そういう社会的役割とおぼしき人物が、このように狂騰群舞を積極的に「仕掛けている」ことになる。 現代人で考えれば、そういった役割の人物は、よくてもニコニコとして一団の後ろに付いている、というのが一般的だろう。万が一、ケンカなどが起こった際には、それを収める役割が重大で、盛り上げるのは、ほかの人物の好きに委ねるというのが一般的。間違っても枝を折って肩掛けするマナー違反はありえないだろう。
English version⬇
Native Japanese sense of dance and body movement
In order to realize the "Taihei" society of the Edo period (1603-1868), the native Japanese "sense of dynamism" must have been strongly restrained. I want to be drawn into the sense of rhythm of unrestrained dancing. .......
From the detailed image of Rakuchu Rakugai-zu, a work by Matabei Iwasa.
It is rare for modern Japanese adults to dance in the streets. Group group dances can be seen at events such as the Awa Odori dance, but even these are controlled by a kind of "stylized" rule.
When the Edo shogunate and feudal system of society was established with the highest priority on domestic peace, this kind of primitive sense of Japanese physical movement was probably greatly restricted.
This work by Iwasa Matabei, Rakuchu-Rakugai-zu, which strongly preserves the atmosphere of the Sengoku and Toyotomi periods, seems to express the sense of physical movement of "ordinary people" of those periods. Although there may be some exaggeration in the expression of the purpose of the work, "to express the liveliness of the city of Kyoto," I do not think that the expression is completely groundless.
The top image shows two women dancing and "touting" in front of a store in Kyoto. To a modern observer, it might seem as if they were asking for an entertainer's performance, as if they were giving themselves over to a strong sense of rhythm from within their bodies and letting their whole bodies be carried away by their enthusiasm.
This is an age when there is no way to make flyers and distribute them to customers, or to spread advertisements on TV or Youtube. I wonder if the desperate efforts on the part of the stores crystallized in this form.
The figure below is a scene of a cherry blossom viewing party, and the person at the front is leading the group with a broken cherry blossom branch. The third image shows the group at the cherry blossom viewing party, and the leading figure is clearly an elder and appears to be the leader of the group.
The person in the foreground is clearly an elder and appears to be the leader of the group. In the modern world, such a person would generally follow behind the group with a smile on his face at best. If a fight should break out, it is common for them to play the important role of containing the situation and leave the enlivening to the other members of the group. Even if I am wrong, there would be no breach of etiquette to break a branch and hang it over one's shoulder.
Furthermore, this kind of sense of physical movement would naturally require a "sense of rhythm" musicality to be imagined. At festivals, flutes, drums, and other musical instruments are used to make people go crazy, but I don't think there was any such "orchestra" at these group dances in the city of Kyoto. Were they dancing wildly, surrendering themselves to the rhythmic sense of a particular piece of music in their minds?
If so, people in Japan up to the Middle Ages seem to have had a strong sense of rhythm in their bodies. We are overwhelmed by their power and admire them.