

【わたしの健康方 さらばゴルフ・散歩中心に】

2022-09-19 05:48:57 | 日記




English version⬇

Farewell to my health, mainly golf and walking.
Since the spread of infectious diseases, is there a growing tendency toward rejection of the relationship-dependent type of relationship with others? Is the ease of not having to bother anyone becoming a top priority? ...

I used to enjoy golf and other activities.
But since the spread of infectious diseases, I have been living a restrained life.
I am no longer willing to go golfing.
I have had many opportunities to socialize with people in the business world before that.
For example, I have been involved in business associations and industry associations, but my inhibitions have been extremely strong and I have not been able to go to any of the bank competitions for almost three years.
For example, I have not been able to participate in bank competitions for almost three years.
Many of my friends are retired from work, and the dates they invite me to their events are almost exclusively weekdays.
This is why I have become less and less interested in golf.
With golf and other activities, the relationship with other people, as I mentioned above, is so large that the original purpose of maintaining one's own health is different.
I have to take the place of others to maintain my health.
Instead, I have turned to walking, which I can do without bothering others, as a way to maintain my health.
I used to set a goal of 10,000 steps a day, but as I got older, people would say to me, "That's too much walking.
My wife's advice was, "That's too much walking.
So I have been trying to keep the number of steps I take to a more moderate level.

As a Hokkaido native, I tend to shorten the distance of my walks in winter.
Well, I do walk a fair amount, but when there is a snowstorm or something like that, it is inevitable that the distance becomes shorter.
I walk a certain amount, but when there is a snowstorm, it is inevitable that the distance is shortened.
Then, in the summer, I want to make the distance a little longer.
Yesterday was the day before Respect-for-Senior-Citizens Day.
I was walking around, not using the car as much as possible.
I've been following my wife's orders pretty much to the letter, but I've been feeling a bit sluggish the past few days.
I've been enjoying the past few days in great shape.
Thanks to her, I am in excellent physical condition, and I am still able to increase the number of steps I take.
I can still increase the number of steps I take, but it is comfortable because I don't have the mental damage of golf (laugh).
I have to reduce the number of steps I take on weekdays, so I am taking advantage of this precious day off to get plenty of exercise.
I want to take this precious day off to stretch my legs as much as I want and as much as I feel like it.
I would like to stretch my legs here and there.

...The problem of the external SSD for the photo data, I have a meeting with a data rescue specialist.
We are meeting with a professional data rescue company to discuss the issue of external SSDs for photo data, and we expect to reach a decision by the middle of next week.
They have helped us in the past with another staff member's problem.
We are hoping that we will be able to manage the situation.
I think we should take this experience as an opportunity to seriously consider the use of cloud computing, which we have been somewhat negative about in the past.
I think we should seriously consider using cloud computing, which we have been somewhat negative about in the past.
I am keenly aware that the danger is inevitable not only with HDDs but also with SSDs.
I'd like to get back to decent housing coverage photos and topics as soon as possible, but I'm a patient child.
I am a child of patience. Please visit 〜〜〜〜.