ボリショイ劇場 & シドニ-オペラハウス観劇記



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Thank you (Writer)
2009-08-15 01:18:45
Svitanna san
Thanks for your message.
Unfortunately both on Aug10 and 13, Sveta and Andrei didnot sign at all.
Maybe because they come to Japan so often these days, they donot think this is special occassion.
Most of other dancers donot come to Japan not like Svita and Andrei and thus believe these starts considers this is important occasion for them to show their appreciation to Japanese ballet fan.
Unknown (Svitanna)
2009-08-14 00:43:12
Thank you for the photos.
They are very great !
Unknown (Svitanna)
2009-08-14 00:42:09
Natalia Osipova look like very nice i think.
I like Aur蛹ie Dupont.
Tamara Rojo is very beautiful.
AndreUvarov is so fantastic !
Unknown (Svitanna)
2009-08-14 00:40:52
Thank you for the video : i like very much because there are a lot of dancers.
Sveta is so beautiful !
But, why doesn't she sign autograph ? Was she tired ?

