Business English Study

Enhance my basic english ability !

Talk about Food (Pattern B-2 / P21)

2007-10-31 15:04:44 | English Conversation
1. Is there any kind of food you dislike ?
Especially I dislike Thai food.
Because it is too spicy and hot for me.
For example, I like curry but I dislike thai curry for same reason.
About japanese food, I dislike sushi.
Because I can not eat wasabi and dislike vinegar.
So If I have to go to sushi restaurant in business dinner I always order sushi with out wasabi.
In sushi menu, I like Ikura, Natto and Tamago because those are needless to eat with wasabi.

2. Can you cook ? What is your best dish ?
People tell me my French-Toast is good.
I think that is easy-to-make.
How do you use ?
First, prepare material that is a bread, a egg, milk and vanilla ice cream.
Before starting, heat oven to ease cooking.
First melt down vanilla ice cream to liguid and mix that with milk and egg.
Next a bread is mixed with previous maked liquid.
Finally, burn that for eight minutes on 220 degree in oven.
That's all.

3. If you could go anywhere in japan for dinner , where would you go and what would you eat ?
If possible I would go to sendai for eating GYUTAN.
Gyutan is a kind of meat dish that use beef.
Sendai is famous about Gyutan cuisine.
I have a lot of likes and dislikes but alomost of meat is eatable for me.
But in meat cuisine I can not eat Liver.

Spicy : ピリッとした、香料のきいた
Hot : 辛い
Easy-to-make : 作りやすい
Prepare : 準備する
Material : 材料
Vanilla : バニラ
Heat : 暖める
Ease : -をしやすくする
Melt down : 溶かす
Liquid : 液体
Mix : 混ぜる
Burn : 焼く
Degree : 度
Oven : オーブン
A kind of : -の一種
Beef : 牛の肉
Likes and dislikes : 好き嫌い
Almost of : -のほとんど
Eatable : 食べられる
Liver : レバー
