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Naito clobbers cocky Kameda

2007-10-14 00:50:04 | Reading
Veteran Daisuke Naito retained his WBC flyweight title with a unanimous decision over Daiki Kameda in Tokyo on Thursday night.
It was Naito's first defense of the title he won in July and, at 33, he becomes the oldest Japanese world champion to retain their title.

"I beat one of the Kamedas so I'm sure Japan will thank me for it," Naito said.

Thursday's loss was the first for 18-year-old Kameda in his 11th fight since turning pro.

The loss also ensures Kameda misses his chance of becoming Japan's youngest ever world champion. He had been aiming to take the title and become one of the first siblings in Japan to be world champions after his older brother Koki, 20, took the WBA flyweight title before giving it up in an ugly fight that ended in a farce on Thursday.

Though clearly beaten in the fight, Kameda didn't help his cause by illegally punching Naito, and then throwing a tantrum after the referee docked him a point. The referee then docked the teenager further points.

clobber : 打ちのめす
cocky : うぬぼれた
retain : 維持する(maintain)
unanimous : 満場一致の、全員一致の
ensure : -を確実にする
aim : 目的とする
sibling : 兄弟 ex. Do you have any sibling ?
ugly : 醜い(not good)
farce : 茶番
though : -にもかかわらず
beat : たたく、打ち負かす
throw a tantrum : むかつく、八つ当たりをする
tantrum : 不機嫌
dock : -を節約する、減らす
