Business English Study

Enhance my basic english ability !

Getting Acquainted (P1-2)

2007-11-04 02:11:49 | English Conversation
1. What is your name?
My name is Masato.
Please call me Masy.

2. What does your name mean ?
Masato is "Tadashii" and "Hito".
Tadashii often means correct or fair, and Hito often means man.
So my name often means correct man.
But I think I was not correct.

3. Do you have a nick name ?
Yes, I have.
My nickname is "Masy".

4. Where were you born ?
I was born in Kanagawa.
And now I still live in Kanagawa.

5. Did you grow up there ?
Yes I did.
Till I married, I have lived and grew up in there.

6. Where do you live now ?
No, I don't.
Now I live in Kanagawa but there is not family home but our new house.
That is isolated house.

7. Do you have any pets ?
Yes, I have.
I have two cats named Tama and Chibi who were picked up at wayside.

8. Do you have a parttime job ?
No, I don't.
I am company employee.

9. Do you belong to any clubs ?
No, I don't.
In order to raise my son, I quitted football club.

10. What do you like to do on the weekend ?
I like to play with my son.
And if I have much time, I want to Learn foreign language.

12. Do you like roller coaster ?
Yes I do.
Because that is exciteing for me.

13. Do you like rap music ?
No, I don't.
If anything, I like pop or classic music.
Especially I like foreign woman vocalists.

14. Do you like natto ?
Yes, I love that.
I can not believe who can't eat that.
Who live in Osaka was quated that they hate natto.

15. Do you like English ?
Yes, I do.
If possible, I lived out of japan.

16. I was wondering about your name.

17. I am curious about your name.

get acquainted : 知り合いになる
isolated home : 一軒家
pick up : 拾う
walkside : 道端
company employee : 会社員
in order to : -するために
raise my son : 息子を育てる
if anything : どちらかといえば
