Business English Study

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Degital Marketing in US / 2007.11.14

2007-11-14 10:51:43 | Reading
-- Paragraph 1 ---

Facebook Is Marketing Your Preferences

Facebook wants to put your face on advertisements for products that you like. In a twist on word-of-mouth marketing, Facebook just began selling ads that display people’s profile photos next to commercial messages that are shown to their friends about items they purchased or registered an opinion about.

Last word: There is no better product endorsement than one from a trusted friend. That has the potential to be a game-changer in the social media space if they can pull it off. However, the latest news is that this offering may be against the law in the US. Apparently, using a person’s likeness in an endorsement requires written permission (a law written 104 years ago), so this may be wrapped up in legal limbo for a little while.

--- Vocabulary ---

in a twist : 予想外の展開
word-of-mouth : 口コミ
product endorsement : 製品推奨
pull off : 成功する
offering : 提供品、売り出し品、申し出ること
warp up : 包む、完成させる、終える
legal limbo : あいまいな状態
for a little while : 少しの間

--- Paragraph 2 ---

Web Ad Spending Expected to Double By 2011

U.S. spending on Internet advertising will surpass $21 billion this year and double by 2011, as more money moves away from traditional media like television and newspapers, research firm eMarketer forecast on Wednesday. The company said concerns about the economy are hurting forecasts for advertising spending across the board, but said in a report that budgets for online campaigns will likely hold up better than for traditional campaigns.

Last word: By 2011, the lines between “traditional” and digital media will be even greyer than today. Where does television end and “online” begin ? The discussion will become academic, but it is safe to assume that newspapers will continue to suffer.

--- Vocabulary ---

surpass : 上回る
double : 2倍になる
forecast : 予測する (=predict)
hurt : 傷つける
across the board : 全体的に
hold up : 持ち上げる、持続する
academic : 学問的な
suffer : 苦しむ
