そのさきへ -Deep Sky Blue version-


5月19日(土)のつぶやき その2

2012-05-20 02:58:53 | 中島早貴(なっきぃ)&℃-ute
09:40 from TweetCaster for iOS (Re: @345480
@345480 おは!

09:42 from TweetCaster for iOS
#Tigers RT @MLB: NO-HITTER ALERT: Justin Verlander has not allowed a hit through 6 against the #Pirates: atmlb.com/Mtn8BS

09:44 RT from TweetCaster for iOS  [ 285 RT ]
Michael Vick is getting married (congrats @MikeVIck!): nfl.com/news/story/090…

10:12 from TweetCaster for iOS
Aoki appears to get used to major #brewers

10:13 from TweetCaster for iOS  [ 1 RT ]
Will do IT! RT @NBCSports: Justin Verlander strikes out side in 8th inning -- 3 outs away from 3rd career no-hitter. bit.ly/KxyDDJ

10:17 from TweetCaster for iOS
What happened twice could happen again. What Verlander did twice could happen tonight #Tigers

10:24 from TweetCaster for iOS
Verlander is going to mound to achieve 3rd no hitter #Tigers

10:27 from HootSuite
Two out to achieve no-no #tigers

10:30 from HootSuite  [ 1 RT ]
RT @cbssports: Update: Justin Verlander’s no-hit bid broken up with one out in the ninth inning- cbsprt.co/DETPIT0518

10:31 from HootSuite
I agree! RT @joba_62: 8.1 no hit ball still impressive by @JustinVerlander. #funtowatch

10:40 from HootSuite
#tigers RT @jeffpassan: This is Justin Verlander's first one-hitter.

10:41 from HootSuite
He will be chagrined at only one pitch. But no one can excite us other than Justin Verlander. #tigers

10:50 RT from TweetCaster for iOS  [ 93 RT ]
VERLANDER'S NO-HIT BID PIRATED IN THE 9TH. TIGERS WIN 6-0 (@ballardpj): atmlb.com/Kmvtkm
Detroit Tigersさんのツイート

12:35 from foursquare
I'm at 立会川緑道 寺前橋 4sq.com/Jdyo4d

12:37 from foursquare
I'm at 田向公園 4sq.com/KLALum

12:44 from foursquare
I'm at 三菱東京UFJ銀行 学芸大学前支店 (目黒区, 東京都) 4sq.com/JqyHTX

14:21 from foursquare
I'm at 学芸大学駅 (TY05) (目黒区, 東京都) w/ 2 others 4sq.com/KLVjmt

14:34 from foursquare
I'm at 碑文谷公園 (目黒区, 東京都) w/ 2 others 4sq.com/JZcfpB

14:42 from foursquare
I'm at 駒沢オリンピック公園 (世田谷区, 東京都) 4sq.com/JUONIk

15:00 from foursquare
I'm at オーケー 新用賀ディスカウント・センター (世田谷区, 東京都) 4sq.com/JqPCWF

15:22 from foursquare
I'm at Starbucks Coffee 用賀店 (世田谷区, 東京都) 4sq.com/JXM9SZ

15:25 from Path 2.0
コロッケ付きカレーそばらしい。試しに買ってみた [pic] ? path.com/p/3gBhqQ

15:25 from Path 2.0
ソイやソイや! [pic] ? path.com/p/20Ptpl

17:01 RT from TweetCaster for iOS  [ 303 RT ]
Explosion at a school in Italian city of Brindisi kills one student and injures at least five. Details soon bbc.in/J8Lmgj
BBC Breaking Newsさんのツイート

19:05 from TweetCaster for iOS

by ilovenacky on Twitter
