

【事業規模500億円の自然改造 淡路夢舞台-3】

2023-02-28 06:17:56 | 日記

 「淡路夢舞台」建設概要〜建築主:兵庫県・(株)夢舞台<第3セクター>〜設計期間:1993/4-1994/12(震災前)1995/10-1996/12(震災後) 工事期間:1997.07-1999.12 2003.3オープン 敷地面積:213,930㎡ 延べ床面積:95,078㎡ 設計:建築/安藤忠雄建築研究所 施工/(株)竹中組、清水建設(株)など11社JV。〜以上、淡路夢舞台・趣意書より。


English version⬇

Awaji Yumebutai: A 50 billion yen natural remodeling project
The total construction cost and the size of the space are truly big. The boundary between architecture and landscape/environment seems blurred. It has the feel of Tadao Ando's "Labyrinth" world (laughs). Laughs.

 The total construction cost of the Awaji Yumebutai is said to range from 43.9 billion yen to about 50 billion yen. The total project cost of the "Kansai New Airport," a national-scale investment that became the starting factor for the project, was approximately 3 trillion yen. Considering the size of the cost, it would be a macroscopic figure that the cost of restoring environmental destruction was about 1.67% of the cost of the newly created public infrastructure.
 On the other hand, the total "construction investment" of the Japanese government and private sector in 1999, when the construction was underway, was 68.5 trillion yen. Japan's GDP in the same year was approximately 510 trillion yen. The construction investment in FY2023 is expected to be about 70 trillion yen. The economic scale of the construction industry is roughly in this range.
 This is a rough measure to grasp the "economic value" of the Awaji Yumebutai.
 Awaji Yumebutai construction outline - Architect: Hyogo Prefecture, Yumebutai Corporation (third sector) - Design Period: 1993/4-1994/12 (before the earthquake) 1995/10-1996/12 (after the earthquake) Construction Period: 1997.07-1999.12 Opened March 2003 Site Area: 213,930m2 Total Floor Area: 95 Design: Construction: Takenaka Corporation, Shimizu Corporation, and 11 other companies (JV).

  The term "urban guerrilla" is well known as an expression of the design philosophy of the architect Tadao Ando, who was the "general designer" of these national projects. The following words are said to be his own words.
 We are not an "army" consisting of a single commander and soldiers who follow his orders. We are a group of guerrillas, individuals with common ideals, convictions, and duties, who live their lives at their own peril.
 I have visited many of Tadao Ando's works, from the small house "Sumiyoshi no nagaya" and the Ryotaro Shiba Memorial Museum to the Chichu Art Museum on Naoshima, but in terms of grand scale, this Awaji Yumebutai is truly a masterpiece.
 While I normally live in a house the size of my imagination, this scale is far beyond what I expected (laughs). It is almost like designing a "landscape" of the entire topography.

【自然の廃墟を建築的想像力「リフォーム」 淡路夢舞台-2】

2023-02-27 05:25:33 | 日記



English version⬇

Can Human Society Restore the Lost Nature? Awaji Yumebutai-2]
A large-scale international airport is absolute social capital for the development of the Kansai economy. Awaji Island "cut itself down" by land reclamation and gave birth to the Kansai International Airport. ...

In 1994, the new Kansai Airport was positioned as a fundamental public works project for human exchange and economic revitalization, an indispensable element of the economic recovery of the Kansai region. It is clear from the economic perspective that the port of Sakai in the Middle Ages played a central role in Japan's social transformation. The most economically rational way to transport the earth, sand, and stones necessary for this was to use marine transportation to supply them from the islands of the Seto Inland Sea region.
 It can be said that 30 years ago, the Awaji Island accepted this situation as a whole region, and it was the island of Awaji that gave birth to the Kansai International Airport at the expense of its own people. The photo shows a conceptual plan for natural restoration and the situation of the site at the time of the destruction. In similar situations, the site has been left almost untouched. For example, in the urban development of Sapporo, lumber was quarried from "Ishikiriyama" in the southern part of the city. It is obvious that there is a trade-off between economic convenience and destruction of nature.
 However, in the 1990s, Japan and Kansai dealt with the natural environment of Awaji Island, which had to be devastated, with the intention of restoring the environment. Although they made such a decision, however, the restoration of the natural environment was something that human society had little experience with. In the development-oriented history of Japan since the modern era, there has been very little development that has addressed the restoration of the natural environment. The neglect of Ishikiriyama in Sapporo was a common occurrence.

Among these, there is a park full of flowers and greenery called "Putchart Gardens" in Victoria, near Vancouver, Canada. The site used to be a limestone quarry for a cement factory. The owner, Mr. and Mrs. Putchart, began to plant trees and plants by themselves, and it is said that the main part of the present garden was created in the mid-20th century.
 In the aftermath of the bubble economy, a private golf course resort project was proposed at one time on the Awaji Yumebutai site, but the national government and Hyogo Prefecture took the lead in developing a "dream stage" to restore the lost natural environment, based on this Putchart Garden. It can be said that the imagination was focused on civil-architectural remodeling. Tadao Ando, the architect of the project, was responsible for the overall plan.

【関空建設での自然破壊からの環境再生 「淡路夢舞台」-1】

2023-02-26 05:37:50 | 日記




English version⬇

Awaji Yumebutai: Environmental Restoration from Destruction of Nature by Kansai International Airport Construction - 1
Osaka Castle stone walls were mined in large quantities from islands in the Seto Inland Sea. The modern KIX also destroyed nature, including Awaji Island. This is a report on the restoration of the Yumebutai. The reportage of "Yumebutai", its restoration.

 Today we begin a series on Awaji Yumebutai, Awaji Island in the Kansai region. Awaji Yumebutai is a complex designed by architect Tadao Ando for the purpose of environmental restoration from the destruction of nature by revitalizing a former landfill site for the construction of Kansai Airport. It is said to be one of Mr. Ando's masterpieces of architectural space.
 I happened to stay at the Grand Nikko Awaji, a hotel in Awaji Yumebutai. I have come in contact with many Ando architects in the Kansai region, and I have a good impression of him as a designer of architectural space. However, due to my distance from the Kansai region, I did not have much prior knowledge of the Awaji Yumebutai. I saw the information posted in the circulation room from the hotel, and saw Mr. Ando's conceptual sketches. However, I did not have time to take the time to carefully organize the information, and this time I finally sorted through the photos and information to reconstruct the entire picture. Although I experienced the event many laps behind the rest of the world, I would like to summarize my experience, including the atmosphere of the event. I thought it would be best for a blog series based on my own experience, including what I felt and what I dug into. I would like to start by delving into the topographical situation and history of Awaji Yumebutai.

 This Awaji Yumebutai is the geographic location (marked in red) on the GoogleMap map above. Kansai Airport opened in 1994 as a measure to revitalize the economy of the Kansai region as a whole. I often use the airport to go to the Kansai region. The airport is located in a very important position as the gateway to the Kansai region from the rest of the world. Naturally, the construction of this offshore airport requires a large amount of earth and sand for land reclamation. Whenever such large-scale development projects are undertaken in the Kansai region, resources are requisitioned from islands in the Seto Inland Sea area, a practice that has continued throughout history. Marine transportation is the most cost-effective way to transport earth, sand, and rocks. The stone walls of Osaka Castle were built using rocks from the islands of the Seto Inland Sea. Similar activities were actively carried out in 1994, when a large amount of earth and sand was mined and used from the Yumebutai area on the east coast of Awaji Island.

As a result, the scenic east coast of Awaji Island was severely destroyed. In this blog series, we report on the process and situation of how to restore the destroyed site.
<The following is a report on the process and situation.>

【少年信長「陣取り」勝利の戦略眼 戦後こども文化-6】

2023-02-25 06:00:56 | 日記



English version⬇

The DNA of Children's Games: Postwar Children's Culture-6
A boy named Nobunaga was absorbed in the game of "jin-tori" in the town of Kiyosu and various places in his domain during the Okehazama period. The past and the present are concentrated in the play area of a child's brain. ...

 The DNA of children's play can be traced back considerably into ethnic history. There is evidence of this in the mid-Edo period, as evidenced by a study of menco.
 Thinking about this, I became curious about "S-jintori," a game that I was crazy about in my childhood. I found that the children's game of "jin-tori" has existed as an unchanging folk custom since ancient times. Although many menco screens depicted "warlords," when I imagine what kind of children's games Oda Nobunaga, who is said to have loved playing in the streets of Kiyosu, Owari, as a boy, played from the middle of the Edo period to even earlier, "jintori" comes to the forefront of my mind.
 When I was a child, the game was to draw an S-shaped camp on the ground, then divide into two teams and attack the enemy camp with one foot on the ground and the other foot on the ground. There was an "heirloom" corner at the back of the camp, and if you stepped on it, you won. When you entered the camp, you could move with both feet on the ground, but while moving, you had to keep one foot on the ground. So, if you met an enemy while moving, both of you would wrestle each other with one foot on the ground. If both feet landed on the ground, you lost. There were rest areas along the way where peace was maintained between friend and foe.

The Japanese people seem to have handed down this war game from generation to generation. I am sure that such a war game was played even in Nobunaga's time. If there were, Nobunaga must have been very curious and thought of all kinds of winning formulas. Many of his vassals had been playing such games since their childhood. In fact, Toshiie Maeda is said to be such a personage. In his childhood, he exercised his mind by playing virtual war games every day. It is natural to think that Maeda Toshiie was making his strategy more sophisticated with an eagle eye.
 If he could get into a narrow defile, he could take advantage of the terrain to win even against a large army. If he had been out here and there every day, knowing the terrain thoroughly and developing his strategic game intuition, he might have been able to win the battle of Okehazama....
 Apparently, the psychological sharing with historical figures increases from the research excavation of children's games.

【子ども向け「雑誌メディア」への文化集約 戦後こども文化-5】

2023-02-24 07:06:45 | 日記



English version⬇

Cultural Consolidation into "Magazine Media" for Children: Postwar Children's Culture-5
Children's culture became a medium of manga magazines in postwar society. The dramatization and supplement culture sublimated the picture-story show and menko culture. The...

 Now, I have been digging into the transition of children's culture from the "Shitamachi Fuzoku Shiryokan" exhibition in Ueno, Tokyo. When I trace back to my personal physical experience of "picture story shows" and "patches (menko)," I cannot help but feel that the "unchanging" aspects of children's culture come to the fore.
 In particular, when we are shown evidence that the origin of menko can be traced back to the Edo period (1603-1868), we can strongly sympathize with the children of the Edo period in terms of their "sensitivity" to human nature. However, they realize that this naturalness only shows different expressions depending on the time period.
 The fundamental "cultural nature" of such childhood experiences became media for us, the postwar generation, in the form of children's magazines (manga magazines). In the exhibition materials, magazines for boys and girls like the one shown in the photo were displayed. I have no memory of these magazines, and I think they must have been read by children before my generation.
 I am not sure if this was a common choice among my brothers and sisters, but I was completely absorbed in a magazine called "Shonen Gaho" (laugh).

  Basically, I was overwhelmingly absorbed in "story manga" derived from picture story shows. It is a strange thing, but when I was attracted to this particular media, I felt as if I was "looking at the world from that world.
 One day, however, "Magma Ambassador" appeared in the magazine. At that time, I was already "devoted to the light of the eye," and I had come to care about the business negotiations and relationship between the publisher and the great author, Tezuka Osamu. I was even concerned about the business negotiations and relationship between the publishing company and the great author Osamu Tezuka. (laugh). I think I was bound by a kind of partisan system or position that was unknowingly influenced by certain media.
 Perhaps this accounts for the internal motivation that led me to live on the periphery of the business of publishing=media.