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☆パリ散歩(カフェやお店) Stroll in Paris (Cafes & Shops)

2011-01-14 | パリ散歩 Stroll in Paris
When you are in Paris, there is no difficulty in finding a cafe or a restaurant. But, if you are a tourist not familiar with Paris, you may face some inconvenience in finding where to go for buying the daily necessities, outdoor goods, books or music CDs, booking and purchasing the concert or opera ticket, or for collecting the reserved train ticket. Here are some useful information I obtained from my experience.

1.食品・日用品  Food & daily goods
  It is relatively easy to find the supermarket even in the cenral area of Paris. It would be useful, however, if you know some name of the supemarket like Monoprix, Franprix, Casino and Champion. 

  シャゼリゼ大通りのモノプリ Monoprix on Avenue des Champs Elisees

2.書籍、ミュージックCD等  Books & music CDs
For this purpose, it is recommendable to visit the Virgin Megastore located on the Champs Elyses Avenue as it has a wide range of books and CDs. This store is located just next to the supermarket, Monoprix. You can also buy books and CDs at the stores named FNAC which can be found at sevral places in Paris.

   ヴァージン・メガストア Virgin Megastore

3.劇場の予約  Theater ticket booking
私がよく利用するのは、マドレ-ヌ寺院の近くにあるAgence de Theatres de Parisと言う劇場切符販売店です。ここでは、オペラ、クラシック、シャンソンなど殆どの興行の情報を入手し、かつ切符の購入がOKです。英語が通じるので、便利です。住所は、マドレーヌ広場6番地です。次に記すデカトロンから数十メートルくらいの位置です。
  I often utilize the theater ticket agent called Agence de Theatres de Paris located near from the Church of the Madeleine. You can get the information about the spectacles like Opera, Classic concert, Chanson concert, etc., and also purchase the ticket. As the sales people here understand English, it is very convenient. Its address is 6, Place de la Madeleine, Paris. It is only several tens of meters away.

劇場切符販売店 Theater ticket agent

4.アウトドア・グッズ  Outdoor goods
If you visit Decathlon located just on the opposite side of the Madeleine Church facing the the Madeleine Avenue, you can find a wide varieties of outdoor goods including clothing and sporting goods.

  デカトロン Decathlon

5.鉄道切符の購入・受領  Buying/collecting of train ticket
  フランス国内や国際列車の乗車券は、勿論パリの主要な駅で購入できますし、インターネットで予約した列車の切符を受け取ることもできます。でも便利なのは、パリ市内の各地区にあるSNCFブティック(SNCF Boutique)と呼ばれる店舗でも同様のサービスを受けることができます。私は、日本出国前にインターネットでユーロスターを予約しましたが、ホテルに近いSNCFブティックで切符を受領することができ、とても便利でした。
It is of course possible to buy the train ticket or receive ticket reseved by Internet at the major railway stations in Paris. But, it is also possible to get the same service at a store called SNCF Boutique which you can find at many places in town. I once enjoyed the advantage to use the SNCF Boutique to collect the Eurostar ticket reserved by Internet prior to leaving Japan.

  SNCFブティック SNCF Boutique 

6.チョコレート・紅茶など  Chocolate, tea, etc.
It would be the nice souvenirs to bring back the fine quality French chocolates and teas from Paris. FAUCHON and HEDIARD located just at the side of the Madeleine Church the well-known shops for such items. The photo below is the HERIDARD shop at the Goerge V Avenue.

   エディアール HEDIARD

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