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Ex-NOVA boss questioned for breaking LSL

2007-11-04 01:12:36 | Reading
Ex-NOVA boss questioned for breaking Labor Standards Law

Nozomu Sahashi, the founder of the failed NOVA Corp., has been questioned for breaking the Labor Standards Law by failing to pay his employees, government sources said.

Officials of the Osaka Labor Bureau of the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry questioned Sahashi, 56, last Monday. They are considering whether to file a criminal complaint with law enforcers, accusing him of violating the Labor Standards Law.

During questioning, Sahashi admitted that the company failed to pay wages to employees. "We tried to raise the money to pay wages by all means, but we couldn't," he was quoted as telling bureau officials.

NOVA's financial situation took a dive after the Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry imposed a six-month ban from making long-term contracts with students in June for its unfair business practices.

It has not paid salaries for September and October to Japanese employees and wages for October to instructors. The unpaid wages amount to about 4 billion yen.

Labor Standards Law : 労働基準法
founder : 設立者
failed : 経営の破綻した
break : 違反する
fail to : しない、できない
employees : 従業員
welfare : 幸福、福祉、福利厚生
consider : 熟考する
file : 申請する
criminal complaint : 刑事告発
law enforcer : 法執行機関
enforcer : 執行者
accuse : 責任を問う、責める、訴える
admit : 認める
raise : 調達する
by all means : なんとしてでも
quote : 引用する
bureau : 事務局、局
official : 役人
quoted at telling : -に述べたと伝えられる
financial situation : 財務状況
take a dive : 急落する
ministry : 省庁、大臣、内閣
impose : 課す、負わす
unfair : 不正な
business practice : 商行為、ビジネス手法
instructor : 指導者、講師
amount : 合計-に達する(to)
billion : 10億
