

Hunter Biden and the US government "sell emergency oil reserves (SPR)" to China. .. .. .. why?

2022-07-24 04:34:41 | 世界の皆さんへメール

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion

July 24, 2022: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,
Can you impeach Joe Biden now? .. At a gas station in New York, a "customer" (visited) said, "I'm shocked. I can't even afford to live here." Where did the gasoline released by "SPR" go?

In the United States, gasoline prices continue to rise against the backdrop of high crude oil prices, and there are concerns that this will lead to an increase in the burden on citizens' lives and a record-breaking prolongation of inflation. However, according to government data, more than 5 million barrels released from the "SPR". .. .. .. Can you impeach Joe Biden now?

"SPR crude oil cargo also went to the Dutch and Indian Reliance refineries, industry sources said. Another source said the third cargo went to China.
Hunter Biden and the US government "sell" Emergency Petroleum Reserve (SPR) "to China. .. .. .. why?

There is a "headline article" that Byden has sold "1 million barrels" from "US strategic petroleum reserves" to "China-owned gas giants."
 Hunter Biden and the US government "sell" Emergency Petroleum Reserve (SPR) "to China. .. .. .. why?

Buried in the story of "Free Beacon" was the fact that "Hunter Biden, the president's son," once had a "deal" with "Shinopek."
Can you impeach Joe Biden now?

Hunter Biden is still a business partner with CCP. They are buying our oil, "tweet Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican. "Can you impeach Joe Biden now?"

Oil industry consultant Philip K. Verleger said. In fact, all the oil industry analysts we contacted were confused by the fact that the recent sale to China was suddenly controversial.

It is "exorbitant unreasonable" when the profit comes from the sale of oil when the American family is suffering from record or near-record fuel prices.
(SPR) gasoline consumption should be limited to Americans. Can you impeach Joe Biden now?

President Biden's son is still financially related to China's Sinopek and could benefit from the sale of oil from strategic stockpiles, which is exorbitant.

It is reported that some of the hunter's economic interests in China were and may still be invested in Sinopek.

This is an example of how the simple fact that SPR Oil was sold to a "subsidiary of a Chinese company" and Hunter Biden once had a "business relationship with that company" turned into a malicious one. Can you impeach Joe Biden now?

Part 1. Concerns about increasing the burden on citizens' lives due to continued soaring US gasoline prices https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20220630/k10013695421000.html
Sale of Hunter Biden and US emergency petroleum reserves to China. Weekly newsletter to sign up for Fact Checker. Fact checker verified

I will write tomorrow, too.


Part 2 See below for the "false charges" of the 2010 "crimes of support for immigration law violations"
The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.
Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".
It is a false charge. However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized.
See below for the indictment. (Japanese)
See below for the indictment. (English translation)
English language.

Part 3 Construction of special zones.
"Special Zone of Algeria" by "EU", "Special Zone of Mexican Border" by the United States,
"Australia's special zone" by the new TPP (IPP), Japan's "Okinawa's special zone" ....
The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and poor people as "provisional migrants."
They "separate" from "workers in developed countries".
Developed countries can "manufacture" cheaper than Chinese products by "employing" "provisional immigrants."
Making a product that can beat Chinese products will weaken the Chinese army ...
English, Japanese, French, German

In Part 4 and below, past posts are being organized into the following blogs.
Many department logs are still under construction.

Part 4 Japan's serious human rights violations

Part 5 Development of (COVID-19) Instantaneous Sensor
"PCR test" takes time. We should develop an "inspection system" that instantly "identifies" the "infected person" like thermography.

Part 6 Taiwan Defense: Okinawa Marines should be relocated to Taiwan

Part 7. One coin union & Yachae NISSAN

Part 8 Nagano opinion
CO2-free SDGs o2 international issues, etc.

Very truly yours.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Daily posts are published in the following program.


If you have any questions, please contact us!



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