

【天沼矛神話の「沼島」上立神岩 おのころ島神社探訪-2】

2023-04-30 06:02:00 | 日記


English version⬇

Onokoro-jima Shrine Exploration-2: "Nushima" of Amanuma-phoko Mythology
The legend of "Numashima," where the drops of water that fell after being stirred up by the sacred Nuboko (bog spear) hardened. The depth of the wisdom of our ancestors that shows the symbolic point of the reason of the nature of the land. ・・・・・.

The Onokoroshima Shrine is located on a hill in Shimohata, Enokorozu, Minami-Awaji City, Hyogo Prefecture. According to the history of the shrine, it is located on "a hill said to be the sacred land of Izanagi-Izanami-no-Mikoto in the ancient Mihara Inlet. However
 〜According to the mythology of the Kojiki and Nihonshoki, the so-called "Chronicle of the Chronicles of Japan," the gods of heaven gave the sacred Nuboko to Izanagi and Izanami and commanded them to create a new country. The two deities first stood on the floating bridge of heaven and stirred up the chaotic world with the spear they had been given. The drops that fell from the tip of the spear, which rumbled and pulled up the tide, hardened and became an island. This is the island of Onokoro. On this island, the two deities Izanagi and Izanami descended and, in conjugal union, built the sacred pillars and palaces and created the land. Onokoro Island, the setting of the ceremony, is said to be "Nushima. It is said that the heavenly pillar around which the two Izanagi-Izanami-Izanami deities made their conjugal bond was the Kamitachi-kami Rock. 〜The rock is said to be a pillar of heaven where the two gods Izanagi and Izanami made a circle around it and made a conjugal vow.
 On NHK's Bratamori, Tamori expressed his impression that he was strongly impressed by this Nushima theory. Furthermore
 〜˜Numa Island is only 4 km away from the main island of Awaji Island, but it is on a major fault line of the Japan Central Tectonic Line and is made of crystalline schist that is completely different from the main island. The area surrounding Nushima, which faces the Kii Channel and Osaka Bay, is full of oddly shaped rocks and reefs and offers a rich natural landscape. The southwestern half of the island is covered with black senbaite, the northeastern half with green schist, and the northern part with green mud schist. Kami Tachigami Iwa is an oddly shaped rock that well represents the geological features of Nushima. 30 meters high, it is affectionately called "Tachigami-san" by the people as the symbol of the island. <The above quote is from Kiiwa Hyakkei Plus: https://www.web-gis.jp/GS_Kigan100/K100-093/Kigan100_093pc.html
 Since this is a myth and a legend about the boundary between the heavenly world and this world, it is impossible for ordinary people to be certain (laugh). However, I am sure that many of the archipelago's predecessors, through their exploration and observation of the archipelago's climate, would have seen that there were some "definite striations" in this land. It is natural to assume that the geographical sense of the land along the Median Tectonic Line and the sunrise and sunset of the sun was the basis of the "scientific knowledge" of the time.
 It is possible to interpret this scientific knowledge in the form of myths and traditions as a way of making it easily understood by the people. Such wisdom seems to have been entrusted in the myth of the birth of the nation. It seems to me that it would be an honest attitude to talk with the "great wisdom" of our ancestors in an unaffected manner.


2023-04-29 06:11:02 | 日記


English version⬇

Onokoro-jima" Shrine of the Myth of the Birth of the Nation -1
The myth of the birth of the nation in the Japanese archipelago describes a Sekirei, and the two deities Izanagi and Izanami followed its example. This is said to be the original form of the 339th degree. Oh. ...

Having made housing his life's work, he naturally comes up against the obvious reality of "living in this country. To live in this country inevitably means to "settle down," and it is inevitable to think about the place and space in which one lives. Naturally, we must explore natural conditions such as climate and climate change, and consider the best solution to cope with them. It is quite natural.
 This naturally leads to the consideration of human activities as a cultural aspect as well as natural conditions. The question is, "What kind of life philosophy does a person who thinks of a residential space that responds to such and such natural conditions have? This is the point.
 If you visit a house, you will find that a large percentage of them have a "kamidana" (Shinto altar) in the house. As people living in the Japanese archipelago, the belief in shrines is deeply rooted in our simple beliefs. Recently, I visited Onokoro Shrine in Minami-Awaji City, Hyogo Prefecture, which seems to be one of the roots of this shrine belief. I had experienced the shrine while overlaying information from a previously broadcast "Bratamori" on my visit.
 The place called Onokoro or Onogoro is named as the first island created in the myth of "Kuninosumi" by Izanagi and Izanami, a couple of gods. The tradition says that Awaji Island was first created from there, and eventually the Oyasu Islands were formed. It is a fitting place for the last stop on this New Year's Day trip for a married couple.
  The legend explains that the wagtails' appearance is the prototype of the sansan-kudo gesture used in Shinto weddings. I had no idea (laughs).
 A red and white rope is hung on the Minoekagari stone, and a male-female pair, or a single person seeking to meet someone, makes a wish according to the ritual. It is quite a convincing religious device.
 Japanese mythology is one of the most unique and romantic myths in the world, but even in this kind of life-determining situation, such a cartoonish code of conduct can be found. It is true that the up-and-down movement of the neck is a characteristic gesture of wagtails. It is wonderful that such observation of nature is imaginatively incorporated into the mythology of the roots of the story. The fact that the gods Izanagi and Izanami are also obedient and obedient to the laws of nature seems to be connected to something in the Japanese psyche.
 As Japan began its diplomatic activities as an independent nation-state in East Asia, it is likely that it began to examine its own culture in depth. Although they encountered Western civilization later on, they were not so particular about accepting it because they had this concept of harmony with nature in their primitive age. It is wonderful to learn from the Sekirei.


2023-04-28 06:01:20 | 日記



English version⬇

Atmosphere is essential to the "umami" of soba.
In the human brain, the region that perceives taste and the region that perceives space are very close to each other, or perhaps they are the same region. Soba and private houses are similar in sensory perception. Soba and minka, the Japanese traditional Japanese house.

I am working on improving my diet, but I still cannot eat only at home. If we travel, we will inevitably have more opportunities to eat out. With such a tendency, the countermeasure is to eat buckwheat.
 The photo shows a soba restaurant we entered in Kuromatsunai Town on our way back from Hakodate. It was a "hole-in-the-wall" type restaurant that my wife's web search turned up. The roadside station in Kuromatsunai was well known for its delicious bread, and about 100 meters away from the station was a restaurant called "Soba Restaurant Konohana," which was opened by the owner who moved from Sapporo.
 When I went there at lunchtime, I was told that the wait would be 30 minutes, but I decided to wait as long as I could kill some time at the roadside station. Then I bumped into Mr. Fujishiro, the president of "Snowman's House" at the roadside station. We had a nice chat with him. So we entered the restaurant without much trouble.
 Both of us chose the "Pork Shabu Soba" as our entrée. This pork shabu-soba had a lot of "bean sprouts" in it. My wife thought it was a little too much, but I was very happy to eat it, because I have an image that sprouts, which are rich in dietary fiber, are well-balanced with carbohydrate meals. I took my time, about 20 minutes (laugh).
 And I was hungry, so I didn't notice much at first, but the interesting atmosphere of the restaurant gradually got my attention. People are cash animals, and it is only when their stomachs are full that they start to pay attention to their surroundings.
 The restaurant is a remodeling of a used house that the owner bought when he immigrated to Japan. A very impressive floor pillar stands there. The deformation caused by aging, perhaps with the addition of paint, gives it a unique flavor. I would like to be thanked for this. We were the last customers at lunchtime, so the soba-yu (buckwheat noodle soup) was thick and rich, but the container was also shaped like natural wood.

This photo is an interior view of an old private house in the Kanto region, which is completely unrelated to this project, but my attraction to old private houses has something in common with this kind of soba-mokuzoku.
 In fact, it seems to me that the people who serve soba food also have a strong sensitivity to the interior design of their living space. I believe that interior design is already an important part of the taste of soba food. I am sure that the original taste of soba has a sensitivity to delicate flavors, and that such a sensitive person may also have spatial perception as a similar area of the brain.
 In a rural town in Yamagata, I was guided to a "country farmhouse" by a local at lunchtime, an old farmhouse without even a signboard, where I savored my meal by the hearth. It seems to me that the taste and the space were a whole new combination in the hospitality of the guests. This is an interesting part of the creation of living space.


2023-04-27 06:05:13 | 日記


English version⬇

Medicine and food are one and the same: Healthy longevity begins with improved diet.
I followed the "dietary guidance" I received at the hospital and challenged myself to fundamentally change my long-standing eating habits. It has been two weeks since I started fighting. I am beginning to see the results of this change in my mindset. Let's do it. I'm going to do it.

Recently, around half a month ago, I had the opportunity to receive dietary guidance and decided to follow it to the letter and reevaluate my diet. I have been trying to eat a small amount of various kinds of food with the tableware as you can see. Incidentally, this tableware is one that my wife had stocked up on before, and it is perfect for this kind of eating habit. Thank you very much.
Oh, I don't mean that the omelette is just for the sake of it (laughs). There is a shortage of eggs in supermarkets right now.
 I used to make a lot of my favorite side dishes and eat them with a big bowl of rice...but now I eat less rice than a fistful and a small amount of a variety of vegetables as side dishes. When I bring rice to my mouth, I try to keep about 20 grains of rice in a bite size. This is about half of a regular bowl of rice.
 You tended to cook with a lot of your favorite side dishes, which are vegetables of various varieties. Well, I guess it is a masculine way of cooking. This is a big change from such "multi-product" cooking. The food habit was changed to one in which the "umami" of each ingredient is savored carefully and carefully.
 I now aim to spend at least 20 minutes eating the same amount of food as shown in this picture. I realize now that the most important factor in my eating habits is the amount of time I spend eating. When we eat slowly, we inevitably pay more attention to each individual ingredient.
 The most surprising thing about changing the ingredients in this way is the vividness of the umami of each ingredient. For example, we eat sweet potatoes that have been heated and humidified as they are, but they have a surprisingly rich flavor. I feel a nostalgic feeling like when I first tasted them.
 It is an encounter with the sense of the ingredients themselves, which I had hardly noticed in my multi-cuisine diet. It is a reminder that we have been living with a time-saving value system. Perhaps people today share the same sense of value as I did in the past. When you change the way you time your meals, you also start to pay attention to how fast other people are eating.
 I don't get on the scale much now, but I did see a weight loss of about 3 kg in about 4-5 days after changing my eating style. The doctor told me, "You will drop about 3 kg right away. But then the DNA instinct to conserve nutrients kicks in and the equilibrium state continues. Therefore, I would like to focus on improving my eating habits without being preoccupied with my weight.


2023-04-26 06:14:31 | 日記


English version⬇

A cherry blossom viewing trip to Matsumae, Hokkaido
The cherry blossom viewing spots in Hokkaido are usually characterized by a "huge sea of cherry blossoms," but in southern Hokkaido, such as Matsumae, there is a historical atmosphere as well. However, in southern Hokkaido, such as Matsumae, there is also a sense of history.

After being completely immersed in the sea of sakura in Goryokaku Park, we took the long drive again to Matsumae, a distance of about 100 km each way. After walking around on the earthen mounds of Goryokaku, my wife, who had walked far more than her usual number of steps, said weakly, "Let's just see the blood-red cherry blossoms" (laugh).
 Recently, she has been making a lot of efforts to improve her diet by cooking. On this trip, she also brought her own lunch box and ate breakfast and lunch on Saturday. The menu is all homemade dishes centered on vegetables that take a lot of effort. Because of this, she is more fatigued from housework than usual. In order to avoid eating out and eating at convenience stores, we stopped at a place with a nice view and had a packed lunch in the car. Long-distance car trips can be tiring even when sleeping, so we decided to moderate our walking in Matsumae.
 Still, we were able to see only the blood-vein cherry trees at the Matsumae Kozenji Temple. At 300 years old, this is the oldest cherry tree in Hokkaido. It is the seedling of a cherry tree that a merchant's daughter from Matsumae traveled to Yoshino, Nara, and received in the area. The variety of cherry trees in Matsumae is so diverse that it is hard to believe that it is in Hokkaido. Among them, the "Nanden" variety is the most popular, but the parent tree of this tree is a "kosei-zakura" (cherry tree of blood). The sea of cherry trees in Goryokaku has the openness of Hokkaido, but Matsumae, located at the southernmost tip of Hokkaido, has a unique historical background. You can never be too careful.
 The photo below is of Ishizaki Jishu Kaijinsha, a hidden cherry blossom spot in southern Hokkaido. It is a place recommended by my wife, but I had not yet seen it in bloom since the blooming time is delayed from Goryokaku and other places. The second photo is from Hakodate City's tourist information website. The approach to the shrine, which is located on a hill, stretches straight up to the Tsugaru Strait, and a tunnel of cherry blossoms covers the approach.
 I would like to see them in full bloom again in the next year or so to ensure my health and longevity.
 The name of the shrine is unusual, but the origin of the name is "Ishizaki area in Kameda County is the oldest in the main road, and is the place with the history that Japanese people came to the sea and established themselves in the Kamakura period (1185-1333). In 1908, the Otsuki family, the founders of the shrine, came to this area from their hometown of Sendai to worship Sarutahiko and Amaterasu, who had been worshipped since the Kaei era, and built a shrine there. Later, to pray for good catches in the coastal fishing industry, he enshrined the deity Kaizumi-ohmikami. This shrine also conveys the activities of the people since the pioneer settlement.