


2024-03-22 05:23:49 | 日記


English version⬇

Is the Right Number of Exercise Steps the Best Way to Stay Healthy?
As we age, information technology and SNS-like web conversations increase. It is important to be open to exploring health maintenance strategies from a purposeful perspective, under the pressure of such daily "information". ・・・・・・・・.

I have been walking around during the day for the past few days.
 I have maintained a pattern of getting a certain amount of exercise, mainly by going for a walk, about 7-8,000 steps a day. When I was a bit younger, I used to get my exercise by going golfing in my own bad way, but I gradually became disconnected from it because it was too much of a waste of time. I guess I have become intolerant of wasting almost an entire day, considering the time it takes to get to and from the golf course.
 Perhaps this change in preference has something to do with our modern lifestyles, which are now based on computers and smartphones. I feel that the constant flow of information via the Internet and the constant access to Slack and the like has become the norm, and this is what has changed our lifestyles.
 In such an environment, and in the wintertime in Hokkaido, we are not walking around, but driving instead, so we are lacking in exercise. This means that I have to shovel snow, which is a heavyweight workout, but it is difficult to control myself because it depends on the weather.
 Especially this year, the amount of snowfall was more than usual, so we could not leave the house easily (laugh).
 Couples in northern Japan have to help each other and share household labor. Since shoveling snow is mainly my area of duty, psychologically I am forced to live my life checking the skies at all times during the period from January to March. But there is a good side to having such "forced" things to do. It may be that the concept of "mutual aid" becomes a natural part of our lives and becomes the norm.
 As the winter finally seems to be coming to an end, I am getting back into the habit of taking daily walks, but for the past few days I have been "moving around" mainly by public transportation, even when moving around. When I started this kind of walking, on the first day, my legs were burdened all at once and I had muscle aches in any case, but from the next day on, I feel like I am getting used to it and "working out".
 We are looking forward to getting acclimated in a positive way to maintain our health before the real spring start-up.
 Walking naturally makes people "positive". I have seldom seen anyone walking backwards.