Business English Study

Enhance my basic english ability !

Talk about Money and Time (Pattern A / P18)

2007-10-31 22:36:56 | English Conversation
1. How much do you usually pay for music CDs ?
I usually pay approximately 2,000(two thousand) yen for music CDs.
But recently I don't buy CDs compared with past.
When I find good music, first I am going to download for free.
If I can not download that next I go to iTunes store on website and I will buy music what I only need.

2. How much do you think a five-day ski trip to Hokkaido would cost ?
I think that trip would cost about 70,000(seventy thousand) yen per a person in winter.
That included air fare, hotel and several breakfast.
If you want to play ski or snowboard, I guess total cost will be over 100,000(one hundred thousand) yen.

3. How much do you think the least expensive Mercedes-Benz costs ?
I think that costs about 3,000,000(three million) yen.
To tell the truth, I have a Mercedes-Benz that's class is A.
My mercedes is most cheap one among all mercedes class.
Therefore I know that cost.

4. How much do you usually spend at the barbershop or beauty salon ?
I usually spent around 12,000(twelve thousand) yen.
I go to beauty shop every three months.
Everytime I get a perm therefore I spend little expensive cost.

5. What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought ?
That is house.
That costed approximately 50,000,000(fifty million) yen on a loan.
I have to pay back housing loan for thirty five years continually.
Incidentally interest of that loan is 1.5%.

6. How long do you think it takes to fly from Tokyo to Sydney, Australia ?
I think it takes about 8 hours.
Certainly it takes about 6 hours from Tokyo to Cairnes and I guess it takes about two hours from Cairnes to Sydney.

7. How long does it take you to get ready for school in the morning ?
I need at least one hour to get ready for coming to work.
After I wake up, I usually wash face and eat breakfast that my wife make and brush my teeth and finally change clothes.
