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Crimes Committed By Repeat Offenders

2007-11-07 02:38:53 | Reading
60 percent of crimes in Japan committed by repeat offenders
Nearly 60 percent of crimes in Japan are committed by repeat offenders, with about 30 percent of all convicted criminals having committed at least one previous crime, a white paper released by the Ministry of Justice has shown.

"There is a need to work to thoroughly uncover the cause of crimes at the stage of the first offense, and provide specific individual treatment," a comment in the white paper says.

In collecting the results, the Justice Ministry randomly sampled 1 million adults who had been convicted of crimes in the past. It found that about 29 percent of the criminals had received guilty sentences at least two times. Excluding traffic-related crimes, about 58 percent of the crimes were committed by repeat offenders.

A total of 45 percent of people whose first conviction was for theft committed another crime, compared with 42 percent whose first offence was a violation of the Stimulants Control Law. Thirty-three percent of people whose first crime was for violent behavior or injuring someone returned to crime. Altogether 17 percent of convicted murderers went on to commit another crime, and 0.9 percent of these subsequent crimes were murders.

By age, about 43 percent of the people who returned to crime were aged between 20 and 24 at the time of their first offense, while about 19 percent were aged between 25 and 29, and 12 percent were aged between 30 and 34.

The percentage of repeat offenders who committed a large number of crimes was highest among those in their 50s, standing at 41 percent.

"The need is rising for criminal justice bodies to work together, as is the case with work, education, medical welfare and private organizations," the white paper says.

crime : 犯罪
commit : (犯罪を)犯す、約束する
offender : 犯罪者
convict : 有罪判決を出す
criminal : 犯人
white paper : 白書、政府の公式報告書
ministry of justice : 法務省
uncover : 明らかにする
work to : 努力する
thoroughly : 徹底的に
collect : 集める、纏める
randomly : 不規則に
sample : 抽出する
guilty esntence : 有罪判決
exclude : -を除外する
for theft : 窃盗で
Stimulants Control Low : 覚醒剤取締法
Altogether : 全く、全体で、全部で
subsequent : 次の、続く
body : 団体、集まり
