Philip Woo's Blog


Toshi & Kreva Tour RH 1st day!

2007-05-01 | Rehearsal


Today was the 1st day of reheasal for the Kubota/Kreva Unity tour.

This time only Calos will join us from the USA.

Insted ,we will use our Tokyo friends.

Here is Carlos Henderson,me,Mika Arisaka,Yoichiro Kakizaki,and Kaleb James.


Our new DJ "DJ Mass"!


Our new guitarist,the one and only Hank Nishiyama.

Its almost "The Philip Woo Band,featuring Toshinobu Kubota "

After rehearsal,I went to The Blue Note to see Milton Nascimento.

He is the legendary composer and singer from Brazil.

The show was awesome !

I am totally inspired. His melodies were so beautiful.

His stage presence was very spiritual.

His band was amazing.Soulful ,rhythmic,simple but complex.

 Ahh! what a great day,and what a great night!

See you soon !

Reha 8th day for MTV icon

2007-03-06 | Rehearsal
Hi everybody!

Today is the final day of rehearsal for MTV Icon. Today,Double and Atsushi from Exile came to rehearse.

Today,everybody was fitted by a stylist for our stage costumes for the MTV Icon show. Do you like my costume?hey,I like this hat! I think I will "accidently" take it with me after the show!

Reha 3rd day for MTV icon

2007-03-01 | Rehearsal
Hi everybody!

Today,we rehearsed with "Double",and "Verbal"(From M-flo).
We had so much fun! We made stage arrangements for their guest appearance.

Rehearsal is so long! We have short breaks(KYUKEI).

Here we are,watching silly videos on "YouTube".
Every member has a laptop computer,and every member has silly and funny pictures and videos!
I like this time together with my friends!

See you!

Reha 2nd day for MTV icon

2007-02-27 | Rehearsal
Well,here we are,Toshi Kubota`s 2nd day of rehearsal. Its nice to see everybody. Here is Ishinari-kun and Carlos. Its seems like yesterday since we last met,but it has been almost a year since Toshi`s last tour! All the guest singers will start showing up tommorow! Its going to be fun,and everybody is excited. See you at Cha Cha house tomorrow.

Reha 1st day for MTV icon

2007-02-26 | Rehearsal
Today,was the first rehearsal for Kubota Toshinobu's MTV icon.

I'm happy to see every member and staff!

And I love my keyboard set up! HISASHIBURI DESUNE!!!

Do you know this drummer?

He is my drummer"Jay Stixx". This time, he will play for our event.

We will rehearse much more.

See You!

Rehearsal for O.B.N

2007-01-22 | Rehearsal
Well! Its time for rehearsal ! Next live (except for Mobius)is at Osaka Blue Note,with Silk. Today we are getting ready for these fine gentlemen from Los Angeles to arrive. They have many hits,and we have a lot of work to do!
Produced by my friend Keith Sweat,Silk has many fans in Japan. Sorry,this show is only inj Osaka! Maybe we will come to Tokyo next time...

Diva Gray Rehearsal

2007-01-08 | Rehearsal

Tomorrow at Blues Alley is my show with Diva Gray! If you dont know her name,dont worry! You have heard her voice so many songs in the past 30 years! All songs by Chic, Change (Luther Vandross debut group) Steely Dan,George Benson and many others.

The Mad Genius,Kaleb James. He is our bandmaster for tomorrow. Super drummer Takada Shin,my nakayoshi bassist,Cliff Archer,along with vocal/guitarist Gats,singers Robbie Danzie and Suzuki Momoko.This will be a concert with wonderful chemistry. If you plan to be there,be prepared to dance!

Who is the man behind the camera? Can you guess? He is an expert listener of soul/R&B music. He supports all of us in Tokyo who are continuing the pursuit of good music. He is always at our live shows,and is looking at us,but now I am looking at him,looking at us! He is the producer of this concert!

Shall I see you tomorrow? Or , I will see you soon!

Rehearsal for COTTON

2006-10-17 | Rehearsal
今日は、COTTON CLUB Liveのリハがあります☆
今のところ、Philip Woo Bandのみのリハを3回、Royが日本に到着してから全員でのリハを1回予定しています。 今日は初日なので、まだ探りながらのリハになりそうですね。 本番までのProcessもいつも以上に真剣! 目が離せません(*o*)

ところで、今日のPicですが、今回のためにPhilipのマブダチ(Philip談です・笑!)の椿さんが作ってくれたFlyerです!(椿さん、Thank U so much!!!) 出来上がり次第、いつも使わせてもらってるLive Houseをはじめ、CLUBなど様々な場所に置かれる予定です。 もちろん、下北沢にある椿さんのRecord Shop"FLASH Disc Ranch"でも手に入ります! Philipは大体、週一位のペースでFLASHにRecord探しに行ってますね。 遭遇率高し!ですよ(^w^)b

Rehearsal for 9/19

2006-09-15 | Rehearsal
今日は"SOUL SINGER BRENDA VAUGHN@Blues alley"のリハがありました。
毎回Philip Woo BandでGreatな歌を聴かせてくれるBrenda。 今回はいつもとは逆(?)にPhilipがサポートでの参加です! 一体どんなステージを見せてくれるのでしょうか。 楽しみですね☆


(Vo)Brenda Vaughn、Robbie Danzie 
(Key)Philip Woo
(Key/Vo)Kaleb James
(B)Clifford Archer
(Ds)Jay Stixx
(G)Masato Ishinari