉄のアンヴァリッド駅から13号線を利用し、モンパルナス-ビアンヴニュ駅(Station de Montparnasse-Bienvenue)で下車して、この建物を訪れました。


This sky-piercing tower is situated close to the Montparnasse Railway Station, one of the terminal stations of TGV. I visited this building by taking the subway from the Invalids station near my hotel to the Montparnasse-Bienvenue station.
The Montparnasse Tower, being a 59 story building with the height of 210m, is the highest building in France. From the observatory at the top floor, you can enjoy 360 degree panorama. Please see my photos taken first at the direction of the Eiffel Tower, then others taken by moving to the clockwise direction. It was indeed a marvelous sky walk over the city of Paris.

エッフェル塔方面 Direction of Eiffel Tower

アンヴァリッド方面 Direction of Invalides

  ルーブル美術館方面 Direction of Louvre Museum

   モンパルナス墓地 Cemetery of Montparnasse

モンパルナス鉄道駅方面 Direction of Montparnasse Railway Station

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