Philip Woo's Blog



2008-02-27 | Recording

Today was a recording with singer Hitomi.

The Urban Blues Quartet is her studio group.

From left: Bassist  &  producer  Inoue Tomio, artist Hitomi ,

drummer Gota Yashiki, and executive producer and label owner Ide.

This studio group is a very good recording unit.

I look forward to more recording with UBQ !

Please look out for future music !



2008-02-14 | Private

I had to eat oysters , while the weather is still really cold.

It`s the perfect time in oyster season now !

Just one raw oyster with mentaiko negi and ponzu is just fine !

Baked oysters with basil,parmesan cheese ,panko bread crumbs ,

green onion,butter and olive oil is the theme tonight ! Where is the wine?

(hey Kakiyan , mite !)

Lesson day

2008-02-10 | P.P

Sometimes I teach lessons to young professionals.

Yesterday was my new student`s first lesson.

The Pink Panther was nice to my student! (sometimes he will meet a student or visitor that he doesn`t like) This is a good sign !

I love to teach,and my new student loves to learn .

We will see how quickly he learns the "Philip Woo piano course"!

See You !!!






きっと、"Philip Woo piano course"をものすごい速さで学んでいくだろうね!


Urban Blues Quartet Live@代官山Unit

2008-02-09 | Live

This is Sai Shigeaki. He is a pianist of the "old school" !

He gave a really great performance at Unit last Saturday !

I was really blown away by his piano playing !

(2月9日に、代官山のUnitでShow Case Liveがあったよ。

僕たちの前に演奏した、佐井 重昭さんというピアニストは、とっても素晴らしかった!)


Here we are backstage.

I was surprised to learn that he speaks fluent English !

He was  living in New York for many years.

He was a music writer and Jazz critic.

He is 71 years old ! But his spirit and music is  so young!

I will continue to play forever ,too. Please be there to listen !





僕もずっと永遠に演奏を続けていくよ。 みんな、よろしくね!)


And here is the Urban Blues Quartet !

From Left Tomio,me,Gota and Genta.

Each member has many great credits ,live recording and TV.

I was lucky to be invited as a member of UBQ.

We will record a 2nd CD starting next week.

Great groove!

(そして、これが僕が参加しているUrban Blues Quartetというグループ。





In Seattle

2008-02-03 | Private

I went to Seattle last week,to visit my Papa,who was in the hospital.

I happened to pass by "Chubby & Tubby".

This is where I bought my sneakers from age 0 until High School ! 

I like the sign,so I thought I`d share it with you.


その際、"Chubby & Tubby"っていうお店の前を通ったんだけど、




For those of you who order stuff from,

this is the world headquarters !




This young girl reminds me of Japanese TV comedian Tomochika

in the character of "Katharine"... It is a parody of "Beverly Hills 90210"

I asked if I could take her photo to show the folks back home in Japan !






Sorry ,I dont have much to put on my blog lately !

Im spending more time practicing and writing these days.

But, thank you for visiting !

My next live show is March 6th at Blues Alley...

Its first live show of 2008.

Im busy with other stuff,and dont play with the band as much as before,

so its a chance to play great music !

I hope you will come and see me and my band !

See you there !!!!!



でも、いつも僕のBlogを見に来てくれて、ありがとう! 感謝してるよ。

僕の次のライブは、Blues Alleyで3月6日にあるよ。



このチャンスを逃さないで、みんなにPhilip Wooバンドを見に来て欲しいんだ!

待ってるよ! またね!!!)