Business English Study

Enhance my basic english ability !

Current Status of Last Competition

2007-10-31 14:02:44 | Business

This is great news. If the local team are recognizing us, Head office will approve.



This was acceptable so they will now propose us to Atlanta.
We will know Friday if this is agreed.



Dear all

Last Friday, Karl met Frank of client's president and shared their evaluation for our presentation.
They said we are a bit better than opponent in planning and , especially costs.

But they also pointed out that our fee proposal is far bigger than opponent, so we agreed to resubmit our revised one and did it yesterday.
Then they accepted it and will make it to be their proposal to their Atlanta head office.
We will know their answer within a week.

Best regards,


Sorry, but please let me remind you that it should be kept confidential internally , externally, until we get their final decision and official letter to venders.


Recognize : わかる、評価する、賞賛する
Approve : 承認する、強化する、賛成する
Acceptable : 喜ばれる、満足のゆく
Bit : 少し
Resubmit : 再提起する
Make it : うまくいく、何とかする、調整する、都合をつける
