


2024-08-26 05:59:29 | 日記


English version⬇

Mysterious and wacky vegetable - Somen Pumpkin
Following on from the previous kohlrabi, “boiled somen” is a vegetable that is produced in many parts of Honshu. Farmers in the Naganuma area are trying their hand at producing this vegetable in various parts of Honshu. It is an eye-opener. I want to collect information and cook it. I want to collect information and cook it.

 On weekends, I look forward to going out with my husband and wife to go shopping, mainly for vegetables. In my blog on August 15, I introduced “kohlrabi” - a turnip radish that tastes like cabbage - under the theme of “Discovering Omoshiro Vegetables, Exploring Produce Markets,” and showed you how I made asazuke (lightly pickled vegetables) from it.
 Until then, most of my visits had been to the stores at Niseko View Plaza, but on this occasion, I went out to the group of farmer vegetable stores around the roadside station “Maoi no Oka Koen” in Naganuma. I had visited there many times before, but I was surprised to see that it had been “redecorated” or enhanced. It was very enjoyable to see the ingenuity and management effort that goes into these agricultural product stores.
 This time, it was the “Somen Pumpkin,” which I had been curious about last time.
 I had asked at the store, “What kind of vegetable is this? But the only explanation was, “It's a pumpkin that is cut in half and boiled to make it look like somen noodles. I asked, “Oh, does that mean you cut it into somen noodles?” He replied, “No, that's not what I meant...”
 I decided to buy it and cook it yesterday to solve this “concern”.
 I searched the web and found the visual information as shown in the two photos below. It's a good thing I did not have to buy it. This vegetable is produced all over Honshu, but mainly in the Sea of Japan and Hokuriku regions, so from a Hokkaido person's point of view, this vegetable is a real curiosity. From the point of view of people in Hokkaido, it is a truly unusual vegetable, and one that surprises us with its strange natural formations. Farmers in the Naganuma area have taken up the challenge. It is amazing that the somen is ready to be cooked as soon as it is boiled.
 We are planning to start cooking sometime this week. I have a lot of buckwheat noodle making to do, so it's hard to keep my mind organized and my heart in the right place. Fortunately, the somen kabocha can be stored at room temperature until winter.
 〜Somen kabocha has no peculiar taste, so you can eat it simply as somen noodles with “mentsuyu (noodles sauce) + quail egg + all-purpose green onion,” or you can make it salad style with your favorite dressing. If you want to substitute pasta noodles as veggie noodles, be sure to squeeze out the water thoroughly before use so that the flavor is not diluted by the water in the Soumen kabocha. 〜I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it is a good idea.
 I like cooking, but I am the type of person who gathers information first before starting to cook. I also have a lot of other vegetables and ingredients to buy, so I want to work on them in that order as well. I'll let you know what I think after cooking and eating them next time.

【ヒグマ追加情報 & ホッケ3景in札幌の市場】

2024-08-25 06:27:04 | 日記

 昨日の「ヒグマ」情報について、いつもわたしの情報発信に対してさまざまにご意見や貴重な知見情報提供をいただく読者のShigeru Narabeさんから、以下のような情報がブログへの「コメント」欄投稿として寄せられたので、とくにご紹介いたします。


English version⬇

Additional brown bear information & 3 views of hokke in Sapporo's market
We received valuable information on brown bears in the neighborhood from a reader. Is a resident brown bear colony in danger? On the other hand, three photos of hokke as a blessing of nature. ...

 Regarding yesterday's “brown bear” information, I received the following information from Shigeru Narabe, a reader who always provides various opinions and valuable knowledge to my information transmission, as a post to the “Comments” section of my blog.
 〜The city of Sapporo is working with universities and research institutes to identify individual brown bears by analyzing DNA from body hairs collected from hair traps and other methods. These three brown bears are believed to be a mother and her cubs that were found at the top of a mountain in early spring while hibernating for the winter. According to the “Sapporo Brown Bear Basic Plan 2023,” Mt. Triangle is designated as a “priority area for brown bear control,” an area where brown bears should be controlled, but the city does not seem to be moving toward “control. ~.
 Oh, yes. If the population was “wintering” near the top of Mt. Triangle, we can assume that this area is almost exclusively used as a nesting area, and if these mother individuals are “settled” there, it is possible that a “colony” will eventually be formed there. In addition, this triangular mountain is naturally considered to be the same area as the mountainous region to the south of Sapporo as its hinterland, so this is not simply a local animal dynamic, but a situation that affects a wide range of areas. I think the local government should take appropriate measures, especially as a resident of the surrounding area.
 However, even if we were to ask hunters to go out to the area, it would certainly be very difficult for them to make the right decision to fire at a moment's notice in an area where there are houses and people. Hmmm.
 I had to stop my early morning walk yesterday because I felt a little lost. I would like to check the area more carefully in the future.
 However, at a well-known food shopping supermarket, fresh fresh raw “mahi hokke” and “Hokkaido hokke” were a feast for the eyes. I have received some information from readers who are making their own “hokke” from fresh fish, but so far I have been somewhat reluctant to “try again”. I am getting a lot of encouragement for my training in buckwheat noodle making and hokke-birakiraki (back breaking hockey). I am running out of places to escape to.

 The Hokkaido hokke and the American hokke were sold at the same price, but while there are of course differences in the products and the time lag between freezing and transportation, there is still a big difference in the way they are “opened” for visual purposes. The hockey produced in Hokkaido is usually cut open on the back, whereas the hockey produced in the U.S. and Russia is usually cut open on the belly, as shown in the photo.
 Perhaps there is a difference in knife handling culture. I am reminded of this once again.


2024-08-24 06:23:29 | 日記


English version⬇

Three brown bears in front of a house 1.3km from our house, near Mt.
A crisis that exists now. The reality is that brown bears are being filmed by the security cameras at our house. I wonder if we can warn the animal society by warning them to protect themselves. ...

 Yesterday, I continued to make progress on the ongoing work while moving around and cooperating with various organizations. In the evening, I attended a meeting to commemorate the establishment of the “General Incorporated Association, Hokkaido-Vacant House Utilization Network. I would like to touch on this vacant house-related trend again. I was involved in the situation on my cell phone, but then I finally went home to check on the progress of other matters.
 I was up much later than usual and finally went to bed around 10:30 PM. I woke up around 4:00 a.m. this morning and was checking the news on my phone when I saw a news video from UHB, a TV station in Hokkaido, which reported the following. It is about 1.3 km from my house. It was in a place I was visiting on a walk as I wrote in my blog just a few days ago <August 4, 2024, 5:00>.
 My wife, who woke up earlier than usual, said at the beginning of the morning, “There is a bear near our house. I arrived home just before 9:00 p.m., which coincided with the time this brown bear was active. 〜At around 9:35 p.m. on March 22, three brown bears were seen walking near a house in Yamanote, Nishi-ku, Sapporo, as captured by a security camera installed in the house. ~.
 Urban animals, or is it a crisis that is there now?
 As you can see on Google Maps, they appeared in the Triangle Mountain Greenbelt, which is different from a residential urban area like our neighborhood, but that is exactly what they have been doing in this greenbelt, which symbolizes a rich natural environment. Sapporo is surrounded by mountains on the south side of the city, and the richness of its natural landscape is the starting point of our “attachment” to the city, but we naturally have more opportunities to encounter natural animals.
 When the population was growing, society as a whole placed the highest priority on “human environmental development,” and the elimination of such dangers was the only option, but the situation has changed in the current phase of population decline. Urbanism and civilization have been calling for the value of “smart shrinkage” (i.e., the successful contraction of the area of human activity). In other words, people are reluctant to respond to the dangers of the wild by force. Today, “alerting people” has become a kind of “response.
 It is doubtful that today's society has a clear response. It may not be a clear “policy” as a response to the crisis that exists today.
 For the time being, I have no choice but to take a variety of self-protective measures on my own walking courses, but it is not easy, especially since I encountered a deer roaming in the middle of a residential area the other day.


2024-08-23 06:46:49 | 日記


English version⬇

[The clear and bizarre reality of the media in relation to power struggles and the framed picture of a local shrine
The naked and bizarre reality of the media in relation to the struggle for power. Let's take a look at the “Hiryu” (flying dragon) frames of Yamato-e paintings and try to heal our hearts. The “flying dragon” of the Yamato-e painting is a little comforting.

 Yesterday, we continued to deal with the “difficult” case that we have been working on since the day before yesterday. The situation continues to be unpredictable. This is a case of dealing with a national administrative organization. The current structure of the organization is the result of the experience of various institutional transitions, but it also makes me realize the reality of the stove-piping between ministries and agencies.
 On the other hand, in the case of dealing with the private sector, I received the news that the final decision of the president of a “big company” had been made. Oh, yes, that's great. I am grateful to have been informed that we must never give up on anything and continue to face the situation without hesitation. I am grateful to everyone who helped me.
 I have a daily business life like this, but I can't make an announcement in the middle stage unless everything is finished, and in the end, it won't be finished, so I can't use it as a daily blog theme.
 So, the theme was evacuated. The photo is of Yamato Shrine, a quiet shrine that I first discovered and visited when I went to Kofukuji Temple in Nara this year to take refuge in the Asuka area due to the unusually high concentration of foreign passengers and large crowds after the depreciation of the yen and the Corona. This is a part of a picture of a flying dragon displayed in the hall of worship there.
 Yamato-e” is a traditional painting technique used at shrines. It is a traditional painting technique, and this kind of technique is probably the base of modern Japanese paintings such as Sumio Goto's. The accompanying notes were not seen in the painting. Since there were no accompanying inscriptions, so to speak, this is a framed painting without a name.
 The social custom of “donation” of framed pictures like this must have existed in Japanese society for quite some time. The “eight million” local deities were basically handed down from generation to generation and enshrined in shrines, and the successful people of the region gave them as an offering to these local deities as a token of their gratitude. For these “artists,” such an opportunity was a valuable business opportunity, and they left behind such works.
 This is probably similar to the Western society of donating a painting of the Virgin Mary to a Christian church, but in the case of Japan, this type of painting of flying dragons is a “formulation” of such an occasion. Perhaps the lively flying dragons were generally chosen as subjects to express the vigor and power of the individual or family who donated the money.
 I always visit the exhibition with this in mind. The raw power game in this world is now being played out, and the reality that the media is clearly a part of the power structure is also laid bare. In contrast to such scenes, historical events that are somewhat removed from the mundane world have an air of mystery and healing. Is there such a “filtering device” built into Japanese history?


2024-08-22 05:50:43 | 日記



English version⬇

8/21 Lowest temperature 18.7 degrees Celsius. Finally, “frost” on cars.
Finally, a hint of autumn in Hokkaido. There is a gap between IT and the evolution of the Japanese language, as well as incompatibility between organizational society and computerized consistency. ...

 When I got into my car yesterday morning to go for a walk around Hokkaido Jingu Shrine, the windshield was “frosted” as you can see in the photo. 18-9 degrees Celsius was the temperature, but the temperature difference between inside and outside of the car must have caused this frosting, even if only slightly.
 I have been informed that the record of consecutive extremely hot days has exceeded one month in areas south of Honshu, especially in the northern Kyushu region, which I have recently established a connection with, but in Hokkaido, the mornings and evenings are definitely cooling down. I pray that with a little more patience, we will be free from the extreme heat.
 As expected of Hokkaido people, we have been somewhat discouraged by the heat this year, but the season is certainly changing in this way.
 Yesterday, I spent the whole day on the phone with a number of people regarding pending matters. This is also a work-related matter, so I would rather not write about the details, but even so, I was made aware of the adverse effects of IT and the use of manuals. To put it another way, it seems that Japanese terminological judgment itself is going bankrupt in this area. As a result of various “notes” and “annotations” attached to a certain concept, it has become an ambiguous expression that cannot be used in ordinary Japanese.
 In other words, it has become an expression that “can be interpreted in any way” and seems to have diverged more and more from common sense. The caller and I had come to a common understanding that we needed to tidy up in this area at the end.
 Still, it is a relief to know that you are working on this project with sincerity.
 The evolution of modern society and the Japanese language, the Kiki period, the Meiji period when “great writers” were produced, and many other movements of Japanese language evolution have been experienced in Japanese history, but it seems to me that more precise movements of evolution are needed in the IT age. It is true that computers have been culturally created by language. Information is definitely a big bang. In order for it to evolve in a consistent manner, the language that handles it must also be revolutionized. We must not make the mistake of allowing the depth of communication to become blocked.

 In such times, the way to recover from the stress of the situation is to see the natural behavior and expressions of nature's creatures. This is exactly what I do to “distract myself,” as I always do when I am bird watching. In the movements of animals that do not speak, we can see a condensed image of nature, without any waste or unreasonableness. I would like to avoid excessive involvement while taking their worlds into consideration, so that we can enjoy natural interaction with them as fellow creatures.