Business English Study

Enhance my basic english ability !

Conversation about sports

2007-10-22 00:59:41 | English Conversation
[ Do you play any sports? ]

Yes, I do.
Sometimes I play football and footsul with my company colleague in weekend.
There is a lot of tournament against another company or student team.
But we can not win the championship by now.
Almost we are in second or third position.

Colleague : 同僚(コリーグ / 1)
      fellow worker , coworker
by now : 今のところ

[ Are you a good tennnis player? ]

No, I think I am not.
I have played tennis several times, but I have not learned any proper lessons.
For example I can not hit a ball forehand.
When I serve a ball, my shot ball always touch a net.
Frankly speakiing, I have confidence in any sports but tennis don't suit me.

proper : 正しい
forehand : テニスのフォアハンド
frankly speaking : 正直言って
have confidence in : 自身がある
suit : 似合う、合う
