そのさきへ -Deep Sky Blue version-


5月22日(火)のつぶやき その3

2012-05-23 03:21:38 | 中島早貴(なっきぃ)&℃-ute
21:25 from HootSuite

21:50 from Tweet Button
Twitter hands your data to the highest bidder, but not to you theglobeandmail.com/news/technolog… via @globeandmail

21:53 from Tweet Button
Stanton's grand slam atmlb.com/K6o8Kj via @MLB

22:15 from HootSuite
RT @345480: #私とメールしたり電話したり本名で呼び合うくらい仲良くなりたいって方いませんか

22:18 from Facebook
Red Sox's Ortiz rants, says 'no respect' for him fb.me/1Pavvor5A

22:18 from Tweet Button
#RedSox Ortiz rants, says 'no respect' for him espn.go.com/boston/mlb/sto…

22:29 from HootSuite (Re: @345480
@345480 でもオレみたいなおじさんと仲良くなってもって思ってるでしょ?w

22:35 from HootSuite (Re: @345480
@345480 よかった!!ありがとう!!

22:50 from TweetCaster for iOS

23:01 from GetGlue.com
I'm watching 30 Rock (43 others checked-in) bit.ly/HsMk4Q @GetGlue @nbc30rock

by ilovenacky on Twitter
