Business English Study

Enhance my basic english ability !

Fierce Talent War (NPB)

2007-11-12 11:59:54 | Reading
--- Translation of Japanese into English ---

FUKUDOME declared Free Agent

In Nippon Professional Baseball, Kosuke FUKUDOME who belongs to Chunichi Dragons (30 years old) made a statement that he will declare right of Free Agent that he got this season. To acquire him there are a lot of teams not only japanese teams but aloso Major League for example Tigers, Giants, Cubs and more.

He said "I don't have any priority" therefore it is said that there will be fierce talent war about him.

FUKUDOME appeared at statement that was conducted from 9 am with at ease. I became to want to have evaluation about me from another teams he was quoted to explain the reason of decision about Free Agent.

On the other hand, he said "if I have no illusion about business is business It was easy for me to decide this decision. But I have been stood by fan and teammates so I
could not grow by myself." He exposed his bitter about this decision.

--- Translation of English into Japanese ---




--- Vocabulary ---

Declare : 宣言する
Make a statement : 声明を発表する
Right : 権利
Acquire : 獲得する
Priority : 優先
Fierce : 熾烈な
Talent war : 人材争奪戦
Appear : 現れる
Conduct : 行なう
At ease : 落ち着いて
Evaluation : 評価
Have no illusion that : -を割り切る
Decision : 決定
Stand by : -を援助する
Glow : 成長する
By myself : 1人で
Expose : 明らかにする
Bitter : 苦しみ
